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NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 867, July 23, 1979 portraits species disease inventions perplexity

[...] You would not have had any overall picture of the seasons, for dreaming educated the memory and lengthened man’s attention span. [...]

[...] It is almost a threshold between the two realities, and you learned to hold your physical intent long enough at that threshold so that you have a kind of brief attention span there, and use it to draw from nonphysical reality precisely those creative elements that you need. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 676, July 9, 1973 unworthy hate inferior older scrawny

(Pause at 10:48.) A young mother may believe that her child is even more important than her husband, and according to the circumstances this belief may help her pay the necessary attention to the child — but if the concept is held as the child grows older, then this can also become highly restrictive. [...] A belief that has positive results for a woman of twenty will not necessarily have the same effect for a woman of forty, who, for example, may still pay far more attention to her children than her husband.

NotP Chapter 7: Session 780, June 22, 1976 language implies psyche identity Cézanne

[...] You do this to some extent or another whenever you tune in to broadcasts to which you usually pay no attention. [...]

To obtain knowledge consciously other than that usually available, you pay attention to the pauses, to the implied elements in language, to any felt or sensed quality upon which the recognizable experiences of life reside. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 6, 1984 blue SuperDuper periods Framework reflected

* In Jane/Seth’s The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, which was published in 1981, I wrote: “Seth maintains that Framework 2, or inner reality, contains the creative source from which we form all events, and that by the proper focusing of attention we can draw from that vast subjective medium everything we need for a constructive, positive life in Framework 1, or physical reality.” [...]

TES1 Session 28 February 24, 1964 Miss Callahan entity psychiatrist plane

[...] It is a phenomena in which he gives consent, and he could, at any time and in a split second, return his conscious attention upon the physical environment.

[...] But until you learn to focus in two directions, and this is simplified to a pathetic degree, in the meantime you simply turn down the volume of the first channel, while you attract your attention to the second. [...]

[...] And so does the entity obtain insights and satisfactions from his existing personalities, although no one takes up all of his own attentions.

[...] He doesn’t seem to pay attention to these sessions anymore.”

SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 538, June 29, 1970 death evil explore preconceptions sleeping

[...] You simply turn the main focus of your attention in a different dimension of activity, one in which you have indeed continuously operated.

The methods are available, however, and those who do use them will not find themselves alienated when the full focus of their attention is turned in that direction after death.

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 576, March 29, 1971 fluctuations blank waking memory normal

[...] If instead you acknowledge them and turn your attention to them, you can follow them to several other layers, at least, for example, A-l and A-2, with ease.

[...] On such occasions your attention is focused elsewhere, in what you might call mini-dreams or hallucinations, or associative and intuitive processes of thought that go quite beyond normal focus.

TPS4 Deleted Session January 16, 1978 recaptured rearouse strides tend jestful

If Ruburt is showing improvements, then let these rise to your attention. [...]

TSM Chapter Ten doorway Bill Mark apparition sketch

[...] For one thing, Rob was so busy taking notes that he didn’t really pay much attention to what was being said, beyond making sure he took Seth’s words down accurately. [...]

[...] … As Jane continued her delivery, I noticed that Bill was staring quite consistently into the open bath doorway, yet I didn’t pay any particular attention to this. [...]

[...] Incidentally, I would like particular attention paid to this session, as the material will be of great value.”

[...] His span of attention is short. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 10, 1971 path backward selves everyone skull

[...] Follow it as far as you can and keep your attention clear as to your sensations. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 20, 1979 fundamental Vallee repudiation alternatives upsurges

You also give him much more attention than you used to before the emergence of the symptoms—attention that he believes he deserves. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 886, December 3, 1979 divine Zeus flat Zoroaster homogeneity

[...] That being exists in a psychological dimension (long pause), a spacious present, in which everything that was or is or will be (in your terms) is kept in immediate attention, poised in a divine context that is characterized (long pause, eyes closed) by such a brilliant concentration that the grandest and the lowliest, the largest and the smallest, are equally held in a multiloving constant focus.

You limit the capacity of your conscious mind by refusing to allow it to use a larger scope of attention, so that you have remained closed and ignorant about the different, varied, but rich experiences of other species: They do appear beneath you. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session December 3, 1973 money beliefs concentrate financial complexion

There is a correlation between his literal-mindedness and your attention to detail, and if you look at it that way it will make more sense to you. [...]

You have freedom to concentrate your attention. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: May 31, 1984 shin Margaret stretcher thirst Georgia

[...] Have Ruburt pay particular attention to the last several sentences.

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 582, April 19, 1971 evolved portraits Mrs Speakers evolution

(“Now, if you had all been really paying attention to what I have been saying for some time about the simultaneous nature of time and existence, then you would have known that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of biblical creation. [...]

[...] You only choose to focus your attention upon a highly specific field of space-time coordinates, accepting these as present reality, and closing yourselves off from all others. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 844, April 1, 1979 nuclear Harrisburg Island Mile smarter

[...] The magnitude of the physical stimuli with which you are surrounded makes it possible, of course, for any number of like situations to come to your physical attention during any given day. Even then, you might not recall the dream, but the situation itself as it comes to your attention might make you check your tires, decide to put off your trip, or instead lead you to inner speculations about whether you are going too fast in a certain direction for your own good at this time. [...]

TES9 Session 426 August 5, 1968 thread agony neurological conceive traversed

The camouflage is so craftily executed and created, of course, by the inner self, that you must of necessity focus your attention in the physical reality which has been created. [...]

These connections between you therefore and All That Is can never be severed, and its awareness is indeed so delicate and focused that its attention is (underlined)directed with a prime creator’s love to each consciousness.

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Diffusion by the Energy Personality Psy awake diffusion supranormal entry

[...] They begin when you turn your focus of attention away from physical reality for a few moments a day. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 11, 1984 Jeff antibiotic Judy Leanne fever

Now I may or may not return, but I will indeed keep Ruburt in the eye of my attention, and you also.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 17, 1984 Georgia ashamed surmount panic starving

[...] We may or may not return, but my presence, attention, and energy are with him.

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