Results 341 to 360 of 1262 for stemmed:bodi
[...] The trembling (in the legs) is indeed a sign of new life, new sensation, as large areas of the body try the new positions. Had you both trusted the body, had you believed that it did indeed improve to improve, then Ruburt would have been more aware of the new balancing sensations and positions, and would not have added anxiety on top.
It is highly important that you do keep up your communications with each other, and that you begin each day in one way or another by stating your faith in the body’s processes. [...] It is also important, now, that you concentrate upon your own creative works, both of you—Ruburt particularly, so that he takes his mind off of his body, and focuses elsewhere. [...]
[...] The balance of the body is changing. [...] Fear, his and yours, makes him concentrate upon the body’s sensations too much, and that prevents him from the frame of mind necessary for his writing.
His body is responding extremely well, despite the mental anxiety that both of you place upon the process. [...]
[...] You renew your bodies every seven years, all without your conscious knowledge. [...] You expect the cells of your body to be replaced. [...] The bodies that you had ten years ago are dead and gone, and you never missed them, and you do not feel dead. [...]
[...] And it does not occur to you that as your body is completely transformed within each seven years, so there is no reason at all to reproduce it each time with the old ailment. [...]
Now, to some extent, all of you take advantage of these abilities or you would not have physical bodies to begin with. [...]
[...] You are kept alive as you listen to me and yet you do not understand what keeps your body alive and functioning. [...]
[...] His mind and body both must recognize the validity of those motions, so that there should be no contradictory material to block it.
[...] We’re supposed to have the confidence that the body knows what it’s doing, and will fix that leg in whatever manner is necessary.” [...]
[...] Ironic indeed, I thought as I drove home, if the broken leg would serve as the last, final impetus toward clearing our psyches of the last of the old, damaging beliefs, so that the new synthesis can finally take place: the body can heal itself …
If you imagine yourself as a part of energy and a part of All That Is and an identity that forms and creates your body, then you know you create it with each breath that you take. And with each portion of your thought and desire you can leave it as freely as a vagabond who can then find peace and joy and contentment in any corner of the universe and reform your body as well with joy and exaltation, and not fear it will disintegrate or disappear while you are gone. [...]
[...] The freedom is yours now, as available to you as it is to me, and easier for you to use since you are more familiar with your own body than I am with Ruburt’s. You direct it outward unconsciously as you go about your daily endeavors so easily and so automatically that the miracle of it escapes you. [...]
[...] You have it in your mind that there is some dam or wall that you must encounter before you are free to leave your body, and such is not the case. [...]
You are afraid, and he is, unconsciously, that you will fall off the edges of the known universe, that the conscious mind won’t function out of the body, and that only chaos will meet you, and this is not the case. [...]
This is particularly important since the body itself is now working with improvements involving the relationships of motion between its various parts, and the quickening of nerve impulses connected with motion. [...] The body has gone through several complete processes of late, and as these occur each time the discomfort has been less, and of less duration.
[...] He did not need disciplinary methods that led to physical restrictions of the body.
[...] Ruburt is definitely building up a good and dependable sense of trust with the body, and under conditions that were admittedly not of the best. [...]
Your own attitudes, however, have changed more than you realize, and the inner changes in Ruburt’s body will begin to show themselves in exterior improvements in performance. [...]
Dictation: There are too many aspects of what you think of as health and illness to discuss even in a book that is directed to personal reality, in which the body plays such an important role.
Health and illness are both evidences of the body’s attempt to maintain stability. [...]
[...] The cycles of health and disease are felt as rhythms of the body by the large variety of animals, and even with them illness or disease has life-saving qualities on another level.
Instinct is fairly accurate, for example, guiding the beasts to those territories in which proper conditions can be found; and even for them the well-being of the body represents physical evidence of their “being in the proper place at the proper time.” [...]
However, as we know the cell is a part of the body, giving nourishment and receiving nourishment from it. Its outer rim, more correctly, connects it to the body. Parts of it literally travel throughout the body. [...] If you considered the body as a closed system, which it is not, then you could say that the self of the cell had as its limitations only the limits of the whole closed system. But the system is not closed, and through the participation of the cell in the activities of the body, which is an open system, then you could truly say that the cell itself had no limitations.
[...] As an individual cell can be considered to be apart from the rest of the body, as its outer rim can be considered as something that divides it from the rest of the body, so the self can be considered as apart from the universe, and its outer skin thought of as dividing it from the rest of the body.
And, as far as I know, Seth has no imprisoning body. [...] Curious thought — I can also imagine some good-humored game of musical chairs in which I try to get out of my body, while Seth tries to get into it. [...] Seth doesn’t have any great interest in taking over my body for any length of time, while I have an insatiable curiosity about the experience of getting out of mine.
[...] When the body lies in bed, it is separated by a vast distance from the dream location in which the dreaming self may dwell. But this, dear friends, has nothing to do with space, for the dream location exists simultaneously with the room in which the body sleeps.
[...] We simply use the body in a different way.
[...] Certainly, it was because of Seth that I found myself studying the dream reality that comes into focus while the body sleeps.
(I’d say a valuable clue as to the workings of mind and body is presented here: The dream state activity prepares the body for its subsequent activity on a larger scale. [...]
[...] The body does not just work part by part—but its motions are also the result of unseen organizations and connections that unite the various parts of the body. [...]
Ruburt’s brief dream experience, in which he crossed the street and began eating lustily a piece of steak, unconsciously activated all the portions of the body that would be necessary for such activity, though on a miniature scale. [...]
[...] As stated, overall balance must be maintained, and is being maintained, overall, while the body still goes through many changes in stance that go unnoticed as muscles strengthen themselves in precise order, and circulation is increased. These changes occur steadily; yet some would be too shocking to the body to happen at once.
If people become ill, it is quite fashionable to say that the immunity system (Seth’s pronunciation) has temporarily failed — yet the body itself knows that certain “dis-eases” are healthy reactions. The body does not regard diseases as diseases, in usually understood terms. [...]
I wanted to explain something to you that applies not only to the eyes, but to other portions of the body also. [...]
[...] They are quite conscious in actuality, and because they do deal with the spontaneous processes of the body, they are also completely familiar with your own state of health and well-being.
[...] Since your physical body itself is composed of the very energy that drives the universe, then there is nothing about you which that energy is unaware of. [...]
Once again, I bid you a fond early evening, and I accelerate those coordinates that bring about peace of body and mind, and quicken the healing processes.
(This development, I told her, will free her mind as well as the body. [...]
[...] She’d talked several times earlier about feeling itchy, and the tingles, in various parts of her body, as though circulation was increasing. [...]
Ruburt is presently experiencing an acceleration of nearly all portions of the body—increased activity, and the stimulation of circulation, and in particular the stimulation of nervous activity. [...]
When Augustus Two was in control of the body the chemical makeup varied considerably. [...]
Dictation: Luckily the human mind and body are far more flexible, durable and creative than ever given credit for. [...]
[...] The difficulty may be exteriorized as a broken limb, for example, instead of a broken self, and as the body is repaired the necessary assimilation of belief takes place.
Once more — (humorously:) that will save you from scratching out another “again,” “however,” or whatever — your body is mobilized when you want to move. [...] You have what I will call for now “a body of thought,” and it is that “body” that constantly springs into action at your intent.