1 result for (book:deavf1 AND heading:"prefac by seth privat session septemb 13 1979" AND stemmed:nourish)

DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Private Session, September 13, 1979 1/92 (1%) Iran animals Mitzi religious Mass
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Preface by Seth
– Private Session, September 13, 1979 8:40 P.M. Thursday

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

The religious and scientific mass consciousnesses released in Iran and the United States respectively reach far beyond their countries of origin, obviously. Indeed, I think those attributes of All That Is must have long ago formed strong portions of the psychic atmosphere that, one might say, encircles the earth and affects all below. Those forces or consciousnesses must also constantly replenish themselves: Iran’s religious leaders devoutly nourish their country’s hatred for the United States, while here at home no less than six separate teams or commissions have begun investigations—on private, state, and federal levels—of what went wrong at Three Mile Island. Many younger people [and not only in the United States] have become very fatalistic over the possibility of nuclear accident, or worse, war. Some even refuse to bring children into a world they believe their elders have created for them [in those terms]. And most older people avoid seriously considering what nuclear war would really mean for them, out of fear closing their minds to certain aspects of that psychic atmosphere.

[... 69 paragraphs ...]

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