Results 261 to 280 of 1262 for stemmed:bodi
Now: Ruburt’s body is definitely recovering normal motion. [...] Sometimes at night the activity might make him feel uncomfortable, but the body is activating itself in certain ways while it is supported.
[...] If the intellect believes that the world (pause) is a threat to existence, then that belief will alter its intents, of course, and therefore the body’s activities. [...]
[...] Midway through this process he tried to catch himself, but he believed that his body could not handle the heat — and that belief outweighed his intent to change his thoughts, so they kept returning for perhaps ten minutes.
[...] It is a good one, while mind and body both relax.
[...] You will expect to live forever in the same physical body, or think that you can levitate with your body at will. You can indeed levitate, but not with your physical body, practically speaking in operational terms. You accepted a body, and that body will die. [...] The body in which our friend, Joseph, viewed his relatives (in the dream mentioned earlier) was not operationally physical. [...]
[...] What do you think of yourself, your daily life, your body, your relationship with others? [...]
Your feelings always change the chemical balance of your body and alter its hormonal output, but the danger comes only when you refuse to face the contents of your conscious mind. [...]
[...] That belief alone can lead you to deny quite natural dimensions of human experience, and to impede the flow of emotions that could otherwise cleanse both your body and your mind. [...]
If you have been told, again, that the spirit is good, in fact perfect, and that you must then be perfect in all of your ways, while at the same time you believe in the imperfection of the body, you will always be in conflict with yourself.
[...] I told her often how great it was to see her move, and that her motions only meant that her body was more than willing to cooperate if allowed to. [...] What counts is keeping it up, without trying too hard, and letting the body do its thing.
[...] She said she’d reassured herself through the night and morning that it was okay to move, that she trusted her body, and had had some movements.
There are changes in the division of body weight. [...]
[...] The results of the dream that I told you would occur, have, in the awakening, so to speak, of the left side of the body relatively—that is, that side was more reluctant before.
Now, I bid you a fond good evening—and if you will really remember what I say, and take it to heart, then your chest would not bother you when you exert yourself or worry; and if you would remind yourself during your naptime that the vitality of the universe is indeed surging through your body as you sleep, then you would rid yourself of that annoying difficulty.
[...] While your body appears quite dependable, solid, [and] steady, you are not aware of the constant interchanges that occur between it and the physical environment. It does not bother you one whit that the physical substance of your body is made up of completely different atoms and molecules than it was composed of seven years ago, [say], or that your familiar hands are actually innocent of any smallest smidgen of matter that composed them [even in recent times past].
You perceive your body as solid. [...]
[...] The stability of the planet rests upon such changes and alterations, even as the body’s stability is dependent upon, say, the birth and death of the cells.
[...] In that game they enjoy the motion of their bodies, but they do not identify with those swirling circles. [...]
Your body is the physical mirror of your psychological state (quietly intent). [...] Your mind and your body come from the same source, from universal energy. [...] When you lose the sense of life’s meaning, for whatever reason, this is reflected in your body. [...] Cancer, for example, has become the symbol for the body’s vulnerability, in current years — the proof of man’s susceptibility to the body. [...]
First of all, if (underlined) a sperm carrying cancer entered a woman’s uterus, and if she had no intentions of getting the disease, her body’s own system would make the cancer completely ineffective. [...]
[...] A cell exists by itself, as its own entity, but also in context with all of the other cells in the body. [...]
[...] Many do: The psychological condition changes for the better, and the body cells are no longer amiable to the cancerous condition.
[...] Signals from the body reach it constantly. It is in immediate contact with the body on certain levels: survival levels. [...]
[...] The North-South position is still the best body position, though other positions may be used. [...]
There should not be any rubber on or near the body, nor on the legs of the bed, for example. [...]
My condition had certain drawbacks, however: The two sides of my body were uneven, so I could end up with four bright new metal and plastic joints and still not be able to walk properly. [...]
[...] I wanted to see how my body would react to the synthetic thyroid hormone and to therapy first. [...]
