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WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 27, 1984 medicine western animals site vaccination

[...] I’m afraid that when I opened the letter and saw the check for the $18,000, I felt no reaction at all. [...] I put my neutral state down to the long wait involved, my decision not to worry if at all possible, and probably other factors I haven’t even bothered to examine. [...]

Animals have indeed often been quite helpful to man in various healing situations and encounters, but in all such cases these were cooperative ventures.

[...] (4:43.) Take to heart what I said about Ruburt’s knee, so that he realizes in fact that the healing processes are indeed operating within him all the time. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 11, 1984 disease presto sprinkler prey die

(I told Jane that I woke up at about 4:00 a.m., worrying about all the things I had to get done this week. [...]

(One thing I’ve learned above all else: I’ll never again create a situation like this, where years pass before a book is delivered to the publisher. [...]

In all cases, however, the need for value fulfillment, expression, and creativity are so important to life that when these are threatened, life itself is at least momentarily weakened. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 4, 1984 Elisabeth buoyancy river temperature jogging

[...] She’d gone down to hydro at 10:30, and it had taken all that time to get through the routine. [...]

(Today is Day 3 of Jane’s new routine, following the session on February 1. She said she catches herself all the time getting off the track, then tries to remind herself of her new healthier goals — living in the moment, thinking positively, and so on.

The feeling of buoyancy is a delightful sensation that is experienced, of course, by all children. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 9, 1982 Chris dozed re scares maybe

[...] She hadn’t been able to doze in her chair after all, except fitfully. [...]

(“My most hopeful feeling is that when you give it all up the panic comes up again, and then you’re making progress. [...]

[...] Then I get the feeling that scares you even more—that you’re scared to death of the hospital, and yet you’re afraid to dismiss your doctor and say to hell with the whole bit—I must be hiding stuff, see, because I’m getting ready to cry, because the time might come when you couldn’t stand it any more, and you’d have to do it—go back to the hospital—go through it all again—then I just tell myself I’d make out again, just like millions of people....” [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 533, June 1, 1970 extended sleep periods waking sluggish

(“All right.”)

Now I am giving all of this material here because it will help you understand and use your present abilities. [...]

[...] Most of all, there would be far — if you will excuse me — better communication between the subjective layers of the self, an increased sense of security, and, particularly with children, an earlier kindling of creative abilities.

TES9 Session 437 September 18, 1968 notime painting blaring foreground segments

[...] All probabilities have their reality in notime, and the creative accomplishments that take place within notime generate all the probable realities that will ever exist or have existed within the various time systems. [...]

[...] All individuals and consciousness cooperatively form and sustain the frameworks that you know.

[...] All of these reactions are far less than they would have been some months ago, and many areas of the body that would have been affected then are now free, even from such reactions, but he should not allow them to slide by.

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 3, 1984 fittest disfavor physique supremacy defects

The whole idea was developed in the most mechanistic of terms, stressing competition among all aspects of life, pitting one life form against another, and using physical strength and dexterity, swiftness and efficiency, as the prime conditions for the survival of any individual or species.

[...] Some schools of thought, then, have it that only the genetically superior should be allowed to reproduce, and there are scientists who believe that all defects can be eradicated through judicious genetic planning.

[...] All such concepts appear in one form or another at most official levels of thought and education. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Wednesday, July 27, 1977 James coffee intro cake sunny

Neck—shoulders—all release more. [...] All PM changes go on. [...]

ECS4 Class Quiz I biding Hornets quiz Susan class

[...] Seth ends class by biding us all a fond

[...] We all come to class to

UR2 Section 6: Session 737 February 17, 1975 house family Foster Borledim Sayre

[...] All in all, they mix mores.

Except for the Sumari, which Jane and I choose to be allied with, there’s much we don’t know about the families of consciousness; the material is all so new. [...] Seth’s data in these recent sessions give us clues, but we need time to put it all together.

[...] As a rule they possess an enchanting spontaneity, however, and all of their creative abilities go into the family group and the production of children. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 20, 1979 fundamental Vallee repudiation alternatives upsurges

[...] He believed that often creativity expressed itself at the expense of other portions of the self, and that if it were allowed to spill over the edges (with gestures) from artistic productivity into normal living, then it would lead to all kinds of disruptive activity. [...]

[...] Again, this material has all been given. [...]

