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DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 919, June 9, 1980 9/39 (23%) master overlays Christianity events original
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 9: Master Events and Reality Overlays
– Session 919, June 9, 1980 9:15 P.M. Monday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now: Dictation. New chapter (9): “Master Events and Reality Overlays” (all with much humorous emphasis).

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

In your terms other universes, with all of their own space and time structures, were created simultaneously, and exist simultaneously. The effect of looking outward into space, and therefore backward into time, is a kind of built-in convention that appears within your own space-time picture. You must remember, then, when you think in terms of origins, that the very word, “origin,” is dependent upon time conventions, and a belief in beginnings and endings. Beginnings and endings are themselves effects that seem to be facts to your perceptions. In a fashion they simply represent beginnings and endings, the boundaries, the reaches and the limitations of your own span of attention.

(Pause at 9:31.) I said that in your terms (underlined) all universes were created (underlined) simultaneously—at the same time. The very sentence structure has time built in, you see, so you are bound to think that I am speaking of an almost indescribable past. Also, I use time terms, since you are so used yourselves to that kind of categorizing, so here we will certainly run into our first seeming contradiction (see the last session) — when I say that in the higher order of events all universes, including your own, have their original creations occurring now, with all of their pasts and futures built in, and with all of their scales of time winding ever outward, and all of their appearances of space, galaxies and nebulae, and all of their seeming changes, being instantly and originally created in what you think of as this moment.

Your universe cannot be its own source. Its inner mysteries—which are indeed the mysteries of consciousness, not matter—cannot be explained, and must remain incomprehensible, if you try to study them from the viewpoint of your objective experience alone. You must look to the source of that experience. You must look not to space but to the source of space, not to time but to the source of time—and most of all, you must look to the kind of consciousness that experiences space and time. You must look, therefore, to events that show themselves through historical action, but whose origins are elsewhere. None of this is really beyond your capabilities, as long as you try to enlarge your framework.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Certain bloodlines, in your terms, were extinguished because of your beliefs in Christianity, as people were killed in your holy wars. (Pause.) Your beliefs have directed who should go to war and who should not, who should live and who should die, who should be educated and who should not, who should be isolated from society and who should not—all matters directly touching upon the survival of certain families throughout history, and therefore affecting the species as a whole.

I am not here specifically blaming Christianity, for far before its emergence, your ideas (underlined) and beliefs about good and evil [were] far more important in all matters regarding the species than any simple questions of genetic variances, natural selection, or environmental influence. In man’s case, at least, the selection of who should live or die was often anything but natural. If you are to understand the characteristics of the species, then you cannot avoid the study of man’s consciousness.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

“He didn’t go into all the stuff I got yesterday,” she said, “but then he went into other stuff I didn’t get. I feel like he was about to lead the reader over some important material…. And very vaguely, I should say this would be about session thirty—halfway through the book.”

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

2. This paragraph of Seth’s at once reminded me of some of his most evocative earlier material on animal consciousness. He gave it in the 832nd session for Chapter 5 of Mass Events (on January 29, 1979), and I quoted it in the Preliminary Notes to the Preface for Dreams: “Nature in all of its varieties is so richly encountered by the animals….”

3. I think that Seth’s insight here—regarding “the far more dependable behavior of the other species”—is excellent indeed. In an original way he stressed the interdependence of all life forms on earth. I like to keep such penetrating remarks before me, and wish the reader would too, for I often fear they’ll become lost from conscious view within his material. (As an example, I doubt if this one will be referred to in the index for Dreams.) But I also think that intuitively we know the truth Seth so briefly expressed here, and that it never has been or ever will be really lost.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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