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TPS1 Session 380 (Deleted) November 15, 1967 intuitional intellectual unlearned restraint self

[...] Now he must trust himself to move physically without thinking, and as much as possible to let his body act in a spontaneous way. [...] This does not mean he should ignore discomfort particularly, but he should take his conscious mind away from his physical body and let it operate alone.

The final stages are unfolding, and now both the conscious and intuitional selves are joining forces, and will bring about the body’s release from symptoms entirely.

His body is utilizing in-taken vitamins now. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 714 October 23, 1974 snapshots tone postcards sound Politics

“I say ‘sounds’ — yet these inner body sounds can only be compared to an interior body situation where sound operates as light. [...] These operate within the body.

“Each frequency, so to speak, functions as a messenger, triggering body response before an actual reaction is apparent … In any body difficulty, the light and sound frequencies become out of tune, you might say. [...]

[...] As I speak he is experiencing certain sensations, in which his body feels drastically elongated (pause), the head reaching out beyond the stars, the whole form straddling realities.

Now in a sense the physical body does this always — that is, it sits astride realities, containing within itself dimensions of time and being that cannot be even verbally described. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 653, April 4, 1973 Monroe massive inside eagle Speakers

[...] There was a similarity between the eagle and the dinosaur in that body armor or whatever, that strange toughness … these were all stages that I had been through — or at least that some of the cells in my body remembered — but the immediacy was very vivid on my part….

[...] Bob Monroe is the author of Journeys Out of the Body,1 the book that Jane and I regard as the premier work on the subject. [...]

[...] One involved my body becoming massive — not as if it was massive, but massive itself. [...]

[...] Instead Jane used her “own” abilities to tune in on the diagram of a machine that Bob Monroe drew; he had seen this on one of his out-of-body journeys. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 11, 1981 Tam Prentice editors competent taxes

(Long pause, eyes closed, leaning back.) Ruburt cannot understand all of the processes that are involved, but the body knows what is to be done, and is working with its own rhythms. [...] Certain portions of the body were released this evening. By all means let Ruburt continue to express his feelings to you about the situation, however, and reassure him of his body’s competence. [...]

Ruburt’s body is now addressing itself to those areas that deal primarily with motion and locomotion, and in righting the body’s balance. [...]

TPS3 Poem By Jane “Our parents do not betray us” July 23, 1974 untruth oak betray truth spider

and my body grows

even while I wonder what my body is

TPS7 Deleted Session October 19, 1983 leg tension dehypnotizing aspirin rotating

(I did tell Jane that when Seth came through again I wanted some material on the tension in her body, especially the leg. [...]

[...] A good deal of the body’s difficulties have been caused by tension almost exclusively, so what I am saying is of particular importance. [...]

You are correct: the body itself wants to move normally, and becomes more and more able to do so. [...]

TES8 Session 343 May 22, 1967 offspring electromagnetic action structure universe

[...] Your physical body is a series of actions, though the word series is being used for simplicity’s sake only.

[...] Even the stuff of the physical body however continues to act. [...]

[...] The smallest thought alters chemical and electromagnetic changes in the body that directly affect the structure of the immediate physical universe. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 2, 1977 Superman Kent Clark anxiety congested

[...] Short periods of deep breathing will help, but mostly it is the confidence in his own body that is important. Otherwise you have the anxiety of believing that any symptoms have the worst possible connotations, and that the body does not know what it is doing.

[...] You do not let your organism suitably relax enough in the moments of safety that the body requires. [...]

The body is well equipped to handle the reality of the moment, and the reality at any given time holds a considerable amount of refreshment. [...]

Obviously your relationships with your bodies are highly vital, intimate. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 23, 1981 pk target microscopic displacement micro

[...] The changes continue in her body.

[...] Yet at the same time she sat stiffly forward, her body canted to her left; she didn’t look comfortable, and she decided to try the foam rubber pads beneath her thighs, a move that sometimes “helps relieve the pressure on those [pelvic] bones back there, and keeps me from feeling that I’m falling forward. [...]

His body is changing at microscopic levels—highly important. [...]

Ruburt’s body is changing while he sleeps. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 22 assumptions root air pseudo tangerine

[...] If you come awake while still within your physical body or close to it, you may or may not see your own body as described earlier. [...]

[...] And if so, was my “body” in the same state? [...] All of these thoughts went through my mind, but before I could figure out what other experiments I could try, I snapped back to my body.

The next point is to realize that you are alert, conscious and awake, while your body is asleep. [...]

The whole physical organism of the body has been trained to react to certain patterns, these based on physical root assumptions. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 2, 1983 Georgia Wendy Cathy blue Christina

(Jane did do some movements of various parts of her body. [...]

