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TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

[...] Several times lately she’s remarked that she’s “desperate,” so when she did so again in bed recently I told her that from the next day on we would put her needs first, regardless of all else. [...]

First of all, it is important to realize that Ruburt’s unconscious, so called, is not working against him on purpose, sabotaging his projects. [...]

He refused several marriage proposals, having determined he would not toe the mark at all in a conventional marriage. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session June 25, 1977 conflict joint femininity power solitude

[...] I know that she is very upset by the time element involved here, and now I’m not at all sure that I know what I’m doing on the project any more. [...] Jane has been spending most of her time lately using the pendulum, making notes, reading old sessions on herself and myself, etc, but presently I see all this activity as repeating old rhythms. [...]

[...] You chose challenges, then, because despite it all your personalities are the kind that set up such life situations to begin with. [...]

You could have stayed in apartments all your life, denying yourself the privacy that you now enjoy, and thus avoided any conflict. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 532, May 27, 1970 sleep hours periods inactivity recuperate

[...] To sleep all day and work all night is hardly the answer; it is simply the inversion of your present habits. [...]

[...] Six to eight hours of sleep in all would be sufficient with the nap patterns outlined. And even those who think they now need more sleep than this would find that they did not, if all the time was not spent in one block. [...]

[...] The wear and tear upon the body would be minimized, while at the same time all regenerative powers would be used to the maximum. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 6 tree bark Malba Rob midplane

[...] It is quite unfair to say that it cannot transport itself, since it does so to an amazing degree; the roots and limbs moving in all directions. The inner senses of all plant life are well attuned, alert and very vital. All of these fragments have consciousness to a rather high degree, considering that man holds them in such low repute.

[...] The freely working subconsciousor the inner youis completely capable of taking care of all practical considerations and will use the ego as a tool to do so.

[...] You have general immunity, believe it or not, to all such viruses. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 13, 1981 stalled uremic dehydration mission glumly

[...] It was all too obvious that she had reacted to her problems about as far as she could go, at least in that direction.

[...] As I wrote in question 13 some weeks ago now, she has surrendered just about all activity except that involved with getting up and lying down, eating, going to the bathroom on a very limited basis, and puttering about in her breezeway writing room for an hour or so on occasion. [...]

[...] He is gifted precisely with the kind of abilities that can clear up all of his problems. [...]

TES6 Session 249 April 6, 1966 ribbon quasars card Artistic bow

[...] Quasars are distributed, so to speak, throughout all realities—throughout all universes, in other words. [...]

[...] Their diffused, or their energy diffused through all systems, powers all systems.

[...] Using your terms again, and your scientific framework, when you look outward away from your planet, and when you assume that you are looking backward in time, you are simply looking into, or toward, what may be described for analogy’s sake, the center, or core, of an infinite sphere; which exists, you see, in your terms as far on the other side of the inner core, and in all directions. [...]

TES2 Session 65 June 28, 1964 land acre purchase house intimacy

As you are discovering for all our discussion on matter, matter matters even while it does not matter at all.

By all means take this warning to heart. [...]

[...] The house had, we had been told, about an acre of land, although it was all on the steep side of a hill. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 680 February 6, 1974 Linden selves inventor birth hysterectomy

(9:44.) Give us a moment … Your parents literally did not share the same reality at all. [...]

Your mother loved physical reality and took the greatest pleasure in its most minute aspects, for all of her complaints. [...]

[...] At one time, then, in your father’s past as you think of it, having met Stella, he did not marry her after all. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 7, 1981 festivals Salvador orientation magical celebration

[...] A small note: Your new (TV film) equipment is fine with me, and can if you wanted to serve us all quite well. [...] All of their ceremonies were joyful and life-giving. [...]

The festival incident of the dream state was highly fascinating, and it did represent a particular state of consciousness above all—one in which reality is perceived in a different fashion. [...]

(9:36.) You should both to some extent have further experiences now in all areas of your life with the magical or natural kind of orientation to physical events. [...]

TMA Appendix D Laurel metaphysics skepticism Magical science

[...] Like The New York Times, science publishes “all the news that’s fit to print,” meaning all of the news that fits into the officially-accepted view of reality. [...]

Jane Roberts and Robert Butts have had letters from scientists of all kinds, many of them academics. [...]

[...] I have absolute faith that Seth and Jane Roberts, as well as Rob, know how I mean that with all my heart.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 4, 1972 Sumari proceed Bette gift Richelieu

[...] I expect, however, all of you to be interested in two things. [...]

Now give us a moment so our dear friend here (Sue) can turn on the mechanical gadget and get it right and make sure that all the zeros are where they are supposed to be. [...]

