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TES9 ESP Class Notes May 20, 1969 Crosson Jim answers Venice Reverend

Now, there are many ways ... but only one real way. And the way is to begin the journey, as Ruburt told you, into the nature of your own consciousness for the answers are within you and not out from you... and no one can tell you the answers. Now in one way, each individual will find his own answer... and yet all answers, in another way, are one.

Now. I have some questions. It is more difficult for me to form questions than for me to answer them. My question is this... and you do not need to answer it now. You do not need to answer it at any time, to me.... It is a question for yourself:

The trick is not to try too hard, to realize that the answers are available, that they are there, that you can find them. All that is necessary is given to the flower. And all that you want will be given to you, but you must want what you want desperately enough, wholeheartedly enough. An intellectual curiosity will give you some answers but it will not give you the deepest answers.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 20, 1969 Jack Cross answers lighthearted journey

[...] And the way is to begin the journey, as Ruburt told you, into the nature of your own consciousness for the answers are within you andnot out from you—and no one can tell you the answers. Now in one way, each individual will find his own answer—and yet all answers, in another way, are one. [...]

[...] It is more difficult for me to form questions than for me to answer them. My question is this—and you do not need to answer it now. You do not need to answer it at any time, to me. [...]

The trick is not to try too hard, to realize that the answers are available, that they are there, that you can find them. [...] An intellectual curiosity will give you some answers but it will not give you the deepest answers. [...]

TES1 Session 8 December 15, 1963 fragment Mesophania board superego Ace

[...] By now Jane was receiving the answers to so many of my questions in advance of the board, that with her agreement I began to take them down from her dictation. [...] the answers out. Whenever she dictated an answer to me, or part of one, it is noted in the text of the answer at the exact point dictation began. [...]

(“Then I did answer Jane’s question correctly the other session, when we tried receiving answers without the board. I was concerned because I thought I had given her the wrong answer when Fawcett rejected the book.”)

(“Will you answer an occasional question for a friend?”)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 ant revelant relevant cop answer

Now I would like you, in the following week, to think of these questions again but answer them from a feeling level, from an experience level and then answer them as simply as you can verbally. But in finding the answers for yourselves you should have experiences that you may not be able to verbalize. [...]

[...] Now I do not expect the question to be answered in a general manner, that is far too safe, and we are not dealing with philosophies. [...] The question comes in two parts and so I shall expect it to be answered in two parts. [...]

[...] You were giving intellectual answers. You were thinking in terms of themes and compositions and all of your answers did, indeed, sound fine, spiritual, highly edifying, but very few of you felt. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 27, 1970 Florence puzzle leash degradation segment

Now, the closest answers so far to the last question that you asked was given (to Arnold) over here. [...] Therefore, I would like our Lady from Florence to ask her question again, and I would like the people in class to give an answer. [...]

Now, in particular I would like to hear answers from here (to Arnold) and here (to Dennis) and from the silent one in the back of the chair (to Laurie), and first of all I would like to make a remark to our friend (to Florence) and it is this. [...] Now, let us see what answers you come up with, and I will be listening. [...]

[...] Now, do not forget that through the centuries, and through time, information had to be given according to the background of the time, and oftentimes questions had to be answered in the terms in which they were asked and the questions themselves that were asked were often loaded. The questions themselves, and forgive me, my dear Lady of Florence, the questions themselves could not be answered within a semblance of truth because the questions were basically meaningless in the real fabric of reality so this has much to do with the distortions also that have come down through the ages, both in the Bible and many other writings. [...]

TES1 Session 6 December 11, 1963 Gratis levitation board aggressions Fragment

[...] I answered, thinking I saw the answer:)

(I got this far in my question about levitation when the board began to answer.)

(Jane received the first few words of this answer within before the board spelled it out. [...]

TES9 Session 465 February 17, 1969 prophet background painting lips figure

And perhaps in painting your picture the answer to the question asked by your prophet will also come to both of you. Does the question provide its own answer, or is there another who will provide the answer, or does the prophet question in vain? [...]

Do his words go back into the background from which he himself emerged, and does the answer emerge also? Or is there any clear answer to his question? (Smile; pause, eyes closed.) Or is the question itself the important thing, whether or not there is any answer to it in the terms in which it is asked? [...]

[...] Then comes the wonder—“What am I that I can even ask such a question?” And the answer to the second question answers the first. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session January 13, 1970 garden plants joy flower Florence

[...] I have told you that the answers to your problem, and to your problems, must come from within yourself. Those answers which are given to you easily are not your own answers. Therefore, they are not answers. [...]

[...] And yet we have always given you paths to understanding and have ascertained that within you  some answers could be found. [...] The answers to questions you have asked can be found if you will look inward, and they will appear in terms that you can understand. [...]

[...] Do not answer yourself. [...] And the answers will come to you. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 743 April 21, 1975 unknown ufo Atlantis Bermuda entices

Give us a moment … Many of the questions you think were not answered in this book, however, have been answered — but from a different angle, colon: the answers presented in such a way that they will entice you to further creative thought.

I am well aware that the book raises many more questions than it presents answers for, and this has been my intent. The unknown reality will become known to the extent that you form new questions, and forget the old frameworks in which answers and myths were automatically given in response. [...]

There are many who will give you answers to such questions. The answers will be couched in a framework of beliefs that you have held individually and collectively for some time. [...]

