Results 1 to 20 of 421 for stemmed:bed

TPS6 Jane’s Notes March 13, 1981 discomfort bed position vanishing wakened

Last night in bed all through the night off and on I had the following hard-to-explain but welcome experience. First, after just half asleep I suddenly knew how to turn over in a particular easy way that didn’t hurt nearly as much as usual. Then sometime later I realized I’d been very comfortable, sleeping great, but was now getting sore again—hips in particular, and arms. Then I became disoriented, and couldn’t figure out if I was in bed or in my chair. Realized I was in bed, in a particular position and making certain motions that were self-conflicting, leading to the discomfort; and that I was in this position because I thought I’d done something wrong that somehow necessitated the position. Guilt was involved. At the same time almost I realized quite clearly that I’d made a mistake; I hadn’t done anything wrong and the position was needless. And at once my physical discomfort vanished. This same process—with different positions in bed—happened four or five times, each time with the discomfort vanishing just about instantly. (AM. I’m quite uncomfortable though.)

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 21 astral snoring projection bed park

All this time Jane was beside me in bed. [...] Now I conceived the idea of using the sound of my snoring as an impetus to leave my body on the bed, while I went soaring off.

[...] I was amazed, because I hadn’t been in bed over five minutes yet. [...] Except for undressing, these were the last two things I did before going to bed. [...]

[...] After a moment I realized that I wasn’t supposed to be in the studio, that I had just gone to bed and should be in the living room. [...] Jane was beside me, so she had just come to bed. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 9, 1973 Eleanor Rich pendulum Bed lesser

The aggravation of sinuses began before your trip to Rochester, when Eleanor spoke of Rich Bed. (Eleanor wrote Jane about this October 4, 1972, praising Rich Bed extensively. [...]

[...] We knew they were related to Eleanor Friede and Rich Bed, etc., as detailed before. [...]

[...] All of the reasons had to do with Eleanor and Rich Bed, and Adventures, Tam, Jane’s feelings of being cut off by Eleanor and Dick, etc. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 583, April 21, 1971 snoring astral lay bed bathroom

(Last night, Tuesday, I went to bed while Jane was holding ESP class in the living room. [...]

[...] Jane said later that she came to bed at 12:45 A.M.

[...] In order to keep our cat, Willy, off our bed at night, we put him in the living room and close the door on that side of the bathroom. [...]

TES9 Notes by RFB July 20, 1969 Aldrin Armstrong moon module rfb

(I was lying in bed in a sleepy drowsy state, waiting for Jane to come to bed. [...]

[...] It’s possible Jane interrupted it, or brought it to an end as she came to bed. [...]

TPS5 Session 857 (Deleted Portion) May 30, 1979 suffocation parade fawned cats tabloid

He tried to loosen the hampering bedding, and could not, but a doctor —a young man—came to his aid, loosened the bedding. [...]

[...] It was a feared image of himself, wrapped too tightly in the bedding, which represented the restraints of old beliefs. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Monday July 11 nutty o.k forefinger reflexology bunch

Started out o.k. Read most of Rich Bed. Afternoon—all that hassle about the nutty bunch in New York call Tam—going to send him Bed. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 27, 1983 torso moving belly hips flopping

[...] She began moving about on the bed. [...]

(“If I could just sit up on the side of the bed,” Jane said. [...]

(“That’s a good point to keep in mind,” I said, “about sitting on the edge of the bed.” [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 31, 1984 custard yolk Frank Trenton quavering

[...] “But not to the bed there,” I said, referring to the hospital bed we own. [...]

[...] She seemed to lay in bed more easily, and referred to the experience several times through the afternoon. [...]

[...] She lay high up on the bed, her head back against her pillows. [...]

TPS1 Session 567 (Deleted Portion) February 17, 1971 assertion blockage exercises exaggerated repressed

There are some connections here with his mother being in bed and in pain, that frighten him. And negative images, deeply repressed, of her sitting on the edge of the bed, trying to get up. [...]

[...] You got the bed because of your back trouble years ago. [...]

[...] Changing the direction of the bed would automatically help matters some, but (humorously) Ruburt does not like it the other way.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1983 Darlene foot streak leg hydro

[...] She moved her head and torso up off the bed a bit, then groaned: “That right foot tried to come up off the bed.” [...]

