Results 1 to 20 of 400 for stemmed:block
He also blocks impulses to eat during the day, or sometimes before bed. He does not do this at meals, but the small snacks that he would ordinarily want, he does not take. He has not been tying to run, as I specified. This is important, for to him running is a happy, spontaneous activity, and he has blocked the impulse at times rather consciously because he feared he could not do it, that it would hurt or that he would look silly.
I expect then a concentrated effort to spontaneously accept impulses toward action and immediate performance of the act. The checking and subsequent blocking occurs three or four times usually at your meal. Several times both morning and afternoon when he is at his desk. Now these are simple impulses to get up. Other impulses involve leaving the apartment, going down the stairs. He checks the impulses—now, he checks the natural impulse—to throw his arms out straight away. (Gestures; emphatic delivery.)
It is his fingers that want to grasp firmly, and he out of fear, fearful habit, has blocked the impulse. Reading this will remind him of that; but again here, when he is about to open something, or to grasp it, I want him to try to feel the impulse to do so, and then go along with it.
Here, for his own reasons, as given much earlier, he latched upon what he considered and interpreted as cautiousness on your part. You used to tell him (underline used) not to tell everyone his good news, for example, perhaps lest it did not develop. In his own way at that time (underlined), he picked up the habit of checking happy spontaneity, and he felt you were accusing if he displayed it, and in small ways began blocking. Later he himself did not trust any good development, and so felt unsure in expressing it. He also interpreted a habit of “natural secrecy” (in quotes) on your part quite literally. To keep a secret was not to express it. This is simply background that did apply however to the running aspect—either running physically or running off at the mouth. So it is important that he begin showing himself that he can run, and now he knows that you will heartily approve. Now give us a moment for our dictation.
(“Give us a moment, please… With a block or blocks, as rocks or steps of stone.” This block or rock or stone data could be connected to the data in the paragraph just above this one; although Seth took a long pause in between. [...]
(“The feeling of a fluid dark color, broken by white shapes that appear like blocks.” [...] Seth now uses the block data to refer to the whites scattered through the object on the original. Some of the whites are of a block shape, roughly, but more often simply irregular just as the pigment is.
With a block or blocks, as rocks or steps of stone. [...]
[...] There is a compliance on the part of the ego, however, that allows it to step aside so that it does not block inner awareness of other-dimensional existence. [...]
[...] For when you harbor negative ideas and resentments, then indeed you set up a block and the block causes distortions. [...]
Some of you, for example, do well in certain areas and are blocked in others. We want to get rid of the blocks. [...]
[...] You have a shadow of mathematics, for here again you have insisted upon hemming in realities, of applying larger elements of thought to your blocks. Your idea of progress is building bigger blocks, like children sitting upon the floor. Yet none of us would think of kicking aside your block constructions in ire, or telling you to put aside children’s toys, though one day you shall do so.
The blocks of physical reality appear very real to you when you dwell within their perspective.
[...] He then entered your own system of physical blocks, and by contrast that system then appeared huge and monstrous.
[...] And Ruburt had also tuned in on the same conversation, but had already begun to tense, and therefore was blocking every psychological stimulus in the hopes of blocking out the right one. Unfortunately, he blocked out all of this except the right one.
I am giving this material now, rather than later, as I said I would, because I could tell that Ruburt would clamp up on me, as far as this particular subject is concerned, after the pain was gone, and block this material.
[...] The seeming great division between the waking and the sleeping self is largely a result of the division in function, the two being largely separated — a block of time being allotted to the one, and a larger block of time to the other. [...]
[...] To some extent you drug the body with suggestion, so that it believes it must sleep away a certain amount of hours in one block. [...]
[...] And even those who think they now need more sleep than this would find that they did not, if all the time was not spent in one block. [...]
[...] Habit will still have some power of restraint for a while yet, but whole blocks of conceptual realizations, and whole blocks of time realizations, are now surely drifting away from the ego’s control.
[...] What came through was correct, but my charming Ruburt merely blocked the rest.
This is not nearly as troublesome basically as a distortion, though at times such blocking may leave you up in the air. [...]
[...] Your children play with wooden blocks and they make houses. You play with mental blocks and you make worlds. You encourage your children in their creativity, and when they make errors and when you see that their houses will not stand, you do not kick the blocks aside in ire. You try, instead, to explain how the blocks must be placed one upon the other, or you smile at their childish efforts. [...]
[...] When it is free in this manner, then there is no need to block messages or distort material. [...]
[...] When he attempts to deny or block what he considers unsuitable moods, outlets are denied them and the next natural cycle, the rising up of high spirits, does not come.
He has blocked me several times when the cat lover and Jesuit were here, and the circumstances were good for a spontaneous session, particularly good, in fact. [...]
Those desires of yours, that are fitting to your nature, will automatically come to pass, unless you block them through disadvantageous beliefs. They cannot be blocked by others. If they seem to be blocked by others, that assumption is incorrect, based on ignorance.
In many cases of health problems, energy is actually being applied to block the body’s normal healing processes. [...]
[...] When Ruburt tries too hard, he often blocks material by losing spontaneity; and when you try too hard, you interrupt any communication, or at least make it more difficult.
[...] Keep the object in mind, but do not concentrate upon it so intensely that you block out your own emotional, (underlined) vitality.
Ruburt’s confidence, or lack of it, was a stumbling block at our end.
[...] Again, like children playing with blocks, your focus of attention is upon physical blocks.
[...] Your idea of progress is building larger blocks. Yet none of us would think of kicking aside your block constructions in ire, or telling you to put aside your children’s toys, though one day you will do so.
When the personality compared physical reality with children’s blocks, he made a remark about individuals returning in our future to peer into physical reality like giants squinting down to watch children play with blocks upon the floor. [...]
“The blocks of physical reality appear very real to you when you dwell within their perspective. [...] Then he reentered your own system of physical blocks, and by contrast that system then appeared huge and monstrous.
(July 14, 1971: When sessions resume, check with Seth about what Jane might have blocked in this session—as well as what she revealed. [...] This session appears to be basic, but perhaps parts pertaining to me were blocked, to spare my feelings? [...]
(“Can the overconscientious self literally block material of this kind?”)
(“Suppose the overconscientious self blocks this kind of material next session. [...]
The overconscientious self has blocked many of Ruburt’s impressions in the past.
The negative suggestions therefore are symptoms of an inner block of energy and impetus. [...]
What you call a negative suggestion is never acted upon unless the inner block of energies has already occurred. [...]
[...] Nevertheless such impediments often set up actions that block the overall movement or direction of the action that composes the whole personality.