Results 301 to 320 of 751 for stemmed:belief
Those same unfortunate beliefs, feelings, and attitudes are also present to a lesser degree, and in different mixtures, in the cases of life-endangering diseases. However, those beliefs may not be nearly as observable, and many people may deny that they are present at all. [...]
In such instances, an understanding of one’s beliefs, and a generation of newer, more biologically vital ones, will certainly serve to better the situation, and help relieve the condition.
[...] Always end your pendulum sessions with the new beliefs you want to instill, reinforcing whatever you have learned from that particular session. The idea of those pendulum sessions should not be to find out what is wrong, but to discover Ruburt’s feelings and beliefs, and to ascertain how they can be changed to bring about more favorable conditions.
[...] He was examining beliefs, expressing aggressions naturally, and freeing his spontaneity. [...] His beliefs and hopes arose again later when I gave the sessions on spontaneity and work that I want him to reread. [...]
[...] In the past, and with beliefs not understood, Ruburt would become depressed, or you would, so it is important that that activation be understood.
Now: all in all, the overall systems of conventional belief are relatively simple, and serve to define reality by numbering as truths or facts certain kinds of events, therefore accepting them as legitimate furniture for the mind. [...]
[...] All of those questions make sense in a framework in which the dictums of one belief system—Christianity—are accepted as true, and everything that does not agree with them is accepted as falsehood. [...]
[...] So when Ruburt asks such questions from the framework of old beliefs, with their old meanings, then he can find no adequate answers. [...]
When Ruburt closes his mind to the feelings of the Sinful Self, he locks it up within a prison as if it could receive no new information, but must always operate with the distorted beliefs of its birth. [...]
In a basic way, it is possible for present beliefs to actually modify the beliefs of a life that is seemingly a past one. [...]
(3:23.) As I said before, the reasons for most physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional problems can be found in this one lifetime, and because of the nature of simultaneous time, new beliefs in the present can also affect those in the past.
[...] In a way, much of what I told you threatened your framework, for my ideas of spontaneity clashed with your beliefs and the need for discipline above all. Your beliefs about time would prevent taking time out for relaxation exercises or for suggestion, as of this evening. [...]
Now: you use words and their suggestive elements to reinforce and communicate your own purposes, beliefs, and intents. [...]
Both of you use suggestion individually and together to suit your purposes and your beliefs. [...]
Any attempts on Ruburt’s part to help more in the kitchen or wherever, will for example now take time, in that you could perform the same chore far quicker —so you will run up against your old beliefs about the value and use of time.
[...] Their beliefs appear so drastically that you can use them as blueprints for others in whose characters the beliefs will appear more modified, and perhaps nearly unnoticed. You see the beliefs, the motivations, the feelings, of those whose beliefs are carried to extremes, so that you can follow them as if they were psychological clusters or cultures—isolated, so to speak. [...]
[...] Beliefs show themselves, however, far more clearly, and can be examined better, through the type of experience those people bring.
[...] The will, again, operates according to the personality’s beliefs about reality, so its desires are sometimes tempered as those beliefs change. [...]
You see about you others dealing with life’s challenges, following the old beliefs. They must see for themselves that those beliefs do not work.
[...] All of the power of your being is mobilized by your will, which makes its deductions according to your beliefs about reality. [...]
One of your beliefs, then, was a strong joint one that you had to protect your energy at all costs, and block out worldly distractions. [...]
[...] Remember, however: If you hold the belief that you are a sickly person, that can hinder you. [In that case, then, to] change that particular kind of belief is your first concern. [...]
Now: Your conscious ideas, expectations and beliefs direct the health and activity of the cells. [...]
[...] They occur automatically with your intent if you do not block them through fear, doubt or opposing beliefs.
[...] Ruburt is faced with the sensation of tightness, however—there is something there in his experience to deal with, so that his senses can conform to his belief about his body. [...] How many times have you said that to yourself—yet in that statement lies great freedom, for you must change your belief.
[...] Some of your private and joint problems spring from cultural beliefs that you are intellectually aware of, but not emotionally free from. [...]
[...] At the same time, because of some cultural beliefs, you are still not all that trustful about creativity to begin with.
Because of the beliefs of religion, the child expected God to show his power through some disastrous act by which sinners would be punished. That child’s life already carries the marks of her beliefs about religion, God, power, and mainly in the belief that nature is a tool in the God’s hands—to be used against man at any time.
[...] On the other hand he carried the beliefs of this afternoon’s dream—that originality made a person instantly suspect, and that in the ordinary world, if you put yourself in the world’s eye its people would hunt you down. In opposition, he carried the belief that he should go on television, make tours, and so forth, and expose himself in direct opposition to those fears. [...]
[...] His subconscious, however, knowing its own beliefs which were given it by the conscious self, after all, feels highly threatened, for it knows not more about Ruburt than he does, but more than Ruburt will admit he knows. [...]
[...] Those statements reinforced earlier beliefs.
In regard to your dream: The shakiness represented values and ideas from your mother, primarily about work — beliefs you always felt were shaky. [...]
(4:14 p.m. Seth, then, verified my own pendulum information about my mother’s beliefs and my reactions to them being involved with my shaky right hand.)
“Witches” were not considered insane, for example, or deranged, for their psychological beliefs fit in only too well with those of the general populace. [...]
Now, in the world you (to me) early formed your own beliefs and strategies. [...]
[...] I want you to see how many of your beliefs are the result of the old framework, for in that way you will find yourselves releasing yourselves more and more, so that your own strengths come to your support.
Certain bloodlines, in your terms, were extinguished because of your beliefs in Christianity, as people were killed in your holy wars. (Pause.) Your beliefs have directed who should go to war and who should not, who should live and who should die, who should be educated and who should not, who should be isolated from society and who should not—all matters directly touching upon the survival of certain families throughout history, and therefore affecting the species as a whole.
[...] You must remember, then, when you think in terms of origins, that the very word, “origin,” is dependent upon time conventions, and a belief in beginnings and endings. [...]
I am not here specifically blaming Christianity, for far before its emergence, your ideas (underlined) and beliefs about good and evil [were] far more important in all matters regarding the species than any simple questions of genetic variances, natural selection, or environmental influence. [...]
[...] I was very concerned about her condition, even though she’d recently embarked on a course of exercises and changing beliefs that was evidently beginning to help her. [...]
You are taught to question your motives, your behavior, your feelings, and everything but your beliefs. [...]
[...] They were reflected in the body’s motion, day by day, and by your joint patterns of thought and belief.
The bulk of the material in Personal Reality concerns the nature of beliefs, and the physical and mental environments that are created, both individually and en masse, as a result of those beliefs. [...]
(With emphasis:) Now in your framework of beliefs the psychiatrists and the doctors are helpful. [...]
[...] A true healing, or health profession, would deal intimately with the powers of the psyche in healing the body, and with the interrelationship among the desires, beliefs, and activities of the conscious mind and its effects upon the cellular behavior.
[...] You project your present beliefs backward into history, and you misinterpret many of the conditions that you observe in the natural world. [...] Your beliefs, for example, cause you to deny the existence of emotions in animals, and any instances of love among them are assigned to “blind” instinct.
[...] Your beliefs lead you to suppose that a natural bisexuality would result in the death of the family, the destruction of morals, rampant sexual crimes, and the loss of sexual identity. [...]
[...] You project your sexual beliefs outward upon the nations, then, and often the terminology of the nations and of wars is the same as that used to describe sex.