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TPS4 Deleted Session November 5, 1977 firewalker fire bulb flames Framework

[...] This week she has experienced many more small but important physical improvements throughout her body, all adding up to a considerable change in her physical condition as far as sitting, walking, etc. This is all very encouraging; her improvements to date of course mark by far the longest period of sustained improvements that she’s shown in many years. I seem to feel an unaccustomed excitement about it all; this hovers offstage, one might say, at the chance that she’ll make it after all. [...]

You live in a world of root assumptions, to which all agree. They are the ground rules of your reality—but not the ground rules of all realities or of all probabilities. [...]

[...] Stories of walking on water give you the same kind of proposition, where you have to all effects and purposes dry water, or solid water.

SDPC Part One: Chapter 1 constructions Cunningham idea entity amoeba

[...] Three hours in all had passed. I was left with a pile of scribbled notes, written and titled automatically: “The Physical Universe As Idea Construction” — all that was physically salvaged from that remarkable experience. And I knew beyond all doubt that those ideas had been given to me initially in the forgotten dream of the night before.

[...] Without it, incidentally, I would have been left without any tangible evidence at all. Yet when it was all over, my intellect was on its own again. [...] I knew beyond all doubt that the ideas I’d received were true, yet, intellectually, they shocked me completely.

[...] We hadn’t communicated with Miss Cunningham at all. [...] Neither of us remembered dreams at all.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 ant revelant relevant cop answer

There are to all forms of meditation as there are to all forms of activity. [...]

([Ron:] “All forms of activity or all forms of meditation?”)

I will say good evening and set you all at rest. [...] I wish you all then a hearty good evening and

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 26, 1971 Joel sacred Sue Molly potentials

[...] You all realize that you are playing with vocabulary. The meaning of your being and the meaning of All That Is is as close to you as your breath and if there is any division between you and All That Is it is a completely artificial division that you have yourselves erected and maintained. [...]

Problems involving the nature of consciousness, the nature of reality and problems regarding the responsibility of consciousness to All That Is. Questions as to whether or not All That Is exists and if so your place within it and your responsibilities and your joyous abandon. [...]

If there is any sense of divorce between you and All That Is it is only yourself that has done the divorcing and it is quite an artificial divorce. You cannot stand apart from All That Is and examine it. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 637, January 31, 1973 cells soul entity greater structure

[...] Your own present identity contains the knowledge and “memory” of all those simultaneous existences, even as the cells in their way retain memory of all those physical structures which they (have) formed. [...]

[...] From its integrity all other constructions in your lifetime must come. [...] You also produce forms of art — fluid living constructs that you do not understand, in terms of societies and civilizations — and all of these flow through your alliance with flesh and blood.

[...] All of the cells that now make up your physical form obviously exist at once. [...]

TES3 Session 131 February 10, 1965 electrical density denseness intensities field

It is most difficult at this time to even hint at the myriad complexity and dimension of the electrical actuality as it exists, when you consider that each of your own thoughts is composed of a unique intensity of impulse, shared by nothing else, and that the same may be said for every dream that you will have in your lifetime; and that all your experience is gathered together in particular ranges of intensity, again completely unique, codified; and that the summation of all that you are exists in one minute range or band of intensities, then you will see how difficult it is. For all human beings are likewise so electrically composed, and everything else, with few exceptions within your physical field, whether or not it even exists as physical matter. Yet I tell you that this not only applies to your physical field but to all fields.

[...] And it is the infinite variety and gradations of intensity that makes all identities possible, and all gestalts, all identities in terms of personalities and fields and universes. [...]

All motion is mental or psychological motion, and all mental and psychological motion has electric reality. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, April 21, 1970 Quebec idol god tribe Mabunda

[...] First of all, in 4 BC, as a woman. [...] The civilization, even then long forgotten, had lost all of the knowledge that that earlier civilization possessed. [...]

[...] And one of the things that hampers you, what you are afraid of, is very simple: You are afraid that underneath it all you will find the autocratic, cruel, frightening and basically unjust God that lingers in the back of your mind and subconscious. And that despite all your journeys and quests, he will be there to claim you, and that though you try to escape him, that this is the face of the real God that you will find. [...]

[...] But you did not learn all the secrets of this strange image. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 15, 1971 Ellen Florence Alpha Joel sedate

[...] It is not an easy way, and all of you know that. [...] It is time for you to feel independent enough to launch yourselves from your own subjective reality into others; to emerge, to drop the paraphernalia of all dogma. [...] Not to substitute one authority for another, but to allow yourselves the freedom to recognize that the prime authority is All That Is that resides within you and that speaks with your own voice. [...]

Now this is a big occasion for our friend, Ruburt, since his writing desk and all his materials are now in the other room. [...] All That Is is not some long-haired gentleman with a saintly face. [...] It is the force that gives you all life and do not restrain it. [...]

Now and I bid you all good evening. [...]

