1 result for (book:deavf2 AND session:933 AND stemmed:three)
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(Because the proper detection equipment was not in place, government officials do not know just how much radiation was released into the Pennsylvania countryside 28 months ago [in March 1979], when the reactor of Unit No. 2 at Three Mile Island overheated and approached a meltdown of the uranium-packed fuel rods in its core. Federal and state agencies have announced long-term population studies to measure the effects—if any—of this radiation. Since 1925 scientists have been steadily reducing their estimates of what a “safe” dose for human beings really is, however, and many now believe that there’s no such thing as a completely harmless amount of even low-level radiation. Any such dosage would be in addition to the earth’s natural background radiation, which varies across our country and around the world because of altitude and other factors.
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1. Recently I asked Jane if Seth could give us some information on the consciousness connected with nuclear energy—a fascinating question I’ve often speculated about—and she promised me that he’d discuss it soon. I think his material will certainly include many original insights into the whole subject of consciousness-and-energy in general, as well as into the role of consciousness in events like the accident at Three Mile Island. I reminded Jane that some time ago Seth had remarked that as physical creatures we human beings cannot bear to directly confront the basic, vast, unimaginably awesome and creative consciousness of All That Is. Since we cannot bear to face the great raw power of nuclear energy either, I’ve often wondered whether this situation can be an earthly, imperfect and time-ridden analog to what must be the reality of All That Is.
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