[...] All of this, however, is connected with the misunderstanding concerning the nature of the creative self, and on both of your parts. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 9, 1984 Potter Penny Lois Sayre rn

[...] (Pause.) That concept holds that any illness will worsen, any war will lead to destruction, that any and all known dangers will be encountered, and basically that the end result of mankind’s existence is extinction. All of those beliefs impede mental and physical health, erode the individual’s sense of joy and natural safety, and force the individual to feel like an unfortunate victim of exterior events that seem to happen despite his own will or intent.

[...] I walked around the large rooms, saying to Jane, “See, this place isn’t bad at all. [...]

[...] “I don’t know whether the $20,000 represents all we’ll get from donations — the fund — whether it’s from one person, is a start of something larger, or what,” I told Jane. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 664, May 21, 1973 earthquakes unstable chemicals storms excesses

(“That’s all in the heading?”)

In greater terms all of these events occur simultaneously. [...]

(11:20.) As your body is in a state of constant flux and chemical interaction, so is the atmosphere, which reflects on another level all of the psychic, chemical, and electromagnetic properties that exist within the body.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 921, October 8, 1980 schizophrenic devil demons personifications debased

[...] Briefly, most authorities in the Roman Catholic Church realize that almost all of those who are supposed to be “possessed” by malevolent forces are in actuality mentally ill people who need treatment. [...]

The Christ image is often used because it so perfectly represents the combination of the grandiose self, as per the all-knowing son of God, and the martyred victim who is crucified precisely because of his lofty position.

[...] Before the Roman gods were fully formalized, there was a spectacular range of good and bad deities, with all gradations [among them], that more or less “democratically” represented the unknown but sensed, splendid and tumultuous characteristics of the human soul, and have stood for those sensed but unknown glimpses of his own reality that man was in one way or another determined to explore.

TES1 Session 35 March 16, 1964 outer tree inner ego senses

I am sorry that your tree has vanished, yet we all know that the tree has not really vanished. [...]

[...] This degree may be so slight that to you it would not seem to exist at all. [...]

Since our imagined experience would depend upon all of the inner senses working together in a complex, near-perfect manner, that I doubt you could achieve at this stage. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 13, 1979 poet tradition creativity specific conflict

(Jane suggested having an earlier session, although I hadn’t really expected her to have one at all. [...]

[...] Ruburt has been a poet all of the time in the most profound meaning of that term. [...]

[...] Realizing that you are in the position you wanted to be and realizing that your abilities are not in conflict with each other, nor you with them, will automatically fulfill and develop all of those abilities, in a new kind of overall creativity that is itself beyond specifics.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 15, 1984 fetuses offspring cart born deficient

We hope to explain this larger framework of existence still further, for indeed it also affects the human condition in all of its aspects.

[...] I must explain again that all lives are lived at once — but in different kinds of focuses. [...]

These are all part of the continuous undercurrents of life, and the same issues apply to many other species whose offspring are lost in very early life.

TES7 Session 325 March 13, 1967 symptoms concentrate suggestions praise beneficial

We will have a considerable amount of general material following all this, on health in general, and on the importance of the focusing of energy that is involved. There are many reasons for all of the suggestions given this evening, and they are significant from many standpoints.

In all cases emphasis on suggestions must be upon health and vitality. [...]

[...] This will involve some work on his part, but all effort must be made. [...]

TPS2 Session 601 December 22, 1971 chants Sumari songs language ancient

[...] That is all I will give you for this evening, and that again is a bare outline of what is available and present to you now, were the mechanics of delivery effective enough now to give you the material all at once.

First of all, before we get to the meaning or import of the tapes, let me say that Ruburt is learning to handle energy in other fashions. [...]

(Pause at 9:34.) The actions that arise out of the chanting—as the circle arrangement of students—these are all deeply buried psychically and psychologically pertinent actions that have been a part of your race from its earliest times. [...]

TPS2 Session 608 Deleted. Seth’s Preface: “The Manufacture of Personal Reality” April 5, 1972 correlating core Oversoul reincarnation brain

[...] These exist all at once, but the perceiving mechanisms are tuned in to one characteristic channel, so to speak. [...] All of this must be understood along with the nature of physical matter to begin with. Otherwise it is impossible to understand how for example, an 18th-century town, a 20th-century town, and an ancient village can all exist not merely at once, but also on occasion in the same (in quotes) “location.”

[...] If all of those functions must be beneath present consciousness, you can see that no single ego-consciousness could easily grapple with several environments, times, or life experiences. [...]

[...] In the same way that all individual can (underlined) know what is happening in another place without any physical communication, so he can know about his other reincarnational existences.

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