1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session april 22 1969" AND stemmed:our)
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I have told our Dean that spontaneity knows its own discipline. Your nervous system knows how to react. It reacts spontaneously when you allow it to do so. And the clouds flow through the thick skull easily. Now when you attempt to hold them back, it is then that they collect—and the electric charges grow—and the storm clouds grow.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Now I have been drastically maligned here this evening! And so I come to show our new friend here that I am a jolly fellow. That, at least initially, was my intention.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Now I ask you—how far do you think a flower would get if, in the morning, it turned its face toward the sky and said, “I demand the sun?” “And now I need rain. So I demand the rain! And I need bees to come and take my pollen. So I demand the bees!” And who would it ask for these things? And it would say, our imaginary flower, “I demand discipline! I demand therefore the sun shall shine for a certain amount of hours; the rain shall pour for a certain amount of hours; and the bees shall come—bee A, C, D, E and F—and I shall accept no other bees to come. And I demand that, furthermore, that discipline operate and that the soil shall follow my command, but I do not allow the soil any spontaneity of its own—and I do not allow the sun any spontaneity of its own—and I do not agree that the sun knows what it is doing. I demand it follow my ideas of discipline!”
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
([Jane:] “I got this fantastic image of everybody spontaneously forming all these seasons and everything. And there was a tremendous effort involved individually to get spring going—to get the buds out...that the good things that we do that we don’t realize...you know we think of war—and we see all the evil we do; and that the good things we do, we often don’t realize—and that we actually form the seasons—the spring, the other seasons; and that the earth itself, the physical earth, is like the Garden of Eden in our subconscious. That is, it’s a result of the good things that we do that we maintain—that we create and maintain this fantastic planet that we get our sustenance and food from—and everything else. And that when spring comes, it’s a creative—a tremendous achievement—on the part of each individual on the earth and in this section of the country, because we have done it. And our belief in spontaneity and life and vitality has actually helped form this. Different chemicals come out through our systems that we don’t even know of that change the atmosphere and so forth and brings all this about. “
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
None of you—none of you—including our profound Dean, solidly understands what I am trying to tell you. I hope you shall some day.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]