NotP Chapter 11: Session 797, March 14, 1977 impregnated universe invisible visible species

[...] Furthermore, I added, since in our “practical” world we generally renounce all belief in anything like reincarnation, or what I consider to be a true religious stance, we place all of life within each individual living “now.” [...] I said more in a similar vein, while all the time a basic part of me knew that I was oversimplifying the human condition by far.

[...] This happens all the time, and I mean all the time.

In this case, first of all light appeared. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 817, January 30, 1978 myths mythical disaster factual manifestations

All being is manifestation of energy — an emotional manifestation of energy. [...] All of this works at a certain level, to a certain degree. Man’s psyche, however, is emotionally not only a part of his physical environment, but intimately connected with all of nature’s manifestations. [...]

[...] Jane and I let the holiday season intervene to some extent, and Session 816, which came through the day after Christmas, didn’t concern book work at all. [...] We stayed with our Monday–Saturday evening session routine, though, and kept busy with all of our other projects.1

The world’s ideas, fantasies, or myths may seem far divorced from current experience — yet all that you know or experience has its origin in that creative dimension of existence that I am terming Framework 2. In a manner of speaking your factual world rises on a bed of fantasy, myth, and imagination, from which all of your detailed paraphernalia emerge. [...]

NotP Chapter 8: Session 783, July 12, 1976 hub language cordellas circular wheel

[...] The body ages its 20 minutes of time, and that is all. [...] Sometimes it never touches the hub of your present moment at all, as you think of it, as far as your memory is concerned; yet the dream is, and it is registered at all other levels of your existence, including the cellular.

On cellular levels the body has a picture not only of its own present condition, but of all those aspects of the physical environment that affect its own condition. In its own codified fashion it is not only aware of local weather conditions, for example, but of all those world patterns of weather upon which the local area is dependent. [...]

[...] These have nothing to do with your ideas of cause and effect at all. [...]

NotP Chapter 11: Session 800, April 4, 1977 downtrodden nourishment psyche stance chords

[...] If each of you understood and perceived the graceful integrity of your own individuality, just as you try to perceive the beauty of all other natural creatures, then you would allow your own creativity greater reign. There is order in all elements of nature, and you are a part of it.

However, the sleeping portion of the species represents the brain’s unconscious activities in the body — particularly when you think of the motion of all of the species’ actions en masse in a given day. [...] If you think of mass daily action as performed by one gigantic being, then all of those conscious actions have unconscious counterparts, and a great intercommunication of an inner nervous system must take place.

[...] Practical help is needed in all areas of the human life. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 29, 1970 fish violence cannibals tribe kill

[...] It is the same thing you see, as projecting upon a hypothetical devil all kinds of powers of destruction. You can do the same thing without realizing it by projecting into the idea of violence, all powers, and then it seems to you that life itself has no ability to protect itself and that any stray thought of violence or disaster will immediately zoom home and that the recipient has no way to protect himself. [...]

[...] All life, in certain respects, involves what you call violence. [...] All living is a thrusting out toward, and joyful thrusting out toward, the energy that you have not learned, as yet, to use creatively, you call violence. [...]

[...] When the old could not care for themselves, if they were very wise and brave men, then they had a dance about them and this was known by all involved. [...] And this was believed by all, and this was not feared by the elders. [...]

TES4 Session 153 May 10, 1965 tension landscape action creation ego

The action involved in these sessions, for example, changes us all, yet truly none of us perceive the nature of the entire action of which we are a part. [...] I may perceive the entire consequences of any given action within your system or my own, but it is impossible for me to perceive a given action’s consequences as it is felt within all systems, for each action occurs within all systems simultaneously.

I have often said that all these divisions and separations are arbitrary. All exist one within another. [...]

[...] In all of these matters there is also constant pulsations of action within the outer ego, the inner ego, and all the other aspects of the whole self.

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 815, December 17, 1977 television actors programs Framework screen

[...] When you are in other than your normally conscious state, you visit that creative inner agency in which all physical productions must have their beginning. [...] Following our analogy, the technicians, the actors, the writers all assemble — only in this case the result will be a live event rather than a televised one. [...] All of these will be encountered in full-blown physical reality.

“I have the simple, profound faith that anything I desire in this life can come to me from Framework 2. There are no impediments in Framework 2. Framework 2 can creatively produce everything I desire to have in Framework 1 — my excellent health, painting, and writing, my excellent relationship with Jane, Jane’s own spontaneous and glowing physical health and creativity, the greater and greater sales of all her books. I know that all of these positive goals are worked out in Framework 2, regardless of their seeming complexity, and that they can then show themselves in Framework 1. I have the simple, profound faith that everything I desire in life can come to me from the miraculous workings of Framework 2. I do not need to be concerned with details of any kind, knowing that Framework 2 possesses the infinite creative capacity to handle and produce everything I can possibly ask of it. My simple, profound faith in the creative goodness of Framework 2 is all that is necessary.”