[...] It is only important because you have cherished it so as one can cherish a great pain and be afraid of letting it go and think “this pain sets me apart” and all you have to do is let go of it. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 29, 1979 Enquirer Mitzi abilities sperm nosing

(10:25.) A note: the two of you—for you are both involved since 1964—have not only initiated a new framework from which others, as well as yourselves, can view the nature of reality more clearly, but you also had to start from scratch, so to speak, to get the material, learn to trust it, and then to apply it to your own lives—even while “the facts were not all in yet.” At no point did you have all of the material to draw upon, as for example your readers do at any given point. So tell Ruburt not to judge himself too harshly, and (whispering) in all of this have him try to remember his sense of play, and to read often that July session on the creative state. [...]

[...] Every time she jumped up on a chair—or down—Jane and I winced, but Mitzi wasn’t concerned at all. [...]

[...] The crowds acclaim the sense of competition, the excitement, the rewards, and the belief in performance have all been responsible for the breaking of previous records. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 18, 1981 upright couch lean compassionately cultural

[...] I don’t feel him around at all.” [...]

[...] The natural person is of course the natural dreamer, and it is for that reason all the more unfortunate that psychology managed to divorce the world of dreaming from natural healthy psychology. [...]

I want to give you all the pertinent information you require. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 5, 1978 public fears art threat livelihood

Ruburt became frightened, for example, of out-of-body travel when he began to get it in his head that “all the nuts” were doing it too, and that out-of-body activity involved him in an inner public environment, in which he might meet “all those fools” who were then not bound by physical restraints. [...]

[...] We’re keeping a list of all questions, with the daily answers, and are now seeing some notable shifts in answers, indicating improved communication between her conscious and unconscious selves.

[...] He expects himself to possess all of the qualities that his art tries to entice from human nature. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 12, 1973 freedom enthusiasm trip concentrating opposite

[...] If that is expected of him in line with both of your current beliefs in the body’s poor performance then he does not feel free to go at all.

[...] All of this because of your beliefs about Ruburt’s body—again, primarily Ruburt’s beliefs, but yours also. [...]

[...] If you both understood all I have said about the point of power, you would not compare the present physical situation with what is desired, and set the present situation in an unfavorable light, but as a progressive series of stepping stones toward the desired state.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 591, August 11, 1971 Christ Luke Matthew conspiracy crucifixion

[...] They are not difficult, and they are within the capabilities of all.

[...] By now you should understand that all personalities are not physically materialized. [...]

He had no intention of dying in that manner; but others felt that to fulfill the prophecies in all ways, a crucifixion was a necessity.

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 537, June 24, 1970 John center Barclay death corpse

First of all, it should be obvious from what I have said so far that there is no one after-death reality, but [that] each experience is different. [...] The patients do not yet realize that there is nothing wrong with them at all.

All of this occurs more or less at one level, though you must understand that I am simplifying the issues here to some extent. [...]

[...] Let me hasten to tell you that all such ability is not necessarily conscious, and that much of it takes place during the sleep state when you are simply not aware of it.

SS Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 573, March 10, 1971 Patty alpha symbols inertia aggressive

(Pause at 10:00.) All of this involves a working with symbols in a most intimate manner. At certain levels of your personality you are aware of all the different ways in which symbols are used, not only in your system but in others. [...]

Fear taken into the various stages of consciousness acts as a distorting lens, hiding the natural dimensions of all symbols, acting as a barrier and as an impediment to free flow. [...] Without physical storms you would all go insane.

[...] Now surely I do not sound as badly as all that…. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 714 October 23, 1974 snapshots tone postcards sound Politics

(Jane, in an obvious state of altered or enhanced consciousness, not only outlined all of Politics today, but wrote four manuscript pages that will either go into its Introduction or Chapter 1. All of the material poured out of her in a most remarkable, unimpeded way — “… as though it was already finished somewhere else, just waiting for me to get it down. [...]

[...] She fell quiet now after reassuring me that she was all right. [...]

So you take a psychic guided tour into other realities; the unknown seems known, so that you are not an explorer after all, but a tourist, taking with you the paraphernalia of your own civilization, and beliefs that are quite conventional.

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

First of all, to me the term “unconscious” is a poor one, barely hinting at an actual open psychic system, with deep intertwining roots uniting all kinds of consciousness; a network in which we are all connected. [...]

[...] Friends and students seemed astonished that of all people, I should have any doubts, but I thought — of all people, who else should have doubts? [...]

[...] The book will include a description of the way in which it is being written, and the procedures necessary so that my own ideas can be spoken by Ruburt, or for that matter translated at all, in vocal terms.

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