Results 201 to 220 of 1262 for stemmed:bodi
I say “sounds”—yet these inner body sounds can only be compared to an inner body situation where sound operates as light. [...] These operate within the body.
[...] The body’s rate of progress is such that it allows him an intimate awareness of the healing process, and brings about a companionship with the body that he needed.
Each frequency, so to speak, operates as a messenger, triggering body response before an actual response is apparent.... In any body difficulty, the light and sound frequencies become out of tune, so to speak. [...]
The body is then pushed in different directions, with resulting strain. [...]
I awakened toward morning with my body quite sore and with the memory of an earlier dream scene. [...] My body hurt from polishing the stuff.... [...]
Just before awakening I’m aware of my body’s soreness and think it’s from caring for the silverware, which wasn’t even the best silverware; that somehow the silver represented my psychic ability.... [...]
[...] That Rob was having a “body vacation” or that his body was taking a vacation, a rest; and that the contrast between his floppy state and his usual one would let him know how tight he’d been.... [...] The mind wears the body out sometimes....and then the body sends signals of distress....
At a certain point your body does not care. [...] The relaxed body, however, the truly relaxed body, can physically perform of course far better than the tense one.
[...] I believed Jane-Seth’s material about my being on a “body vacation.” [...] I just hoped more beneficial results would flow from the experience, and I was appalled that I’d been that badly off, that “tight,” so that my body greatly needed such a drastic kind of relief.
[...] I savored the experience now because I felt at a deep peace and my body was almost free of aches and pains. [...]
[...] I hoped the second spot marked an effort on the body’s part to increase its speed of healing, and told her this. [...]
[...] There are millions of cases in which the body has healed itself, and an individual has passed into a disease and out of it without conscious awareness of the situation. [...]
(From my own notes as the afternoon progressed: Seth’s material on Jane’s dreams was just what I hoped it would be—another sign that her body is awakening, and that it knows what to do and how to do it. [...]
Your body cells knew at the same time that your friend was in some difficulty, and wanted help. The cells in Leonard’s body—in a manner of speaking—sent out a message for help (pause), “radiated” outward for a receiver. [...]
(Jane called Leonard Yaudes this morning while I was painting [I thought she was talking to Peg G.], and said later that she was picking up from Seth a good deal of excellent material on the body consciousness, our social mores re illness, and my own recent panicky hassles after Leonard’s operation a couple of weeks ago. [...]
I have told you that the very cells of the body are aware of the conditions in the environment, of other cells, and of course of the creatures within the environment. [...]
Now: Had you been following your natural impulses, your body cells would have picked up that message easily. [...]
[...] When the personality is thoroughly ready to leave the body, nothing, including transplants, will keep it within the body. And if personalities refuse to inhabit a new body, then no science will be able to give life to the newly formed but uninhabited body.
[...] It is quite within the probabilities that the statistics will reverse themselves and that for no reason that scientists can discover, children are born stillborn, as in a mass epidemic, and that entities simply refuse to inhabit the bodies made for them. The bodies then remaining empty to decay unused. [...]
[...] Now, one of these roses leaves the familiar world that it knows and embarks upon out-of-body experiences quite frequently, but this rose has a beautiful memory. In the out-of-body state this rose remembers all the out-of-body experiences it has had, but when it comes back to the body it forgets them all. [...]
[...] The great trip, the great fascination, the cosmic energy and power and strength resides within the eyes of a frog, within the body of a suburbanite who mows his lawn. [...]
Now, I have been, in many ways, a sly and cunning teacher, for the material is given in such a way that as you read it and use your intellect and intuitions to understand it, you automatically develop both your intuitions and your intellect and expand the nature of your own consciousness, though part of the training of consciousness itself is in the body of the material as it exists. [...]
[...] You will not be nearly so startled by the nature of your own reactions (reactone) if you understand beforehand for example that your consciousness not only is not imprisoned by your physical body, but (bud) can create other portions at will. Those who “overidentify” their consciousness with their body can suffer self-created torment (tortment) for no reason, lingering about the body. [...]
Earlier I said that you are only familiar with those characteristics of your own consciousness that you use through the mediumship of the body. You rely upon the body to express the perceptions of your consciousness. You tend, again, to identify the expression of your consciousness with the body.
[...] You are not nearly as aware of your own consciousness when it is not operating primarily through the mediumship of the body, as it does in out-of-body states and some dissociated conditions.
[...] Close to death, this same sort of thing happens in varying degrees when the consciousness realizes that it can no longer express itself through the mediumship of the body. If the dying person overidentifies with the body then he can easily panic, thinking that all expression is therefore cut off, and for that matter that his consciousness is about to be extinguished.
[...] In your terms, over a period of time he pulled his awareness in, so to speak; he no longer identified as he did before, and began to view objects through the object of his own body. He no longer merged his awareness, so that he learned to look at a tree as one object, where before he would have joined with it, and perhaps viewed his own standing body from the tree’s vantage point. [...]
[...] The body was considered more or less like a friendly home or cave, kindly giving the self refuge but not confining it.
[...] The wind outside and the breath were felt to be one and the same, so that the wind was the earth breathing out the breath that rose from the mouths of the living, spreading out through the earth’s body. [...]
