Results 421 to 440 of 1262 for stemmed:bodi
Ruburt’s body is repairing itself now at an excellent rate.
In actuality, the body’s response to such information is always instantaneous, whether or not the results show at once. [...]
The body’s natural healing processes each day rid people of diseases, repair emotional or bodily illnesses — and such instances go largely unrecorded. [...]
Ruburt’s body is then magically and naturally repairing itself in a function just as creative, of course, as the inner work that goes on in the production of a book or a poem — a fact he is finally getting through his head. [...]
[...] I suggest therefore that he make an attempt to express his moods, both joyful and sorrowful, in physical terms through body motion. [...]
The use of your apartment: he can rather easily inspire himself along that line, even in cleaning and fussing, where the body activity is secondary to another desired secondary end. [...]
[...] With her mouth closed tight she was making grunting and keening sounds as she moved her body, over and over, expressing vocally the same efforts she was making physically. These motions too were a definite response to new freedom, and I reminded her that Seth had said earlier this year that once it’s allowed to, the physical body will begin responding immediately. [...]
(Not very long after the end of the session, Jane began making motions with both arms, raising them up from her body and rotating them. [...]
[...] On deeper levels the quite normal desire for survival requires that the individual leave his or her body, in your terms, at one time or another. When that period arrives the person knows it, and the great vitality of the spirit no longer wants to be encased by a suffering physical body.
[...] Because body and mind operate so well together, one will attempt to cure the other, and will often succeed if left alone. [...]
Small hospitals on spacious grounds, with freedom for all but the bedridden to use their bodies, would far surpass what you have. [...]
[...] (Long pause.) Your body does not feel as if you invade it. [...] Those particles come and go, yet your body remains itself. [...] Put simply, the stuff of the body is constantly returned to the earth,* where it forms again into physical actualization — but always differently.
Physically speaking, and generally, your body is composed of grasses and ants and rocks and beasts and birds, for in one way or another all biological matter is related.9 In certain terms, through your experience, birds and rocks speak alphabets — and certain portions of your own being fly or creep as birds or insects,10 forming the great gestalt of physical experience. [...] But in deeper terms, physically and biologically, the animals are born from the body of the earth, which is composed of the corpses of men and women as much as it is of other matter. [...]
[...] You speak of one self within one body because you are only familiar with one portion of yourself. [...]
[...] One had to do with the kind of body Sally had at her disposal. Seth said, “Now the new body is, of course, not a new one at all, but simply a body not physical in your terms, one that you use in astral projections, one that gives the vitality and strength to the physical body that you know.
[...] When you leave the physical body, the other body is quite real to you and seems as physical, although it has many more freedoms. … Sally is delighted with this body, comparing it with the [sick] physical one. She is trying to cut off all identification with her physical body, whether it is alive or dead in your terms.
“When we leave the physical body, where do we go?” the minister asked. [...]
[...] Just as I stopped I remembered something: When I lay down after we got through reading the sessions, I had another one of those sorts of half-conscious out-of-bodies, I guess you’d call it. One thing that happened was that I was standing an inch or so higher, and I was walking pretty fast—but I was still bent way over, like I was still in my body like that first time this happened. [...]
[...] It’s part of the rhythmic healing process going on in her body, as Seth described it recently, moving through different areas successively, followed each time by new releases. [...]
The body itself is responding beautifully. [...]
(9:30.) The gradations will be less apparent before too long, and Ruburt will be able to do more and more without such obvious changes in the body—that is, they will occur, but in this period, very important ligaments have been released, and they are bound to be felt.
[...] Certain joints that worked very poorly are releasing, allowing portions of the body to move in new directions. His body is thrusting itself upward. [...]
(Yet Jane is in the midst of great discomfort, whether this represents healing changes taking place within her body or not, as Seth tells us it does. [...]
In physical existence a certain portion of the inner self’s electromagnetic properties are used by the physical structure of the body. Subtle changes occur in the body when the inner self projects. [...]
[...] There is always a minute difference in the physical body’s normal weight when the individual is projecting. [...]
The chemical properties of the body are the result of certain electromagnetic changes. [...]
(Ever since she’d gotten up on Thursday, Jane had talked about increased muscular activity in many parts of her body, as though the body was trying to free itself in a beneficial way. [...]
[...] Jane still felt the finger’s condition was the result of other muscular events in her body. [...]
[...] Dr. K. said this treatment had to be balanced against the added risk of infection of Jane’s one open bedsore on her coccyx, for the Persantine reduced the body’s ability to fight infection to some degree. [...]
Right now, I feel you and I and the house and the whole bit supported by some great force that swirls around the house and the trees and through my body, so that it circulates through my blood. [...]
Now, it is extreme egotism to imagine that you can only be alive if you have a body. [...]
[...] They have their own business to attend to and their own reality to meet and their own challenges to accept, but, they are coming to you so that you will be aware of their continued existence; and also so that you will be aware of the nature of your own inner self which is as free of your physical body now as they are. [...]
(After break, to Sally B.) I will bid you all good evening, and whenever you are ready I will be ready to help you out of your body, but you are a slowpoke and you get frightened. [...]
Now it may seem quite strange to our Lady of Florence to find herself within her body and working at such intimate terms with the physical matter of which she is composed, and yet you do this constantly. [...] Because you feel you are in the body and manipulating organs, you feel that you are being quite practical. [...] Even in the body it seems to you that you need physical hands to manipulate reels, to change what you see when a thought would suffice. [...]
[...] Now bear with me for a few moments, realizing as you do so that there is in reality no distinction between the atoms and molecules within your precious bodies and the atoms and molecules that fly about the room quite innocently and free; realizing also that there is great space between the atoms and molecules within your body, and that if some very small person were flying through they would find your bodies as large as a galaxy; realizing also that the skin that seems so solid to you is very open, indeed, and does not separate you so much from the universe, as it connects you with the universe; and that there is little division between the atoms and molecules in those knees and those legs and the atoms and molecules that form the floor upon which the legs and knees seem to rest. [...]
[...] He identified completely with his body. Afterward he could not identify with his body in the same way. [...]
Holding back from your own expansion of consciousness impedes energy through the body. [...] These suggestions, if completely followed consistently (underlined) and wholeheartedly, will completely free the body. [...]
The expansions of consciousness on Ruburt’s part did involve some natural feelings of disorientation with his body and the world, that all in all were handled supremely well.
Your body repairs itself constantly, and your mind thinks — all without your normally conscious attention. [...]
[...] Since the spontaneous portions are so related to bodily activity, they are very important in facilitating good health, and when people feel divorced from their spontaneous selves, they also feel divorced to the same extent from their own bodies.
[...] Nothing is more highly organized than the physical body that spontaneously grows all of its own parts.