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[...] Now, give us a moment—he much preferred leaving his body when he did. [...] He wanted to be free of the body before that time was reached. Now in the two lives immediately previous he stayed with the body at one time until he was 87 and at another to the age of 92 and at a time when such age was quite unusual. [...]
[...] Mankind did at one time have what you may call a heavier body than at present. (Long pause, over one minute.) This particular body type has not vanished entirely by any means. The mental body, sometimes called the astral body, is the next one that you will inhabit. [...]
Training and disciplined experimentation in the manipulation of this body will be of great benefit, for you will be facing some of the conditions that you will have to face when the physical body is discarded. [...]
(10:23.) You will use the idea of a body in most stages of consciousness. When you leave your physical body in any kind of out-of-body experience, you actually leave it in another that is only slightly less physical. [...]
(9:51.) The physical body all the while is greatly benefitted, because the beneficial feelings automatically renew and replenish its recuperative abilities. [...]
[...] Your body is your most intimate symbol at this point, and again your most obvious.
[...] When Ruburt is about to leave his body from the dream state for example, he will often find himself in a strange house or apartment that offers opportunities for exploration.
[...] Many eye difficulties have to do with body posture. [...] The heat, applied to the knees when the body is sitting and relaxed, releases the neck tension, and that helps bring the eyes into better balance.
He felt himself to be a portion of the storm, however, and felt the storm as a vast magnification of his own emotional reality—even as he felt the body of the earth itself to be, beside itself, the magnification of his own emotional reality and that of others.
[...] You do not have to think before you cross the floor—where there Ruburt is aware of the slightest detail—the arrangement of his body or the furniture, the lay of the floor.
Ruburt’s entire body has stretched noticeably in the last week and a half, the legs in particular. [...]
The body’s discomfort as he wrote would also tone down his inner pursuits enough so that he could intellectually handle them.
[...] It was necessary in the old frame of reference, that he believe his body could not work properly. [...]
The body is a miraculous organism, changing in every moment. [...]
(Long pause.) The more stimuli, thoughts, desires and material of a diverse nature brought into the system—within reason—the greater the amount of material the inner self has to work with and put together in its own creative fashions—but do remember those sessions given that remind Ruburt that his body can indeed recover, that he can indeed trust his body’s processes, and that he should not compare his life with anyone else’s, but trust in the entire fabric of his existence, and you indeed should trust the entire fabric of your own. [...]
(I thought, then, that much of the time most people simply get well through an unwitting trust in their bodies to heal themselves. [...]
When you maintain that identity is dependent upon the duration of the physical body, you are taking it for granted that the physical body is one complete thing, more or less rigid in form, and permanent within a certain perspective. You know however that the physical body is not one thing in those terms, and that the stuff of which it is composed is forever coming and going, arriving and departing, and yet identity is maintained.
[...] The forms then build, one within or upon the other, in the manner in which I explained that the gestalt of a human body was maintained. [...]
You may not be aware of the conscious nature of each atom in your body, or of the gestalt consciousness formed by those atoms as they build into cells, but it is not necessary for them, or for their own awareness of themselves, that you give them that recognition. [...]
Sleepwalking was once, in that beginning, a very common experience—far more so than now—in which the inner self actually taught the physical body to walk, and hence presented the newly emerged physically oriented intellect from getting in its own way, asking too many questions that might otherwise impede the body’s smooth spontaneous motion.
[...] (Long pause.) At the time of this awakening man did experience, then, some sense of separation from his dream body, and from his own inner reality—the world of his dreams—but he was still far more aware of that subjective existence than you are now.
[...] It was important also in that it shed its skin, as man innately knew he shed his own bodies.
“You wanted some affirmation of your body’s vitality, of its resilience and recuperative energies. [...]
[...] While conscious beliefs have a part to play in such cases, on an individual basis the “inner work” is done just as unconsciously as the body produces physical symptoms. The symptoms often seem to be inflicted upon the body, just as a natural disaster seems to be visited upon the body of the earth. [...]
[...] Many individuals die young, for example, because they believe so strongly that old age represents a degradation of the spirit and an insult to the body. [...]
(10:27.) There are as many reasons then for “earth illnesses” as there are for body illnesses. [...]
The overall emotional tone or feeling-level of masses of people, through their body connections with the environment, brings about the exterior physical conditions that initiate such an onslaught of natural energy. [...]
[...] I wish I could put this into words; but you’ve got to realize that events outside the body are the same events as those inside the body — the behavior of its neurons and all of its chemical activities … and because inside and outside are so beautifully synchronized, everything will always agree.
[...] The knowledge is interpreted through alterations in body sensation, which give it an important corporeal validity. In such cases high mental and psychic activity is reflected in the body’s experience, providing a beneficial unity.
Now: When utilized properly and fully in your terms of time, the spacious mind will vastly enrich the dimensions of the species, bringing the body into a greater harmony than now possible.
Viruses are alive, as I mentioned in another connection (in the 631st session in Chapter Seven), and can be beneficial or detrimental according to other balances in the body. In cancer cells the growth principle runs wild; within creaturehood each of the species has its place, and if one multiplies out of its proper order then all life and the body of the earth itself comes into peril.
[...] A cell that becomes omnivorous can destroy the life of the body.
1. Antibodies are proteins manufactured in the body in order to neutralize toxic substances. [...]
[...] There are millions of cells within your body, but you call your body a unit, and consider it your own. [...]
[...] The ego, in other words, the “exterior” self that you think of as your self — that portion of you maintains its safety and its seeming command precisely because inner layers of your own personality constantly uphold it, keep the physical body operating, and maintain communications with the multitudinous stimuli that come both from outside conditions and inside conditions. [...]
[...] Remember that the soul is plain behind the facade that you see — that even the body is in a constant state of almost magical activity, even though as you paint it in its chair, it is physically motionless.
[...] Often this represents a symbolic transference of symptoms from the body outward into the social structure.
(And: “A chapter on a person’s ‘Effective Personal Reality’ — about the private purposes in one’s life, and the bounds of creaturehood as set by your body; what you choose to be born with as far as health, disease, poverty or wealth, ability, etc., are concerned.”
[...] There is a cellular communication between or among all of earth’s living cells, as if the earth itself were one large physical body.
(Joe, John said, has been taken very ill — pains throughout his body, in the bones, but also in the heart area. [...]
[...] On the way home, John said a later report showed that Joe does have cancer throughout his body.)
[...] Since her physical body was quite dead, she was in her astral body; yet she was acting confused, and her mind was still unclear, as if she still had hardening of the arteries.
[...] For the effects of the body are felt in the mind, and the mind’s effects are felt in the body.”
“If you think, ‘I have a headache,’ and if you do not replace this suggestion by a positive one, then you are automatically suggesting that the body set up those conditions that will result in the continuation of the malady. [...]