Results 341 to 360 of 751 for stemmed:belief

TPS6 Deleted Session May 7, 1981 responsibility pleasure penance gloom incoherent

(Long pause at 9:22.) Now nothing is all that simple, so there would be changes in his attitudes: He would tell himself, for example, that television or whatever would fritter away his time, or at other occasions other fears would rise so that the Sinful Self would think “Suppose such activity succeeded only too well, leading whole groups of people away from established systems of belief?” (Long pause.) There seemed to be little resolution. [...]

(Very long pause.) People often react to their beliefs about the kinds of persons they should be, and to imagined events. [...]

It shows a change of belief —being willing to bring the body physical pleasure instead of the Sinful Self’s idea of, say, penance or atonement. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 10, 1977 relaxation shoes suggestions inequalities inoculation

[...] And why would an animal respond to an inoculation when it could know nothing about our belief systems, etc? [...]

[...] It is not simply that disease is disease, and relationships are relationships, but that the individual generally tries to achieve the best possible conditions for a satisfying spiritual, emotional and physical existence according to beliefs and intents.

[...] Such a person may, however, according to intents and beliefs and focus, be in fairly decent physical health —because health may be a prerogative.

UR2 Section 5: Session 719 November 11, 1974 snapshots photograph milk camera picture

In that previous book I discussed the ways in which you form your private experience through your beliefs. [...] It is important that you understand what your own beliefs are. [...]

If you do not understand the natural grace of your being1 then when you try some of the exercises given here you may automatically translate them into a quite limiting set of beliefs.

[...] You are used to projecting your beliefs onto physical objects and events. [...]

In any case, in your private life you may hardly ever encounter your belief in your own unworth, or evil. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 636, January 29, 1973 grace guilt conscience punishment violation

The mind is also equipped to see its own beliefs, reflect upon them and evaluate their results, so using this tool as it was meant to be used would automatically help man in recognizing both his beliefs and their effects. [...]

[...] You can hold beliefs that blind you to its existence. [...]

Your beliefs, thoughts and feelings are instantly materialized physically. [...]

TMA Session Five August 20, 1980 George Laurel target magical rational

[...] When the erroneous belief systems and negativity connected with so-called rational reason apply, then it is as if our person sees the target, but instead of directing his attention to it he concentrates upon all of the different ways that his arrow could go wrong: It could fall to the left or the right, go too far or not far enough, break in the air, fall from his hand, or in multitudinous other ways betray his intent.

[...] They concentrate upon money, so they say, and wait for it in full faith that it will be attracted to them because of their belief and concentration. [...]

[...] That juncture embodies the actions and beliefs we choose to draw from all of our previous points of power. [...]

[...] In his exercise, we gently remind ourselves that we aren’t at the mercy of our past beliefs unless we think we are. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session March 13, 1974 method winter housework astrology overcome

Some of this has to do with current mass beliefs, based on the idea of the mechanics of the body being more important than the thoughts behind the body’s working. [...] Certainly I have suggested in the past that he go out, but in line with the circumstances at the time, and the condition to which his beliefs had led him.

[...] While the reasons and beliefs as discussed in such sessions will still be valid, the suggestions that I give will be geared toward their application in given circumstances.

Your part of the purpose of course was to witness Ruburt’s condition, and therefore give you an emotional realization of the nature of the nature of beliefs as they applied not only to the two of you, but to others. [...]

TPS2 Session 666 (Deleted Portion) May 28, 1973 he session do insert ones

[...] He is, now, working directly with beliefs. [...]

NoME A note by R.F.B. overfrighten outspoken r.f.b annoying Manifesto

“Generally speaking, for example, if you are seriously worried about a physical condition, go to a doctor, because your own beliefs may overfrighten you otherwise. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 2, 1978 Bryant Anita Zandt Dickie Rick

[...] Now Anita Bryant serves a purpose for all of her distortions, for she presents each person with an exaggerated picture of certain beliefs. She makes each person question the nature of their own beliefs concerning sexuality. [...] And each person who views her on television must look into their own beliefs. And the same applies to our Reverend Jones, and to any fanatic, for the fanatic speaks in exaggerated terms, but he or she speaks beliefs that to some extent each of you hold, but to what degree? [...] But they frighten you, because you know that in your hearts some of their beliefs exist in weaker terms, and where do you draw the line? [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 26, 1981 service pleasure Turkish Ramstad apparel

[...] So you might have been that kind of person, with the belief system of your times, and with your background. [...]

(3:33.) The harder you try, therefore, to force your artistic nature into the public system of beliefs, to teach it how to service cars, for example (intently), or to apply itself to the mechanical world, the more it resists, refuses the suitable apparel or turns it into private apparel—that is, it asserts its private self. [...]

[...] Yet still, because of misunderstandings and old beliefs, he still felt a responsibility to act otherwise, a social pressure to do so. [...]