[...] Second, if one keeps in mind Seth’s ideas about simultaneous time, that basically all happens at once [even considering Seth’s own acknowledgment that time “…is therefore still a reality of some kind to me”], then it hardly matters how long a break transpires between particular sessions; there is no real separation; dictation on any subject or project can be resumed whenever all involved — Jane, Seth, and myself — choose, and it will be as though the break never existed. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 892, January 2, 1980 composition tree creatures units potency

(All with a rolling intensity:) I must of necessity tell this story in serial terms, but the world and all of its creatures actually come together like some spontaneously composed, ever-playing musical composition in which the notes themselves are alive and play themselves, so that the musicians and the notes are one and the same, the purpose and the performance being one, with each note played continuing to strike all of its own probable versions, forming all of its own probable compositions while at the same time taking part in all of the themes, melodies, and notes of the other compositions—so that each note, striking, defines itself, and yet also exists by virtue of its position in the composition as a whole.

[...] They worked mentally while asleep, constructing in their individual minds and in their joint mental endeavors (long pause) all of the dazzling images that would later become a mental reservoir from which men could draw. [...] It mentally formed the patterns through which all physical life could flow. [...]

(9:30.) Now (underlined): When he dreamed—when he dreamed (underlined)—man actually returned to a state prior to waking, from which his physical life itself had emerged—only now he was a new creature, a new kind of consciousness, and so were all of the other species. In dreams all of the species familiarized themselves with their old affiliations, and they read their own identities in different fashions. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 610, June 7, 1972 soul rises unconscious psyche Oversoul

All manner of insects, birds and beasts cooperate in this venture, producing the natural environment. [...] All consciousness creates the world, rising out of feeling-tone. [...] They are the result, again, of innate creative aspects that are a portion of all life.

[...] Using this analogy the mountains and oceans, the valleys and rivers and all natural phenomena spring from the earth’s soul, as all events and all manufactured objects appear from the inner mind or soul of mankind.

[...] There are always psychological reasons for all such phenomena — for any phenomena at all. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 933, August 7, 1981 Bahais pleasure tribe dreamers Shiite

[...] You are a part of All That Is—of all the nature that you know and experience, of the world that you know, and even a part of the world that you know that you do not like. [...] If you purposefully, now, or with malice, step upon an ant, then to the extent of your malice you step upon yourself all unknowing. [...] Despite all man does, he cannot really work any destruction—but while he believes in destruction, then to that extent he minimizes what he is, and must work harder to use creativity.”

All That Is creates its reality as it goes along. Each world has its own impetus, yet all are ultimately connected. The true dimensions of a divine creativity would be unendurable for any one consciousness of whatever import, and so that splendor is infinitely dimensionalized (most intensely throughout), worlds spiraling outward with each ‘moment’ of a cosmic breath; with the separation of worlds a necessity; and with individual and mass comprehension always growing at such a rate that All That Is multiplies itself at microseconds, building both pasts and futures and other time scales you do not recognize. [...]

[...] Actually, we’ve been quite aware of the potential of such an idea ever since Seth began that material a year ago.3 After supper this evening we went over the loose-leaf notebook of information Jane has accumulated for The Magical Approach to Reality: A Seth Book, and discussed how she could follow her outline in putting all of that material—on our dreams, psychic events and insights, her poetry and our essays—together with Seth’s private sessions on the magical approach. [...] I now feel that many of those sessions aren’t so private after all, and can help others. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 17, 1978 accident death family killed tragedy

First of all, a few necessary preliminaries with which you are acquainted. [...] In that regard your society, your civilization, your way of looking at reality—all of these at that level also represent highly conventionalized behavior and learned responses.

In larger terms, much larger terms, all events are creative. Physical life is a fantastic event, in which all kinds of preferences, feelings, beliefs, desires, and experiences are possible—within of course the physical level.

In the case of your newspaper story, the same kinds of events happened several times in various ways to all of the people involved. At unconscious levels the results were known, and the seeming accident was a planned event—a play ready to happen when all parties involved found the circumstances apt.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 638, February 7, 1973 doses lsd illumination enforced assault

One believes that the conscious mind and the intellect have all the answers, but to this school this means that the conscious mind is analytical above all, and that it can find all the answers through reason alone. [...] Intellect and feeling together make up your existence, but the fallacy is particularly in the belief that the aware mind must be analytical above all, as opposed to, for example, the understanding or assimilation of intuitive psychic knowledge.

[...] Like many young men all through the ages he was on his individual journey, looking for truth, overturning all stones in an effort to find those methods that would help him discover — in capitals — THE WAY.

Worst of all, there is no need for it. All of this treatment rests upon the idea that the conscious mind is highly inadequate, that deep problems are unknown to it, that it is meant to be simply analytical, and is unable to handle very intuitive or psychic material. [...]

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