1 result for (book:deavf1 AND heading:"prefac by seth privat session septemb 13 1979" AND stemmed:social)

DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Private Session, September 13, 1979 1/92 (1%) Iran animals Mitzi religious Mass
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Preface by Seth
– Private Session, September 13, 1979 8:40 P.M. Thursday

[... 42 paragraphs ...]

You have forgotten, conveniently, how much you learned from all of the animals, as I have mentioned in past sessions. You learned a good deal of medicine from watching animal behavior: You learned what plants to avoid, and which to cultivate. You learned how to rid yourself of lice by going into the water. You learned social behavior by watching the animals. At one time you could identify with animals, and they with you to a remarkable degree. They have been your teachers, though they did not choose your path. Obviously, you could not have gone your way [as a species] had it not been for the animals.

[... 48 paragraphs ...]

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