1 result for (book:deavf1 AND session:891 AND stemmed:book)
(No session was held last Monday evening, Christmas Eve. Instead, we had a few close friends in; all of us exchanged gifts. After the party was over Jane and I gave each other our own presents. My high point was receiving the little book of poems and sketches she’d made for me. [I hadn’t created anything like that for her, though.] When Jane read her poetry to me I strongly felt once again her innocence and perception: “The universe keeps turning into us….” We had a quiet but very enjoyable Christmas day.
Tonight’s session may not be formal book dictation, but it contains many connections to Dreams. “I don’t care whether we have a book session or one on something else,” Jane said as we sat for the session at 8:50. “I’m just waiting. I don’t even feel him around….” She thought this was strange, since during the last couple of days she’d picked up quite a few insights from Seth on various subjects. We’d discussed all of them, but without making any notes.
At 9:06: “I guess I’m ready. It doesn’t sound like the book, though. Sometimes I get a first line…. “)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(With humor:) Tonight’s subject matter: “Great Expectations”—for I am here referring to the book by (Charles) Dickens.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
Now: In our book, I will be doing my best to explain the origin of your universe, and in such a way that most of the pertinent questions are answered, but man’s present concept of reality is so limited that I must often resort to analogies.
[... 20 paragraphs ...]