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DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 941, February 8, 1982 4/66 (6%) nuclear Iran tmi reactor Russia
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 12: Life Clouds
– Session 941, February 8, 1982 9:01 P.M. Monday

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Long pause.) The sessions on magical approach do indeed represent the most “natural truths” about the nature and structure of your world, to the extent that you understand them and put them into practice.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Jane hasn’t contacted a doctor. Her hearing and handwriting remain impaired. Her voice tremor and slowdown remain mild and intermittent; she’s done well during sessions. And as I write these closing notes I remind myself once again, as I often do, of those promises we made each other when we married in 1954—“that neither one of us would interfere with the other’s creative approach to life, no matter what resulted from the actions we individually chose…. Yet as the years passed I still had to learn the obvious—that Jane’s creative powers are inextricably a part of her whole approach to life, including her symptoms. How could it be otherwise?”6

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I can’t note the same for The Magical Approach to Reality: A Seth Book—the very promising work that Jane and I first discussed a year and a half ago [in August 1980], after Seth had started his group of excellent private sessions on that subject.8 I watched Jane try to write the book a number of times; last month, in Note 6 for Session 939 [in this chapter], I finally expressed the opinion that she wouldn’t finish the job. Or, to put it another way, Magical Approach has yet to undergo a resurrection by her! But obviously Jane has the freedom to engage in any project, and she chooses not to follow through with some of them. I think Magical Approach would have been a fine book as she planned it—but that it ended up squelched by at least two major factors: She was too inhibited by the subject matter [her physical symptoms] out of which the magical approach material had grown, and she was bothered because she had chosen to emulate the plodding way in which I put together the Seth books. That way didn’t allow her the creative freedom to spontaneously plunge ahead. As I wrote in Note 6 [for the 939th session], eventually I might try assembling such a work myself.

Even so, Jane had the magical approach in mind two days later, when she typed a rough last note for her journal on February 10: “Still annoying problems with fingers… hoping to clear this up, using in part robs new suggestion page [credo] for me. typing weth right hand. as I see it even that can be utilized in magical approach, again, Seth finished his book monday.”

[... 42 paragraphs ...]

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