1 result for (book:deavf1 AND heading:"prefac by seth privat session septemb 13 1979" AND stemmed:qualiti)
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
Enjoying the sounds of life in the mysterious nighttime, I intuitively understood that not only did I want to mention in this Preface the feelings Jane and I have about Three Mile Island as a technological and scientific entity, embodying man’s attempts to extract new forms of energy [and yes, consciousness, in our joint opinion] from the far more basic and profound quality Seth calls All That Is; I also knew that I wanted to indicate how the very idea of nuclear energy, as an attribute of a national focus, compared with the situation in the Middle Eastern country of Iran. Iran is undergoing a revolution of a strongly religious, fundamentalist-Islamic character. [Islam means “peace,” by the way.] The force of Iran’s upheaval makes the growing Christian fundamentalist movement in the United States seem tame indeed by comparison; therefore I want to concentrate upon the Iranian dilemma rather than the religious conflicts in our own country.
[... 43 paragraphs ...]
I’ve been expecting Seth to begin Dreams at any time. From him we’ve derived the idea that “value fulfillment” represents the creative development of hard-to-define values which increase the quality of life for any being, whether human or not—and not only in moral terms.
[... 32 paragraphs ...]
To sum up Seth’s somewhat amused comments in the 12th session for January 2, 1964: “Sex, regardless of all of your fleshy takes, is a psychic phenomenon, merely certain qualities which you call male and female. The qualities are real, however, and permeate other planes as well as your own. They are opposites which are nevertheless complementary, and which merge into one. When I say as I have that the overall entity [or whole self] is neither male or female, and yet refer to [some] entities by definitely male names such as ‘Ruburt’ and ‘Joseph’ [as Seth calls me], I merely mean that in the overall essence, the [given] entity identifies itself more with the so-called male characteristics than with the female.”