4 results for stemmed:backslid
As probabilities operate in each moment of your life there are minute improvements in Ruburt’s condition, and minute backslidings; pulsations, really, of reactions. Now if you concentrate upon the improvements with this understanding that facts grow from that creativity, then you begin to structure your attention in the line of those improvements, minute as they appear. And they grow, sometimes slowly, or by leaps and bounds, and the backslidings begin to disappear, and become less and less apparent or meaningful.
If instead you structure your attention upon each backsliding, minute as it might appear, then the improvements seem to become meaningless and less apparent, until they seem to disappear. You have your choice. I believe you have the information to put it to use—and if it does you any good to know it, and it should, I am highly optimistic.
I do not mean this will be a long drawn-out process either, but one in which he tastes freedom gradually, is not frightened but steadily encouraged, and in which there will be no backslidings, but understandings at all levels of body-mind relationships.