(A one-minute pause at 9:13, eyes blinking, then closing.) One doctor told me that my body’s mobility would be bound to change for the better as my thyroid gland …
[...] Her body began to slowly lean against the right arm of her chair in what has become a characteristic pose, for both her thyroid activity, and therefore her energy, are still below par even though she’s been out of the hospital for 24 days now. [...]
[...] This is not a lack of belief or optimism, but an honest response at a given moment, and one that allows the body a natural release from tension. He is afraid that such action would put you in a poor mood, but you must both understand that it is therapeutic, and also activates the body in beneficial ways. [...]
It is natural to feel upset or sad, or like crying when your body hurts, for whatever reasons. [...]
[...] I said I hoped Seth would go into my question of yesterday, about not wanting my own suggestions for Jane’s improvement to come into conflict with her body’s own innate and spontaneous order of healing itself. [...]
Now: you cannot really go wrong with your suggestions at this stage of the game, as long as you allow the body’s wisdom freedom, so that it automatically lets its own order predominate. [...]
[...] Simply allow that mental flexibility, overall suggestions for motion and healing are of course excellent, since they leave it up to the body to do the inner work involved. [...]
[...] (Pause.) The body is improving itself overall, however, and some improvements that seem to appear suddenly are the manifestations of improvements that have been taking place for some time, but are only now showing themselves. [...]
[...] Ruburt has exercised often because separate portions of the body were ready for certain motions, while the overall balance for walking, for example, was not present, since various areas of the body were changing at different rates. There will be periods when he feels like walking often, and shortly, and they well may be followed by periods when separate portions of the body may want to be exercised, say, alone.
(Before the session I explained that I didn’t think feelings of hopelessness had much to do with it, since if the background fears were dispensed with the body would automatically right itself, and those feelings would vanish. [...]
[...] Ruburt needs the free time, meaning relaxed time, in which to allow the body’s continued healing, and your new suggestions tuned into all of the reasons behind the slowness of progress, as it seems to you. [...]
[...] The drinks did further aid in the relaxation—but there was a freedom of expression, a trust of the self, a concentration away from the body, and a self-acceptance.
(At about 4 PM yesterday Jane called me out to the card table to show me the much improved movements she could make with her head: She rotated it more freely up and down and from side to side, her whole body participating somewhat as she sat in her chair. [...]
(I told her the increased motion represented the key to getting her decubiti under control, that any fears she had about increased freedom of motion simply had to be either dismissed or much downgraded-—turned into positive forces and actions toward motion so that her whole body could mend itself. [...]
[...] People pass unknowingly from states of excellent health into states of disease and back again—and it is always the will to live that successfully guides the body through such changes. [...] Often they immediately take a drug to bring the fever down, when the fever was actually meant to burn out certain microbes that were indeed detrimental to the body’s overall excellent condition. [...]
[...] The two together promote play and creativity—and indeed, playfulness is one of the marks of a healthy, functioning body. Through play children develop their muscles and overall body tone, and this is because children possess a keen expectancy and a desire to perform to the best of their abilities. [...]
If you believe, however, that such a fever is very detrimental, and you are afraid of it, believing furthermore that only an aspirin or other drug will help relieve you, then it becomes necessary to take advantage of such a medicine—because you do not believe enough in the body’s own defense system. [...]
[...] Some days he will know that his body wants to relax, but even then the walking should be attempted, for the improvements will have an opportunity to work along with the body mechanism in operation.
The body is significantly responding. [...] There is nothing wrong with his body except for the applied tensions. [...]
[...] The changes in Ruburt’s body continue to be those exactly required, and in response to his intent and desire to be responsive.
When he is proficient with the bathroom routine, which you were very wise to begin, we will start some other simple new routines, one at a time, instilling appropriate body reaction to a safe universe. [...] His physical mobility will result from the body’s spontaneous creativity. [...]
[...] Tension in the head and neck floated down like ripples into the body, and for every obvious improvement in this kind of mobility (Jane waved her right arm about vigorously; it is much improved), inner small releases occur in the legs.
There will be definite, rather immediate changes apparent in walking, but a balanced stance must be maintained, and the entire lower region of the body is being activated. [...]