[...] Darlene did help return Jane to 330, and showed the others how to put my wife back in bed. [...]

(And speaking of secrets, I forgot to tell Jane that although I slept well last night, I took baking soda before going to bed when my stomach began to bother me a bit. [...]

TES4 Friday, October 15, 1965 Two Dreams by Jane Butts radio apartment staircase pack awoke

[...] Then I realized that my small transistor radio was at the head of the bed, that the voices were coming out of two speakers on it. [...] Now I got out of bed [in the dream], went into Rob’s room and found that another radio sat on the bookcase where the Seth material is kept, and that the voices were coming from this radio also. [...]

[...] Since I never take naps in the morning I tried to continue working but finally gave up, and went to bed. [...]

[...] I was in bed, and then I realized that I heard voices in my head; was not at all sure that this was a dream. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 1, 1973 Adventures Eleanor Rich writer Tam

Initially there was great enthusiasm with both, but Rich Bed was his baby and Adventures a method of learning and an initial way of releasing pent-up creative energy. [...] At the same time he hoped Tam would take Rich Bed, knowing he wouldn’t. Unconsciously Tam sensed that dilemma, as he senses this one. [...]

After Seth Speaks was duly accepted, and while he was working on Adventures and Rich Bed initially, then he improved. [...] Again he had another psychic book, and hopes of a contract, and Tam did not want Rich Bed.

[...] I saw at once that if valid they also meant Jane must shelve her projected book, Adventures in Consciousness, and concentrate on things like Rich Bed, the Dialogues (poetry), and, perhaps, let Seth do his own thing in sessions. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes May 2, 1981 anyhow angered stretching awaken till

[...] When we went to bed I was restless. [...]

[...] and just then, as I’m irritably aware of his reply, I realize I’m in bed and so is he. [...]

TPS6 Session 931 (Deleted Portion) July 15, 1981 dmso stomach anatomy reconciled sympathetically

[...] Jane did experience feelings of panic when she moved from her chair to the bed, and on another occasion. She hadn’t wanted to try getting on the bed from her chair, but I talked her into making the effort, and she did very well. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 1, 1983 leg foot ankle mattress lifting

[...] Suddenly her left leg lifted clear of the bed, and Jane cried out and made other noises as the ankle began rotating again, quite flexibly. [...] But when she lifts her foot off the bed, the leg is clear of the pillow support.

[...] Rest, the left ankle still flexing on the bed at 4:05. [...]

[...] Suddenly, off the bed, Jane’s left foot began rotating at the ankle in a different fashion. [...]

TES3 Session 114 December 14, 1964 units particles system interrelationship transformation

[...] First, my middle body felt depressed [or nonexistent] upon the bed. [...] Yet beneath both limbs I felt the presence of the bed. [...] While I knew the bed lay beneath either arm, note that I was not aware of the bed beneath my lower legs. [...]

[...] After a few minutes of this I abruptly became aware that my lower legs felt as though they were off the edge of the bed, suspended in space. [...] I could not feel the pressure of the limbs upon the bed.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 20, 1981 Sinful science church religion Frankenstein

(We didn’t get to bed last night until 1 AM. [...] She sat up in bed and wrote them down, which took her half an hour or so. [...]

[...] At the same time she “knew my body was trying out some new positions in bed, like it used to before all this happened. [...] But then after I decided to stay in bed when you got up, the panicky stuff started.... [...]

(True—for from my painting room I could hear her turning and tossing restlessly in bed all morning.... [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 27, 1981 sensations damper fireplace raccoon leg

(Saturday morning, April 25: When we went to bed, Jane dreamed about her mother and about writing about her life with Walt. She has an unpleasant experience involving her mother as we got into bed, but I reassured her and she slept well. [...]

[...] She didn’t know whether to watch television or have a cookie and milk, or go sit on the bed and make a few notes. As it turned out, we did go to bed perhaps half an hour early.)

[...] Yet Jane was back in bed by 3 PM, and slept until suppertime.

TPS1 Session 527 (Deleted Portion) May 11, 1970 cleavage cage forthcoming rackets badminton

[...] Do you want to have a pleasant evening of conversation, or do you want to go to bed?

(“I think I’ll take bed, if you don’t mind. [...]

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