1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session april 8 1969" AND stemmed:energi)
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
Now, there is a tower of strength—but it is not outside yourself, but within yourself. And may I ask you (Brad) in all seriousness, dear friend, who—who do you think you are to refuse to use the strength which has been given to you. And why do you believe that the energy of the universe which flows through frog and tree—does not flow also through your own being—or to refuse to use this tremendous energy because you feel you are unworthy. Is a stone unworthy? For the sun falls upon the stone, and the stone does not say, “Lo and behold, I am a simple stone and not worthy for the sun to fall upon me.” And a flower does not say, “Lo and behold, I am one small flower. In a million universes, who am I that I should grow and develop?” It uses its abilities spontaneously and with joy. Then also, use your own, and accept the energy and strength that is available to you. One flower cannot ask another flower for the sunshine—for the other flower cannot give it. But the sun is there and it shines upon all flowers. Therefore, do not look to another for help—for the help is there and available for you to use. Avail yourself of it.
[... 18 paragraphs ...]
The reason and the origin and the joy of your existence is within you all. And if you let it speak, then indeed it can speak within you in a voice as loud and joyous as any I dare use within the confines of this room. My voice is turned up to show you once again that vitality and your search is not sorrowful and is not for repentance, but is a joyful—and ambitious—and lively thing—and that the energy within you flies through your own being as the birds fly though the sky. And indeed, even as my voice reverberates against the ceiling, be thankful that it does not bounce and fall down and break into rocks upon the floor.
There is always a reason whether I whisper or whether I shout. Energy can be transformed into many patterns and used in many ways. And the energy that can indeed sweep through this smaller plane can be used for many purposes. And I hope it can be used to lead to your instruction because you can all use it!
[... 12 paragraphs ...]