1 result for (book:deavf2 AND session:938 AND stemmed:winter AND stemmed:autumn AND stemmed:gone AND stemmed:bunk)
[... 35 paragraphs ...]
If there are angry winter roots / within my many seasons /
a wildness untempered / by reason’s ways— /
a force, weirder and / more elemental than /
autumns demented fervor / (raging yet glorious, orange and /
green leaves splintered, / falling everywhere) /
then, so there is.
And as autumns fierce / moods have their /
reasons—in nature’s / deeper sanity / so must…/
my undeviating / direction— /
Though my thoughts’ leaves singly / seem separate /
they ride in one elemental / force / carried weightless— /
Then with them let me / be so supported /
though my tumultuous journeys carry me, / like them, /
above stormy treetops. / For higher still /
the sky holds all / safely contained.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
If I’ve gone kinky— / legs at crazy angles— /
arms half bent— / no longer walking upright— /
a physical outcast— / and a mental speed-demon— /
well, no more apologies—from me / to me.
When you bunk your head / against the sky / and it gives— /
you’re tempted to back off; / suspicious, confused /
as a scared animal / treated kindly: You growl, /
pretend to lick or bite / yourself— / too scared to /
even wag your tail.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]