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DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 918, June 2, 1980 6/32 (19%) nuclear intervals venting mathematical passageways
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 8: When You Are Who You Are. The Worlds of Imagination and Reason, and the Implied Universe
– Session 918, June 2, 1980 9:15 P.M. Monday

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Your stated universe emerged out of that kind of interval, emerging from a master event whose true nature remains uncaptured by your definitions—so there will be places in our book where I may say that an event known to you is true and untrue at the same time, or that it is both myth and fact. And in so doing I hope to lead you toward some psychic comprehension of a kind of event far too large for your usual categories of true and false. [Perhaps], then, you will let your imaginations play upon the usual events of your world, and glimpse at least in part that greater brilliance that illuminates them, so that it leads you intuitively to a feeling for the source of events and the source of your world. The units of consciousness that I have mentioned are (underlined) that, and they do behave as I have said. They are also in other terms entities, fragments of All That Is, if you prefer—divine fragments of power and majesty, containing (pause) all of the powers of consciousness as you think of it, concentrations without substance in your terms.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

10:10 P.M. “He slips it in on me, that’s what he does,” Jane remarked, when I kidded her about saying the session couldn’t be for Dreams. I also told her that it’s one of her best. She recalled that back in her 20s—some 15 years before she initiated the Seth material—she’d written a series of poems about our species returning to the earth from space. “And here’s Seth saying that it’s actually happened that way—at least in some probable realities,” she said. “It’s an old science-fiction idea.”

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Following the accident at TMI, and aside from the great fears “generated” by it, a host of problems began accumulating for the nuclear power industry—involving everything from poor plant design (as Seth commented in the 914th session for Chapter 7 of Dreams), to enormous cost overruns and the fear of default on bond issues, shoddy construction and quality control, human and mechanical error, the disposal of radioactive waste, conflicts with antinuclear and environmental groups, arguments over evacuation plans at various nuclear-plant sites, a greatly expanded list of steps (numbering in the thousands) that the NRC is compiling for utilities to take in order to increase the safety of their plants, and even governmental concern over the possible manipulation and falsification of plant safety records. The last nuclear plant was ordered in 1978. So far this year our country’s consumption of electricity has increased less than 2 percent, and it is now expected to actually decrease next year. Unheard of, in view of all of those predictions that we must continue to build nuclear power generating plants to meet projected demands!

However, let us remember that when creating and experiencing a challenge, on any scale, consciousness may choose a predominantly positive or negative focus, or it may seek to achieve a balance. While some utility companies in the United States are in trouble with their nuclear plants, then, other companies do own plants that perform very well and very economically. They have excellent safety records. Those companies are to be congratulated. There’s talk that the nuclear power industry will fail in our country, but Jane and I don’t think it will. What haunts many people, especially those living downwind from nuclear facilities, are the horrifying consequences that could result from an accident that released unchecked radioactivity into the environment. This chance, no matter how remote it may be, exists in every country in the world that has even one nuclear establishment. It’s just as real for those nations that are even thinking of going the nuclear way. So consciousness is really exploring the nuclear question in global terms, even though here in Dreams I usually deal with its “local” aspects.

2 After the session I wanted to tie in Seth’s material on infinity with mathematical ideas of that concept, but my reading soon convinced me that such an idea was too involved a task for a simple note like this. However, I told Jane, in his own way Seth had incorporated mathematical ideas in his material: I saw correlations between his probable realities, his intervals, and the concept of an infinite number of points on a line—and that some mathematical definitions of infinity are considered to be more basic, or of a greater order, than others. Actually, in various branches of mathematics, from the works of Euclid (the Greek mathematician who flourished around 300 B.C.) to modern information theory, I found many relationships with Seth’s ideas. I do think that Seth’s material on the “origin” of our universe can be termed an “ideal point,” embracing our mathematical systems, and that his concept of All That Is has no “limits” in mathematical terms. I do not know whether my comments here will make sense to mathematicians.

My tentative inquiries led me to ask Jane if she thought the axioms of Euclidean geometry, say, are innately valid in describing the mind’s inner reaches, or whether, in ordinary terms, those propositions represent conscious acquired interpretations of our visual experience. She hadn’t thought about it. When I asked her where she might have obtained her intuitive mathematical knowledge, she just laughed.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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