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TPS5 Deleted Session December 10, 1980 villages Roman soldier Nebene peasants

[...] Do not think of them as information in the past that in “all of this time” you should have used better —for time as you see does not behave in that fashion. [...] But in all of this you must understand that whatever course you took in the meantime was in its way a proper course—not, say, a wrong one. [...]

You feel now, by contrast, that you must get all of your living in between birth and death, that you must hurry to get everything done, so that time itself is indeed shortened. [...]

Now that particular feeling is relatively new in history as you understand it, for almost all cultures in the past have had their built-in extensions of identity that included a dimension of actuality of one kind or another, from which each individual emerged, and to which you would return. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 12, 1977 Framework modern sales animal manlike

Nature’s source, in the terms in which we have been speaking, comes from Framework 2. There, all of nature’s true potentials lie ready to be actualized according to the circumstances and conditions, the needs and desires, of the natural creature in Framework 1. The true potentials of nature are hardly suspected in most areas.

[...] You may have a series of dreams, all in one way or another stating the message. [...]

Once you begin consciously working with Framework 2, help, support, solutions, all begin to come, for you line up your conscious faculties with your unconscious ones, in the most beneficial way, and your conscious goals fit in with your unconscious natural goals—the primary ones given you at birth. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 15, 1978 Wallace substances food cured dietary

[...] Were she to follow it, practically all we eat would be forbidden. [...]

[...] The people involved first of all had been told by doctors—medical doctors—that they themselves had no control over their own disease, that the symptoms could be lessened somewhat—perhaps—but that there was no hope for recovery.

[...] Now that was all to the good. [...]

TES4 Session 150 April 28, 1965 conveniently cancer smoking balky range

All realities are the result of psychic organizations. All time structures within them represent the range of action which can be conveniently perceived.

To think that all these years his good disposition has been dependent upon the cigarette between his lips, and not upon any native good spirits. [...]

He will do all right, even if I do rib him now and then.

TPS5 Session 898 (Deleted Portion) January 30, 1980 sons daughters embody bare father

[...] That sense of identity follows you in any and all realities. All particles will try to combine with each other in as many different probable ways as possible. [...]

The same applies to all “psychological” particles, to units of consciousness, and to their affiliations within personality. [...]

[...] (Long pause.) Such probable currents ride beneath all relationships. [...]

TPS4 Session 816 (Deleted Portion) December 26, 1977 conviction wrong delusion rightness seldom

It seldom occurs to you that you might be fulfilling your purposes quite beautifully despite all of your convictions—for they are indeed convictions—that you are not doing so, or that in some way or another each of you should be different in important ways than you are.

(10:32.) Your young man, your visitor, does indeed suffer torments because he is so thoroughly convinced he is in the wrong place at the wrong time, and all of his unfortunate experiences follow that conviction, which so far he has refused to give up. [...]

[...] I want you to keep all of this in mind, beginning the new year perhaps on better footing.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 1, 1984 choked recovery panic tougher pillow

[...] I selected them at random this morning, but picked just those I wanted, for their import is that Jane has no disease, as Seth has insisted all along. [...]

[...] After all, hardly anything else could be worse in life than being attacked by her symptoms, so what’s there to lose?

[...] I think that now I’ve learned — and hope to help teach Jane — that there’s nothing for it but to use one’s abilities full blast in every area — and that that resolve and action will conquer all and set her free — physically, creatively, and mentally.

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 938, November 24, 1981 poems leash colleagues billion wherever

You are one conscious version of yourself, creating along with all of your contemporaries the realities of the times. When I use the term “contemporaries,” I refer to all of the species. [...]

The freshness of those poems was so vivid to me, their contents so pertinent to Jane’s situation today, that they seemed devoid of all that time that had passed since she’d written them. [...] Arbitrarily, I chose professional events from our own lives, and thought of all of them as happening at once (as, according to Seth, in a larger framework they do). [...]

[...] All three are entirely consistent not only with her beliefs and emotions, but with my own. [...] All three poems, then, are of a piece, in which she explores across time and emotion different facets of a common set of beliefs about friendly psychic colleagues and feelings of safety.

TPS7 The Fred Conyers Story Sunday, October 17, 1982 Fred police Denver coat Pittsburgh

[...] In all the visitors we’ve had, this one went the furthest, I thought, to the point I’d often wondered about: actually calling the police for help in handling someone. [...] Whoever I talked to had evidently been questioned by someone also looking for us—if not Fred himself —but his description of the person, as being older and with white hair, didn’t match Fred’s appearance at all, so I didn’t press the point. [...]

[...] I am speaking through Fred Conyers, who flew all the way here from Denver just to see you and Jane. [...]

[...] I am Seth; I know he’ll be all right.” [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 30, 1972 Ottoman Christendom Richard Empire Nebene

Now man, despite all appearances, is always dealing with the nature of reality, and his historical periods are simply areas in which different methods and ways are tried—all, as he learns to manipulate and use the energy of which he and his world are composed. And all of these, therefore, these searches, exist at once in greater terms.

