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DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 906, March 6, 1980 10/39 (26%) viruses indispositions biological immune dog
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 6: Genetic Heritage and Reincarnational Predilections
– Session 906, March 6, 1980 8:52 P.M. Thursday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

“I’ve been getting some fascinating stuff,” Jane said as she did the supper dishes. “It comes and goes. I suppose I’ll try to have a session tonight, if my voice holds out. Besides, I’m bored, sitting around watching TV all night. A couple of nights of that are enough….”

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Viruses serve many purposes, as I have said before.1 The body contains all kinds of viruses, including those considered deadly, but those are usually not only harmless, or inactive, but beneficial to the body’s overall balance.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Pause at 9:17.) There are all kinds of biological reactions between bodies that go unnoticed, and they are all basically of a social nature, dealing with biological communications. In a fashion viruses—in a fashion—again, are a way of dealing with or controlling the environment. These are natural interactions, and since you live in a world where, overall, people are healthy enough to contribute through labor, energy, and ideas, health is the dominating ingredient—but there are biological interactions between all physical bodies that are the basis for that health, and the mechanisms include the interactions of viruses, and even the periods of indisposition, that are not understood.

All of this has to do with man’s intent and his understanding. The same relationships, however, do not only exist between human bodies, of course, but between man and the animals and the plants in the environment, and is part of the unending biological communication that overall produces the vitality of physical experience.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

There is great traffic flow in a city: A body knows how to leap out of the way in a moment’s time from an approaching car. In the interior physical environment there is far greater traffic flow. There are decisions made in periods of time so brief you cannot imagine them—reactions that are almost over before they begin, reactions so fast you cannot perceive them as the body responds to its inner reality, and to all the stimuli from the exterior environment. The body is an open system. As solid as it seems to you, there are constant chemical reactions between it and the world, electromagnetic adjustments, alterations of balance, changes of relationships—alterations that occur between the body and its relationship with every other physical event, from the position of the planets and moon and the sun, to the position of the smallest grain of sand, to the tiniest microbe in anyone’s intestine (intently).

All of those adjustments are made without your conscious notice, and yet fit in with your overall purposes and intents.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(9:35 P.M. “Jesus, I didn’t know whether I could do it or not,” Jane said, “but I felt all that stuff there in a great big block, and I just had to get it out. I like it when I do that. I also like it when I don’t have to.” So once again I’d seen it happen: Jane had done very well with a session when she’d felt poorly beforehand. Although her voice had remained muted, her delivery had increased in vigor and emphasis as the session progressed. It was as though she’d acquired an infusion of energy from Seth—yet once the session was over she announced that she wanted to go to bed.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

“The viruses and infections were of course present. They always are. They are themselves fragments, struggling small fragments without intention of harm. You have general immunity, believe it or not, to all such viruses and infections. Ideally, you can inhabit a plane with them without fear. It is only when you give tacit agreement that harm is inflicted upon you by these fragments. To some degree, lesser, dependent lives such as household pets are dependent upon your psychic strength. They have their own, it is true, but unknowingly you reinforce their energy and health.

“When your own personalities are more or less in balance, you have no trouble at all in looking out for these creatures, and actually reinforcing their own existence with residues of your creative and sympathetic powers. In times of psychological stress or crisis, quite unwittingly you withhold this strong reinforcement.

“In the cats’ deaths, both cats inherited the peculiar illness, which was a virus, that killed them. In the case of the first cat, you were able to reinforce its strength and maintain its health for quite a while, and then you needed your energies for yourselves. The second cat barely enjoyed such reinforcement at all, and quickly succumbed.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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