[...] The fact is that his body in indeed improving at an excellent rate, with new, rather exciting improvements almost ready to manifest themselves. [...]

Ruburt’s eyes do continue their progress, and more and more portions of the body are being included in the regenerating program. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 10, 1984 drugs suicide abandon roulette therapist

[...] So does each atom of your body. [...]

Such realizations have their own biological effects, stimulating all of the healing properties of the body — and also easily propelling the mind toward “higher” organizations, in which all of life’s seeming inadequacies are understood to be redeemed.

[...] It is ironic, then, that many people who seek to discover the “hidden” mysteries of nature ignore nature itself, or consider the physical body as gross or somehow composed of lesser vibrations.

TPS5 Deleted Session September 20, 1978 murderers fabric victim shell Eastern

Many such people feel before death that the body is a shell from which death will free them—and here you have a verbal symbol: the shell of the body, with a gun shell, and the soul being propelled out of the body, though that was not part of the dream. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 14 radio illness action Sue shoulder

[...] I was out of my body. My body was in bed.

[...] It seemed to have a definite function, though, perhaps in connection with the physical body. [...]

[...] According to Seth, even the calcium deposits were accumulations of repressed energy stored up in the body.

[...] While she remembered the dream clearly and saw its instant results, the information was not given to the conscious self (not even in the dream drama) but to other layers more intimately concerned with body-mind mechanisms. [...]

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

[...] In Volume 1, Seth devoted much of the 681st session to a discussion of probabilities, or, in sum, All That Is, and interwound Jane’s psychic and physical experiences with that material: “The cellular consciousness experiences itself as eternal … Part of Ruburt’s feeling of massiveness2 comes from the mass [life-to-death] experience of the body, existing all at once. Therefore to him the body feels larger.” [...]

[...] In that kind of relaxation the body itself perceives differently; that’s what I’m trying to emphasize. [...] At certain levels the body feels that way itself, although ordinarily we aren’t aware of it. [...]

Seth, from the 154th session for May 12, 1965: “Basically, the physical body has the potential for perceiving stimuli on a generalized basis. By this I mean that although the eyes are for seeing, the ears for hearing, and so forth, the potentials of the physical body include the capacity to hear, for example, through any given portion of the bodily expanse … Sound, then, can be felt as well as heard, although in such cases you may say that the sound is heard in the depths of the tissues; this, however, being an analogy … Ruburt, in feeling sound, merely experienced it from a different perspective.

[...] Some of the images reflected internal states of her own body. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 12, 1979 groin Protestants moral parochial money

Your body, on its own, is very happy to be so well provided for (more humor). [...]

There is nothing wrong with your body. [...]

Your body tries to enjoy those privileges that appear as the result of the creative abilities you are using. [...]

[...] Your body is in the right place at the right time—and (louder) I can see that I was in the right place at the right time for our chat. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 716 October 30, 1974 station drift home program focus

[...] Instead, feel your body in an alert manner — not in a sleepy distant fashion. [...] Consciously, then, feel your body’s sensations. [...]

[...] Body and mind operate together. [...]

[...] Then in a flash open your eyes, alert your body, and try to bring all of your perceptions together again as brilliantly and clearly as possible.

[...] The sight of a nude body might upset you. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 14, 1969 Rachel Daniel Florence intellects Theodore

You think that the bodies that you have are permanent, but it is highly difficult for me to see the specific bodies that you now occupy, since I see you in all your reincarnational involvements and some of them have been highly involved indeed! [...]

[...] Otherwise, you take it for granted, you see, that your physical bodies are quite obvious. [...]

[...] I have an impression of the physical bodies which you now inhabit. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 12, 1977 Framework modern sales animal manlike

[...] In a way, as Ruburt mentally changes his significances, so does the body. [...] Your suggestion about elimination was a great help, for this automatically means that the body is exercised more in walking, and that bodily wastes are eliminated much more readily, hastening recovery. The body will feel less sluggish.

[...] Several important joint areas are clearing in Ruburt’s body. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 3, 1973 Nebene characteristics troublesome restrictive habitual

You can help by encouraging him to remember that his body does have the capacity to do better now. [...]

In Ruburt’s particular case, now, one set of beliefs led to a corollary set of physical beliefs about his body

[...] In the meantime however you have a group of body beliefs built up, and these have to be directly dealt with also. [...]

Besides working with body belief, you are automatically working with the inner belief, showing him that physical activity can be mixed with creativity in the book and in our sessions, that you approve, yourself, and that he is physically capable.

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