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TES2 Session 48 April 27, 1964 essence location girl swimming circumferences

[...] All in all, we will come out a little ahead, with this session and the unscheduled one.

(“I have that typing all done.”)

In cases such as these, when durability can be maintained, by all means attempt to speak to any persons that you meet, as in this case you saw the girl at the window; and also ask them to write you at your home address.

TPS6 Deleted Session July 20, 1981 handicap Tom symptoms insight aggravated

[...] “They show that you’re not ensconced on high, telling everyone else what to do through Seth, telling them how to handle all of their problems while you live a life of wealth, talent, and happiness, free of all worldly cares and responsibilities,” I added. [...]

[...] “I think it’s something we’re blind to, that’s right in front of us all the time, but we can’t see it,” I said. [...]

[...] I thought I was onto something from a fresh viewpoint, and at the same time was afraid that we’d heard it all before and that the idea meant little. [...]

TPS1 Session 241 (Deleted Portion) March 14, 1966 kick omitted tenants foot motor

All in all, hardly our best. [...]

The appointment made but not kept refers to the fact that you all said you would get together again in the near future, and you did not.

TPS6 Deleted Session December 15, 1980 overlook backgrounds sander disclaimer love

[...] It is indeed a condition of biological life—this of course despite all of your upbringing. That kind of trust is behind all of man’s curiosity, for without a trust in the world he would never have the courage to explore it. [...]

[...] To some extent then the child with all of his wonder about his own body is aroused in each act of love-making, whatever its variety. With those memories come feelings of biological exuberance, the body’s faith in itself, all highly important, and far more therapeutic than is ever realized in your society. [...]

[...] “Actually my ankles are doing all kinds of things, releasing.... [...]

NotP Chapter 2: Session 756, September 22, 1975 drama program Trek station waking

Now: Your normal waking reality can be compared to a kind of television drama in which you participate directly in all of the dramas presented. [...] You are the drama that you experience, and all of your activities seem to revolve about you. [...]

The “off-center” quality sensed in dream activity, comma, the different viewpoints, the perspective alterations, all can add to a chaotic picture when the dream state is viewed from the waking one.

[...] Following this analogy, everyone sees a slightly different picture of reality, and follows his or her own program — yet all of the “sets” are the same.

TPS2 Deleted Session March 22, 1972 orgasm lovemaking rebel demanded mantras

[...] First of all, if you will forgive me, you would have no difficulty at all having orgasm with a man to whom you were deeply attracted if he were not your husband, and if you could get over the moral barriers that might prevent it—if you could convince yourself that it was all right.

[...] First of all, as you well know, you cannot force spontaneity. [...]

[...] You have glorified what orgasm is—the unattainable, and therefore, the symbol of all the other qualities you want to achieve or think you should achieve, but do not have. [...]

TES4 Session 163 June 21, 1965 impeding action crosscurrents flow jazz

For all actions merge one into the other, and none are truly independent; and all units merge one into the other, and all boundaries shift, and are arbitrarily chosen. [...]

[...] Nevertheless, expectation is only one phase, for the same kind of inner directive activity is pertinent within all forms of action.

[...] Her delivery had been fast, her eyes closed all the time. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 23, 1983 census Judy cries mattress surgical

(Jane had called me last night, saying that the issue of transferal hadn’t been settled after all, in spite of what Georgia had told us yesterday afternoon. [...]

[...] Then her right foot, left leg, torso, all moved well. [...]

[...] Judy and LuAnn came in; all talked about transferals. [...]

TPS4 Session 830 (Deleted Portion) March 27, 1978 disruptions persistence George Josette primarily

[...] After all these books he tells us that. All of this is my interpretation,” she said, “based on what I remember I said in trance.” [...] “Like now he’s saying ‘Well, there are a few difficulties involved,’ where before it all seemed so easy. [...]

[...] Most of all, however, he has identified of late with what he thinks of as his failure.

[...] That is all for tonight’s session. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: March 10, 1984 Jeff resiliency Karder magic unimpeded

[...] That is, the construction of your body and the construction of a world (pause) are produced with the greatest combination of order and spontaneity — an order and spontaneity that seems hidden rather than apparent (all intently).

This does not mean that you must forever remain in ignorance, but it does mean that there are different kinds of knowledge, and that all of your information does not come by reasoning alone. [...]

[...] All of this is done playfully, and yet emerges with the greatest display of order and design.

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 937, November 19, 1981 Floyd raccoon chimney genetic coon

[...] Yet beliefs rule all: Evidently, even with all of the challenges that crowding can set up, it’s just as natural for people to congregate as it is for them to live spread out—perhaps even more so, if one facet of their behavior can be said to be “more natural” than another!

[...] And we heard no sounds at all from the fireplace in back of me, or from the roof.)