[...] First of all, I have some comments. [...]

[...] His desire for truth inflamed them, and all of their aspects, even while his methods served as counterparts against which they rebelled.

TES5 Session 206 November 8, 1965 record Philip awakening lamp dream

[...] By all means, if at all possible, the recorder, Joseph, should be in your bedroom. [...]

[...] All windows were closed since it was a chilly evening, and the air was quite still. [...]

Now we all know that various kinds of experimentation is being done, are being done, concerning the dream state. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 10, 1984 insects traps hibernating Karina creatures

(I had to ask Jane to repeat what she said because the Russian patient in the room next door, Karina, was yelling out in the hall, as she has been all afternoon. [...] The girl who brought the supper tray at the end of the session left our room door open, and Karina sounded all the louder.

There are many, many species that man has not discovered, in all the categories of life — insects onward.

[...] They are indeed amazingly swift creatures, and through scent alone they are aware of the presence of man when any member of your species is at all in the immediate area — standing, say, at least several miles away. [...]

TES7 Session 301 November 16, 1966 supraself supraconsciousness partaking action perceive

Communications exist between all portions of the self, and all parts of the personality; or parts of the whole self, rather, operate as what you may call a supraself. [...]

All portions of course exist simultaneously. [...]

[...] Basically however the supraself already does exist, you see, for all potentials are fulfilled. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1981 Sinful science mechanistic tainted outcomes

Now: for all of its seeming sophistication, the self as generally seen by science is only science’s interpretation of the Sinful Self in mechanistic terms. [...]

[...] Love is therefore surrounded very carefully by all kinds of barriers by both science and religion, and in your own lives you could now be much more demonstrative in those regards. [...]

[...] In that regard the Sinful-Self concept represents an exaggerated, distorted version of man’s recognition that in certain ways he seems (underlined) less sure of himself than the other species, less at ease, for he has taken upon himself the creative recognition of uncertainties (all intently. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 14, 1977 technology civilizations sophisticated microfilm Raphael

If you could see the body with x-ray eyes, or could perceive its activity, you would observe an almost constant reactivation and revitalization of all those parts devoted to motion and locomotion—increased circulation—precisely the amount required: not too much or too little, and overall adjustments, so that all parts of the body are prepared and exercised, so that the final stages of the pattern will then easily seem to fall into place because of the work being done now.

[...] There have been civilizations devoted mainly to art, in which all other endeavors were considered subsidiary, and the quality of workmanship was everything, no matter what the product. [...]

[...] Beside all of that, there were cultures advanced enough for space travel, before the numbering of your geological ages. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 820, February 13, 1978 Framework technique art monotony vaster

[...] In a way the suggestion was my idea of trying to do something about Seth producing books within books, as I discussed in my opening notes for the 814th session; but Seth is so prolific that it seems we’ll never get all of his material published at this time.

[...] Art is his focus so that he draws from Framework 2 all of those pertinent data that are necessary for his painting. [...]

Framework 2 involves a far vaster creative activity, in which your life is the art involved — and all [of the] ingredients for its success are there, available. [...]

TES3 Session 88 September 16, 1964 layers secondary subconscious undifferentiated dominant

[...] She was now quite tired, and remarked that for the state she was in at the start of the session she had to be “out, all the way,” to be able to give any session at all. [...]

All dreams are not clairvoyant. [...]

When I speak of levels of the subconscious, I do so only for simplicity’s sake, since there is after all no top or bottom to the mind, but only a present point of focus from which viewpoints may be taken, and new perspectives formed. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 664, May 21, 1973 catastrophe institutions earthquakes caterpillar ice

[...] The accomplishments, wars, difficulties and institutions are all “after the event” — that is, they are outward actions of an inward existence. [...]

[...] You not only form the structure of your civilizations and social institutions through the transference of beliefs, thoughts and feelings; but in this natural exchange you also help on quite intimate levels in the “psychic manufacture” of the physical environment itself, with all of its great sweeping variety, and yet seasonal stability.

[...] They understand the innate relationship that exists within all portions of nature. [...]

TPS3 Session 760 (Deleted Portion) November 10, 1975 recovery unexercised improvements trust ricochet

The circulatory system is vastly improved, and all of this has necessitated great changes. [...] An inner rebuilding process has occurred at all levels, necessary preliminaries for agility and balanced motion.

[...] An “instant” recovery would have been too easy, in that he might have reasoned in the future that such a course was after all safe: he could always snap out of it at any time.

TPS5 Deleted Session April 18, 1979 soda contemplation Maalox stomach disapprove

[...] My side had bothered me all day today in the same old fashion. [...]

[...] The stomach does appear to be the primary seat of upset in all of this, and has for some years. [...]

(My side hurts because I’m afraid all of Jane’s work won’t be—and isn’t—appreciated. [...]

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