
1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session april 1 1969" AND stemmed:now)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April [1?], 1969 10/21 (48%) Christ jolly murder tulips Easter
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, April [1?], 1969 (Specific Date Unknown)

This one here has come some long way and rides herself rather hard, because I am behind her with the whip. I would not use it. Now, since I am also going to be an author you must look upon me with some awe. Ruburt may not want me to get into the act. I should not joke about him for he is indeed as he said earlier, delighted. It is not often that we have this one here with us.

Now, I would clear up one or two small points. First of all, I have been about to hear some of your excellent dissertations on my behalf. Secondly, I was also about when one member (Florence) of this class and another woman were working on my book. The other woman [was] your daughter, of course, I get about. You are all in a fine mood now and when I tell you you are awake, you are awake. There is no one that can wake you up like I can and in more ways than one. Ruburt will be on to me. He has a session tomorrow evening and he had a session last night, but he does not bother me over much.

I am here most seriously because I am pleased with your interest in the material and because book 1 is here now and completed. The interest and the effort mean much to you and will work for your own benefit, beside the fact of course, that you will have in your possession an excellent manuscript. I am sorry that I do not move tables as well as AA, but were I interested in moving tables, I can assure that this one would fly through the window and end out in the middle of Water Street! I am more interested in other projectiles and other movement, thoughts that fly through your minds rather than tables that leap about the floor. These have far more reality and far more resources.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It was difficult for me to remain so quiet all evening long, but since I could not send you a postcard of thanks, I thought I would thank you personally. Ruburt enjoyed your sparkling brew so, and so now I also to some slight extent can enjoy it. Before this brings to your mind hilarious images of tipsy spirits, if you will excuse the pun, I will leave you to the rest and quiet in which I found you, perhaps.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Do you think that the Son of God could be contained in one frame? Now, you have been given the free will because the spirit of Christ is within you, this does not mean that you do not have free will. The spirit of Christ gives you the life to do with it what you choose. Within you there are blueprints. You know what you are to achieve, as individuals and as people, as a race, as a species. You have free will, you can choose to ignore the blueprints. You can choose to ignore the blueprints for some time. You are learning that you are responsible. When you learn how to handle responsibilities, you will have a hand in very important matters.

Now, you have made physical reality something different than was intended. You did this through using your own free will, your egos have become overdeveloped, overly specialized. They are focused so strongly within physical reality and physical reality is far more painful than was originally intended. You are indeed in very strong respects within a dream. It is you who have made the dream too vivid. You were to work out problems and challenges, but you were always to be aware of your inner reality and of your true home. To a large extent you have lost contact with this. You have focused so strongly upon physical reality that it has become, indeed, reality. The only reality that any of you know.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, I bid you good evening and welcome here. You have been given but glimpses of what I am trying to explain to you but what I will explain will make your own reality as you know it more meaningful and will give a logical and intuitive basis to it, which is lacking.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You all should definitely have a basic understanding of the material, for it is the material that will help you discover your own identities and which will make other realities meaningful to you as you are now. What I can tell you now is little, for you do not have the basic background that is required. Had you by now read the material I could be giving you further data. As it is, I cannot do so.

I came this evening because we had a guest and also because you would know that I had not indeed deserted you. I am here whether or not I speak, you see, and often I inspire Ruburt, so that when he speaks himself, he speaks for me. For I am crafty in my ways. Now, I do indeed give you my heartiest regards and wishes, and were it not for Ruburt’s wishes and the lateness of the hour and his concerns about the neighbors, I would continue. However, I also know that there have been parties going on in this room well past midnight. With music blaring from all the walls and no one said, “Turn off the music, for the neighbors will be worried.” I do admit my voice, as it came through here, may not be as melodious. I am no disc jockey. Nevertheless, there is a point here that my friend Ruburt would do well to take to mind. I will speak to you again shortly. I could not let you leave, you see, with heavy hearts and disappointed faces. Far be it for me to blacken your day and send you away without a present! Not that I compare myself with any Easter time gift, you understand. However, I know that you look forward to my jolly comments.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Give me a moment. Your Dr. King is now precisely what he always was. The man who killed him believes he has killed a man, and ended consciousness forever and blotted out for eternity something that existed for a very brief time. And to believe that you have done such a thing is indeed pitiful. To bring yourself to do such a thing, when this is what you believe, is indeed pitiful. But your errors and your mistakes luckily enough are not real and do not affect reality. For Dr. King indeed exists.

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