TES1 Session 1 December 2, 1963 Watts Yes Towson Frank Gratis

(This answer was spelled out on the board, whereas the previous yes and no answers had been indicated by the pointer moving to the words printed on the board.

(Note that the words EASTERN and ROADS appear twice, and that they tally with an answer given us by Frank Watts during the second session, December 4/63. [...]

(To date, this is one of but three answers Jane and I have received that seems to be gibberish. [...]

TES8 Rob Pendulum Q&A June 12, 1967 tomato canned corn pendulum margarine

[...] The answers I obtained did not vary and the pendulum gave definite yes-and-no answers, without quibbling. [...]

[...] Summary of my pendulum question-and-answer session about Jane’s food allergies. According to the pendulum the answers obtained are not projections of my own problems.

[...] To my surprise, when Jane checked the list with her own pendulum at about 8PM, before the session, she received definite answers that agreed with each item on my list. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 22, 1971 pot Buddy Ron destiny unoperable

(To Buddy:) The answers are within yourself. [...] Look inward into your own reality, and find your own freedoms, your own truths, your own way, your own questions  and these will lead to your own answers.

That is the answer to the question that you have asked me as you asked it. It is not the answer to the nature of reality or to the responsibility of consciousness. [...]

([Ron:] “You didn’t answer my question.”)

TES1 Introduction board pointer obtained parentheses onehanded

Unless otherwise indicated in the early sessions, the pointer gave yes and no answers by moving to the appropriate word printed on the board, rather than by spelling out the answer letter by letter. [...]

All answers obtained through the Ouija board, and later through Jane’s dictation, are in caps. [...]

[...] I kept my left hand there and wrote down questions and answers with my right, using the desk as support. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 13, 1971 secrets Joel vulnerable Ron divulge

As you know and I know, and with no accusation involved in one way or another, the answer is facile. [...] Now ask yourself some further questions about the answer that you have given and whether or not you truly accept it, using the knowledge from the whole self that is now becoming available to you. [...]

[...] To establish the overall position of trust between yourselves and the group, if you want to establish it, then the answer was important. And to everyone else in the room so will your own answers be important. [...]

[...] I want you to know the answers to the questions. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, May 25, 1971 Ron Brady evil pope Theodore

[...] You ask questions without considering the answers that have been given. Think of the answers before you form your next question. [...]

[...] Part of this is due to the fact that you form questions before you comprehend the nature of the answers that you have received. [...] Find out the answers I have given you, and then form your questions. [...]

[...] My last answer implies that answer. [...]

TPS2 Session 640 (Deleted Portion) February 14, 1973 Tim reflected february Dialogues his

[...] The answers given symbolically are to your parents as well as his, and to all those who need help. The sessions among other things have always represented your combined love and trust in each other, and were generated by your experience as creatures, and your desire to look for personal answers; but more basically for answers asked by all of your race.

TPS5 Deleted Session October 25, 1978 pendulum teeth soothe Kosok responds

Here, however, you are allowing the subconscious a greater range of expression; or you can ask for such writing to give further background on a yes-or-no pendulum answer. It does take some time to understand why the pendulum answers as it does, but it will be responding not only to your question but to the greater framework and the emotional circumstances connected with it. It is very difficult, when you are honestly concerned, to then be unconcerned as you work with the pendulum—and yet, for the best results you must attain the state of mind in which you let the answers flow, unconcerned as to whether the answer is yes or no. [...]

Had you been more relaxed when using the pendulum, “it” would not have needed to soothe your fears, and would have realized that you were quite capable of learning the answer. The fact is that a “yes” answerat that point—would not have particularly helped you—a fact known to the unconscious, of course. [...]

[...] It may be a straight-forward answer —or a poem or a phrase that at first seems to make no sense. [...]

TES8 Session 420 July 1, 1968 Bernard letter Dr temperature statement

[...] We had talked over the best way to answer the letter, and had made some notes to that end today. But these were unsatisfactory; so much could be said that, once again, answers to what seemed like simple questions could expand with a life of their own.

(Before the session tonight Jane and I discovered during our conversation that each of us had toyed with the idea of asking Seth to answer the letter. [...]

[...] Since matters pertaining to me are at issue here, then I feel I would like to make a few comments of my own, and take it upon myself to answer your last letter, sent to Jane Roberts.

TES9 ESP Class June 3, 1969 Tom health wl secure VMcC

[...] Now I did not intend a question and answer service this evening, but I seem to be involved in one. [...] And when I ask you questions, I will expect some answers. [...] And I will make you search for the answers... and the answers will form steps upon which you can walk and will serve as foundations within which you can travel within yourselves. But they will be your answers and not my answers.

[...] and you will find your answers. [...]

You have answered your own question. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, June 3, 1969 Theodore health Brad secure vocational

Now I did not intend a question-and-answer service this evening, but I seem to be involved in one. [...] And when I ask you questions, I will expect some answers. [...] And I will make you search for the answers—and the answers will form steps upon which you can walk and will serve as foundations within which you can travel within yourselves. But they will be your answers and not my answers. [...]

[...] And then you can travel through these other doors, but you must be able to stand on your two feet in this universe—and then you will go consciously where your body cannot follow and you will find your answers. [...]

You have answered your own questions. [...]

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