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NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 633, January 17, 1973 Augustus sirens thoughts perfect denied

Your thoughts will activate the appropriate feelings. [...]

TES4 Session 180 August 23, 1965 test border plateau confidence clairvoyant

[...] I suggested she ask Seth for a few appropriate words this evening.

UR1 Section 1: Session 682 February 13, 1974 units propensities unpredictability probable selection

[...] Seth’s information on “the point of power,” given in the 657th session in Chapter 15, is especially appropriate here.

TES9 Session 449 November 18, 1968 integers Roger zero math minus

[...] What she got when giving the equation was not really a vision, she said; it didn’t look like Roger’s writing; she seemed to get the data in words and feelings, numbers radiating or pulsating within at the appropriate times in the data.

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 805, May 16, 1977 cancer disease mastectomies breast women

I remind the reader that after break ended at 11:35 in the last session (the 804th in Chapter 1), Seth had this to say: “Left alone, the body can defend itself against any disease, but it cannot defend itself appropriately against an exaggerated general fear of disease on the individual’s part. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 693 April 29, 1974 Markle estate Joseph house Sayre

[...] See the appropriate notes for each session.

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 586, July 24, 1971 Christ Paul historical Saul zealot

[...] It is therefore appropriate that Paul be present.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 639, February 12, 1973 Rooney puddle nightmares lsd creature

[...] Her material is presented, with the appropriate selection of poetry from Dialogues, in the notes at next break. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 681 February 11, 1974 unpredictability predictable probable atoms massive

6. Seth referred to the photograph my father had taken of me when I was about 2 years old; see the appropriate note at the beginning of the 679th session.

TES6 Session 245 March 28, 1966 vaccine Wyoming polio Lucy family

(I could think of several Wyoming places beginning with the appropriate sound, but did not mention them to Jane. [...]

TES7 Session 300 November 7, 1966 page article sheet Seminary torn

[...] She said she might have had images but couldn’t recall them until she came to the appropriate data as we made our connections.

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

(An aside: As I wrote this note I asked Jane if she’d seen the appropriate passage in the astronomical text. [...]

TES5 Session 236 February 28, 1966 drawing smudges tracing horizontal stickers

[...] As the copy of my tracing shows these stickers are applied to the appropriate merchandise at various times of the year.

UR2 Section 5: Session 718 November 6, 1974 James view Jung tuned William

5. See Jane’s “library’ material at the beginning of Chapter 7 of Politics. And again: For her own purposes she quoted in the same chapter the appropriate Seth material from the 718th session.

UR1 Introductory Notes by Robert F. Butts volumes Unknown sections footnotes letter

In Politics Jane also refers to certain blocks of material that first appeared in “Unknown” Reality, so I’ve adjusted the appropriate notes in the latter to account for their earlier discussion. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 920, October 6, 1980 magical Iran schizophrenia approach debased

[...] An independent reader had gone over our labors line by line, checking for everything from grammar and contradictions to philosophy, “flagging” questions for us by noting them on slips of pink paper taped to the appropriate manuscript pages. [...]

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

4. This paragraph and the preceding one were used as a footnote for the 637th session in Chapter 9 of Personal Reality. That session, held 18 months ago, contains material appropriate to this appendix: As an analogy, Seth compares the “evolution” of souls in terms of value fulfillment to cellular growth in our physical reality.

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] Notes 13 and 20 are examples, and their superscription numbers can be used as references to the appropriate paragraphs in the appendix itself. [...]

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