[...] The breath makes certain sounds that are dependent upon the characteristics of the body. [...]
The physical body itself however has much more to do with the maintenance of environment than is realized, for you use it so that your environment becomes almost like a second body, extending outward from the first, through which you express your inclinations and characteristics. [...]
In many respects the physical body itself aids in these transformations, through chemical interactions, changes in delicate electromagnetic balances, temperature variations, and through other methods that will be discussed shortly.
[...] They respond to emotional and psychic directives as the physical body responds to light.
[...] The inner self therefore creates the physical body and the land upon which it moves.
Once again, it is perfectly natural for each cell in the body, for each organ and each portion of the body to heal itself, and in the same terms it is really “unnatural” not to trust the body, rather than looking at it with suspicion. [...]
[...] That alone relaxes all other parts of the body, and lets the healing processes operate more easily and efficiently.
[...] His determination to use his body is helping in this area. A natural-enough resentment comes to the surface at times, natural enough under the circumstances, in which he objects to taking special time out, but largely he is overcoming that attitude and a more pliable attitude toward the body is being set up.
The more he does physically also the more his body needs and will ask for food. [...]
[...] Ruburt’s aunt was looking from without, and the consciousness of Ruburt’s mother left the body as Rooney’s did. [...] Consciousness leaves first, though the body mechanism reacts, but without the “I” identity from which the (in quotes) “horror” comes. [...]
[...] Remind him of the ways he has used his body well, and help him change his beliefs about it. [...]
[...] Some ideas he has from William James (Varieties of Religious Experience), the seemingly disconnected realizations about his body, dreams and dialogues, will altogether help him.
[...] The belief triggers body chemicals in a certain fashion, though the process itself involves an interaction between the air and the chemicals of the body, which form together a protective shield that repels the action of the fire.
In many cases of health problems, energy is actually being applied to block the body’s normal healing processes. [...] It is the body’s attempt to cope in the face of the mind’s confusion.
[...] This week she has experienced many more small but important physical improvements throughout her body, all adding up to a considerable change in her physical condition as far as sitting, walking, etc. [...]
They program the interactions within the body, so that certain effects always appear inevitable, when such in basic terms is not always the case, necessarily. [...]
[...] Tell him to leave his body alone with his conscious mind in the same way that he leaves a poem alone with his conscious mind when it is forming— to think of his body as a poem. [...]
You know that physical symptoms are the materialization in the body of inner dis-ease. [...]
[...] As the joy of life is reflected in all of your acts, affecting your work, bodies, environment and the people you meet, so your problems are also faithfully reflected in all of these areas.
[...] When this is done, as it was this evening, easily, getting up and down from the floor does the same thing physically, reminding the body and the mind of successful performances in the past. [...]
Give us a moment … In the body certain cells “kill” others, and in so doing the body’s living integrity is maintained. [...] The man, the slayer, understood the great sense of harmony that existed even in the slaying, and knew that in turn the physical material of his body would be used by the earth to replenish the vegetable and animal kingdoms.
[...] Cellular structure maintains brilliant effectiveness in the body’s present reality, but knows itself free of it. Man’s particular kind of consciousness fiercely identified with the body. [...]
[...] Yet its time is limited, and the body’s survival is dependent upon the cell’s innate wisdom: The cell must die finally for the body to survive, and only by dying can the cell further its own development, and therefore insure its own greater survival. [...]
[...] The body, then, is indeed a far more wondrous living mechanism than you realize. It is the body’s own precognitions10 that allows the child to develop, to speak and walk and grow.
[...] The body is denied the frequent rests it requires. Conscious stimuli is over-applied, making assimilation difficult and placing a strain upon the mind-body relationship.
Animals follow their own natural waking-sleeping schedules, and in their way derive far greater benefits from both states than you, and use them with greater effectiveness — particularly along the lines of the body’s built-in system of therapy. [...]
[...] With your habits the body is literally starved for long periods at night, then often overfed during the day. [...]
The body itself can be physically refreshed and rested in much less than eight hours, and after five hours the muscles themselves yearn for activity. [...]
Again, the body is overworking. [...] Instead of projecting them outward, as you did into such images, they are directed to a specific area in the body; or in other cases allowed to wander, so to speak, traveling troublemakers, through the entire physical system.
[...] Though the mind, or brain rather, may be seemingly passive in the case of the perceiver, the metabolism is quickened, for the body is using energy at a quickened rate.
[...] According to the physical validity or the extent of physical reality to be achieved, the physical body of the originator then lends, or transposes or transfers, portions of its own chemical structure. [...]
[...] As you know them, body chemicals are physical, but they are the propellants of this thought-energy, containing all the codified data necessary for translating any thought or image into physical actuality. They cause the body to reproduce the inner image. [...]
“Every nerve and fiber within the body has an inner purpose that is not seen, and that serves to connect the inner self with physical reality, that allows the inner self to create physical reality. In one respect, the body and physical objects go flying out in all directions from the inner core of the whole self.”
“Nerve impulses travel outward from the body, invisibly along these nerve pathways in much the same manner that they travel within the body. [...]
[...] In the backs of their minds people with either attitude will see a built-in threat in each new day; even joy will be suspect because it, too, must end in the body’s eventual death.