1 result for (book:deavf2 AND session:941 AND stemmed:statement)

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 941, February 8, 1982 1/66 (2%) nuclear Iran tmi reactor Russia
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 12: Life Clouds
– Session 941, February 8, 1982 9:01 P.M. Monday

(This afternoon Jane and I outlined a “credo” for her that we hoped she could follow back to the productive endeavors she loves so much: writing, poetry, painting, the sessions, the mail, cooking, feeding our cats, Billy and Mitzi, and so forth. (We still receive from 30 to 50 letters and packages a week.) After supper I wrote a version of the credo, stressing Jane’s ability to write prose and to handle the mail. I don’t know what I think about whether the statements will have any beneficial effects for her.

[... 64 paragraphs ...]

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