1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session april 8 1969" AND stemmed:leav)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Now, if I did not know your potentials, then I would not bother you. If all of you did not have abilities that you were not using, I would leave you alone. For to needle you would be cruel and I am not cruel. But I needle you in a righteous cause, and each of you knows it well. The search upon which you have all embarked can only be begun from the center of your own reality. This is what you have to work with. And you have more to work with than you realize. Demand more of yourself- not less. Your (to Rose) information was quite legitimate (this referred to a letter Rose received from England).
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
Now, to prove to you that I am a good and hearty fellow and that I do not always wear a long disastrous face with a chin upon the floor, I will leave you and let you partake of your social discourse. And if you can be merry after this, then all the more power to you. And if you had more of a feeling of joy, you would look inward more easily and if you approached it as a child again, you would find some freedom.
[... 22 paragraphs ...]
Now, since it is nearly midnight I will leave you—before I turn into a pumpkin! But to a very real extent, you are all sleepwalkers—for you are far more awake and far more alert in many of your sleep states than you are now. And use many of your abilities to much greater advantage then for there is a much higher state of wakefulness that you do not realize—and yet you know it well. There are states of perception with which you are intuitively aware but that escape you in the light of day.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]