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DEaVF2 Introduction by Robert F. Butts 7/13 (54%) Volume enrichment global introduction harrowing
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Introduction by Robert F. Butts

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


Some of my descriptive passages in Dreams as I deal with Jane’s personal challenges are harrowing; they strike at the very heart of our fears of illness and disability, and even death, leading us to consciously face those possibilities while at the same time they perfectly mirror our equally profound inner needs and drives. In Dreams I’m presenting the account of Jane’s struggles with her “physical symptoms” in the clearest light I can manage. [...]


I learned long ago that Jane’s great creative abilities are so intimately bound up with her personal challenges that they’re inseparable. [...] Obviously, in larger terms Jane and I believe that the earth—indeed, the universe itself—is alive.


In her own creative way, Jane is doing just this; her physical symptoms are the signposts of her personal struggle, and of mine, and of our joint incomplete knowledge. With her successes and failures Jane leads the way for many, even while she and I keep trying to learn more. [...]


As soon as I realized that Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment was going to be so long that it would require publication in two volumes, I began to think about how I was going to summarize here all of the material that Jane, Seth, and I had contributed to Volume 1. I developed the hilarious notion that if I did the job the way I really wanted to, this introduction would be as long as that first volume is itself! [...]


[...] However, I can help initiate that process by presenting short blocks of material from Seth-Jane and myself. [...]


[...] And Jane and I look forward with intense interest to the final version of Dreams, for as always this work will be as revealing and educational for us as it will be for anybody else. [...]


Our publishing company had very patiently waited for several years while Jane and I struggled to produce the book; in all that time no one ever exerted pressure upon us to hurry up and finish the job. [...]

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