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DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 909, April 21, 1980 1/32 (3%) genetic deformities doodle gifted liabilities
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 7: Genetics and Reincarnation. Gifts and “Liabilities.” The Vast Sweep of the Genetic and Reincarnational Scales. The Gifted and the Handicapped
– Session 909, April 21, 1980 9:05 P.M. Monday

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

Jane’s consciousness had left her sleeping body in the bedroom and traveled to her writing room at the back of the house. She’d encountered me there, in my own out-of-body state, and we engaged in a very animated conversation. Afterward she insisted that I’d been out-of-body too, although I have no conscious memory of such an event. We estimated that at the proper time I’d just quit painting for the morning and was washing my brushes at the bathroom sink—a routine task I perform each day, and one that could leave a portion of my psyche free to engage in other adventures. Yet, since I’d been awake while she slept, we speculated that those same habitual cleaning chores had also occupied me enough consciously to mask my awareness of what another part of me was up to.)

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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