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ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 8, 1969 7/45 (16%) courage Florence Lo Brad flower
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, April 8, 1969 Tuesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

And our dear Lady of Florence: you have not yet put one tippy-toe in the clear waters of the inner self. You have not even danced about the shore. These inner realities represent your freedoms and your triumphs and your strengths—they represent the wonders that are within you—they cannot be given to you by another. No man’s reality is the same, whether it be physical or spiritual reality. You close the door to your own heritage when you do not look inward.

You close the door to your own strength when you look for it in another (to Brad). If I solved your problems for you, there would be no need for you to use your own inner resources. There would be no need for you to look inward and recognize your own abilities. And it would indeed be a betrayal of you on my part to treat you in such a manner. You have had easy solutions offered you in the past and they were not solutions, they were threats. I tell you that you have within yourself the ability to solve your problems. You have within yourself the ability to stand up and make your way. You also have the responsibility to discover who and what you are. The answers to your problems lie within yourself and you can discover them—and in discovering them, you use your strength. To rely upon others will only encourage weakness. Therefore, I will not allow you, you see, to use me as a crutch. I will throw your crutches away—and give you a good hard push and make you stand up and face your problems alone. And that is the only way I can help you. And that is the only way you can ever be helped and you know it, and you know it well. And I mean it kindly.

Now you are all getting it this evening, but it is long due—and it is for this reason that our friend Ruburt did not welcome me with open arms at your last class, for he knew what I was up to. It does you no good for me to come here and give you a symbolic pat on the back, and say, “My chickadees, fly away—you are doing well!”—not when you are not doing well. You are not fulfilling your responsibilities to yourselves simply by coming here once a week. You are fulfilling your responsibilities when you go within yourselves every day. Is the journey, after all, that frightening? The fear is only what you have created yourself. You have made it and placed it before the door.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now I would tell you, take one tippy-toe out of your physical time (to Florence)—only one tippytoe, and you will be surprised at the results. If you take the physical time, if you only take 15 minutes a day and make the effort to do so, this will automatically lead on your part to an initiation in the inner self. For the very fact of taking the time will represent a commitment which thus far you have not been willing to make. You had better open that door yourself—or someday I will huff, and I will puff, and I will blow the door down—and then there will be a mighty panic! And what have we here! And all it takes from you is the smallest whisper. You could at least speak through the keyhole. I will tell you, you will not find the answers you are seeking in any other way. There is no other way to find them. And again, you know this way.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

Now I have said what I came here to say this evening. And you all know that there is fondness behind my severity. And you all know I would not huff and puff and blow your door in unless I gave proper warning—and I am giving proper warning! Now, there is joy in all this—and there is spontaneity—and you do not have to think in terms of walking into the inner self in a sack of ashes and crying repentance. If I had gold stars, I would paste one on his (Theodore’s) forehead—but then he would be the one who would have to go to the bank and explain the strange star and not I.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Rose discussed reincarnation and stated her desire that the door not quite be closed for her “next one”—she wanted to be able to peek back and use some of her previous experiences.)

The door is never closed. It is always open. You only imagine that it is closed. No one closes the door but you. And no one makes you close the door—and no one can make you open the door though I can certainly try!!

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