[...] To a large degree they were largely the result of a lack of understanding of himself, brought on by his old religious beliefs of responsibility, then applied to his own creativity. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

(It appears that we’ve already made a small beginning; through the pendulum we’ve arrived at several categories of belief to explore. [...]

[...] In the face of that belief Ruburt still determined to do his own thing, only with the safeguards.

[...] I would like to mention, however, that neither of you make any serious effort to change your beliefs about the world of men.

[...] And with that remark I leave you, daring not to trespass any further upon your cherished beliefs. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 596, September 27, 1971 truth knowledge expansion yawns cosmic

[...] Often the information given clashes with previously held ideas and beliefs, however. [...]

[...] Many individuals have experienced unusual, quite valid and intense expansions of consciousness, but found themselves unable to correlate the new knowledge with past beliefs, to make the changes necessary to handle the sensitivity. [...]

[...] Expansion of consciousness, therefore, requires honest self appraisal, an awareness of one’s own beliefs and prejudices. [...]

[...] It is impossible, however, to look inward with any clearness if you are unwilling to change your attitudes, beliefs, or behavior, or examine those characteristics that you consider uniquely your own.

TES8 Tuesday, January 16, 1968: Personality Characteristics Billie evidential tossing convincing conviction

[...] This would represent a personal belief or interpretation of the events—not any scientific evidence at all—but personal conviction cannot be ignored—personality can’t be scientifically established with living personalities. [...]

TPS3 Session 703 (Deleted Portion) June 12, 1974 dynamics inward Herschaft overrode stages

[...] Here, in that area excellent achievements have been made, and old beliefs overrode, that were important, concerning both art, society, and finances. [...]

You (Jane and I) have to a large degree thrown aside old belief systems, and dared to rely upon ideas given largely to you by me. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 15, 1977 towels dedicated improvements ligaments synchronized

[...] We speculated, then, about the reasons or beliefs that lay behind this neglect on our parts. I named several beliefs that could be operating, ranging all the way from a fear of failure to our not wanting to see the symptoms go. [...]

TPS5 Session 852 (Deleted Portion) May 9, 1979 horrendous revolutionary session impatient doing

(To me:) You are doing well and ideas and beliefs are changing places in your mind, to good import. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

[...] His bonding to the cultural beliefs of religion was very strong to make up for that initial lack. The sinful-self material represents those ideas that were a strong element in his original belief structures. [...] At certain points, the assimilation of new information is so qualifiedly different from the original belief structure that in order to assimilate it the personality is left for a time between belief systems.

“The dream representing his grandfather symbolically allowed him to go back to the past in this life, to a time of severe shock—his grandfather’s death—which occurred when (Ruburt, at age 19) was beginning to substitute scientific belief for religious belief, wondering if his grandfather’s consciousness then fell back into a mindless state of being, into chaos, as science would certainly seem to suggest. [...]

As he progressed with the series, Seth delved into Jane’s sinful self from a number of viewpoints: its birth and growth during her intense relationship with the Roman Catholic Church throughout her early years; the development of her very stubborn core beliefs; her creative dilemmas after she left the church in her late teens; the conflicts she began to experience after our marriage, involving on the one hand her sinful self and the religion she thought she’d left behind, and on the other hand science, art, writing, and the unconventional direction she discovered her natural, mystical abilities were taking via the Seth material; her growing fears of leading others astray; and the very real necessity for her—and for each individual—to achieve value fulfillment.

If we had been appalled when Seth began giving his version of the beliefs her sinful self held, we were even more so when that self began to express itself “personally.” [...]

NotP Chapter 3: Session 763, January 5, 1976 personhood knowledge prejudiced Cézanne nonverbal

[...] This direct kind of knowledge is available, again, on any subject, to anyone who provides a suitable pattern through desire, love, intent or belief.

[...] All of your experience, therefore, is organized according to your beliefs.

[...] All of this will help Ruburt toward a nonverbal comprehension that will, on another level, reorganize some of his beliefs.

TPS6 Jane’s Nightmare April 30, 1981 shooting hulk lunge robbery policeman

[...] I know this refers to the belief in man’s sinful nature or deadly intent; when you believe that you end up with the assailant’s hand your own. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 26, 1979 static Framework tract urinary communication

[...] You get in trouble only when you identify too strongly with the socially inoculated man, so that you can say “With my beliefs, I do not think I can learn to put Prentice in Framework 2.” [...]

[...] I seem to be a slow learner; either that or my accumulated resentments seem to be so deeply ingrained that I should work much harder at eradicating old beliefs.)

I have given some material on that before, and it all applies, as given, to contradictions in your own beliefs between the male as breadwinner and the male as artist. [...]

In this case there was also the belief that there was a lack in the flow of communication, a blockage in the flow of creativity, so tell yourself that your creative ventures can flow through you easily and well. [...]

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