[...] An adverse physical situation, such as an illness, may turn into “a frightening dream,” yet in all such cases the necessary standards of self-integrity are maintained.

TPS6 Deleted Session January 28, 1981 custody hostages negotiations intellect Iranian

[...] We are trying to reassure him that relaxation is indeed a part of a creative process, and that it also makes all other motion possible. (Pause.) Such a statement can be accepted by all portions of the self, but it must be emphasized time and time again. [...]

What is perfectly clear to one portion of that world brain may not be perceived at all by the other side, and vice versa. [...]

At the basis of almost all problems of any nature there is a point where value fulfillment is being denied. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 31, 1978 Jupenlasz Mansfield Scott pioneering Nearing

[...] But he appeared to have the use of all his faculties. [...]

[...] For all of that, such endeavors, he felt, could not really be brought to any clear resolution in a clear-cut, literally perceived fashion.

[...] In a fashion this involved old Christian principles, of course, as pure socialism does—so that a man shared his goods with his fellows, and all land belonged to the people, so that private property—in those terms—would not exist.

TES8 Notes by Peggy Gallagher table circulatory Danny graphics complacency

If you have questions, I shall answer them but all of this is meant to show you that reality is more than you thought reality to be… I am not here as the host of a party. [...]

[...] I am not usually so severe but all of you in the room are talented and your responsibility is directly in proportion to your talent and therefore you cannot afford self-pity or complacency or regret.

[...] All of these are childish endeavors (not sure of that word). [...]

TES1 Session 23 February 5, 1964 breathes admit camouflage plane Throckmorton

[...] I told her that of course she was with me all the time, pacing so fast that at times it was distracting. The material, she said, came through with no distortion at all. She felt as though she were a pure vehicle; she had no conscious thoughts about it, she was hardly aware of her environment at all. [...]

In actuality, my dear friends, the all-important “I” does know. You do not know the all-important “I”, and therein lies your difficulty. [...]

[...] He looks for gods, anything at all, to explain perfectly natural functions that belong to him. This beautifully absolves him in his own eyes from all responsibility, but it does not. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

[...] The idea of an infinitely expanding universe, with all of its stars ultimately burned out and all life extinct, is still the view largely accepted today; it’s based on the red shift measurements of some of the supposedly receding galaxies, their apparent brightnesses, the “missing mass” of the universe, and other very technical data. Yet I find it most interesting to note that now some astrophysicists and mathematicians believe our universe may be destined to contract — indeed, to collapse in upon itself — after all. [...] One of these is the discovery of at least some of that missing mass, thus indicating that gravitational fields may exist among the galaxies, and galactic clusters, strong enough not only to halt the expansion of the universe but to pull all matter back together again.

[...] From that standpoint all others would seem peripheral. [...] Time and space need not be connected, however — that is, the attractions that exist between a reality and any given probability cluster may have nothing to do with time and space at all. [...]

Now: Dictation: As per Ruburt’s notes, each system of reality is indeed surrounded by its probable realities, though any one of those “probable realities” can be used as the hub, or core reality; in which case all of the others will then be seen as probable. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 690 March 21, 1974 Christ architect species religious Jehovah

[...] The CU’s, in their freewheeling nature beneath all matter, are acquainted with all such organizations, so that some of the lessons learned by one species are indeed transferred to another.

The CU’s, forming the structure later in its entirety, form all the atoms, molecules, cells, and organs that make up your world. Land changes and alterations of species are conditions brought about in line with overall patterns that involve all species, or land and water masses, at any given “time.” [...]

(Jane had “no idea at all” of the material in the last session. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 794, February 21, 1977 brain orange neural double sequences

There are too many varieties of such dreams to discuss here, but they all involve consciousness dispersing, yet retaining its identity, consciousness making loops with itself. [...] They hint at the true dimensions of consciousness that are usually unavailable to you, for you actually form your own historical world in the same manner, in that above all other experiences that one world is predominant, and played on the screen of your brain.

[...] I further said that although the two hemispheres of the brain were separate, they were united at the brain stem and by the corpus callosum, and so there were all kinds of interchanges between them. [...]

[...] First of all, your memories, feelings, and emotions, while connected to the body and while leaving traces, are separate.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 652, March 28, 1973 unconscious sleep waking evil behavior

[...] The unconscious, the color black, and death all have strongly negative connotations in which the inner self is feared; the dream state is mistrusted and often suggests thoughts of both death and/or evil. [...]

[...] This does not mean that in all dreams that particular kind of awareness is achieved, but it is often accomplished within the suggested wake-sleep pattern.

[...] They know exactly when to alter their patterns to longer or shorter sleep periods, therefore adjusting the adrenaline output and regulating all of the bodily hormones.

TES9 Session 509 November 24, 1969 Jung ee unconscious ego inner

Having determined upon physical reality as a dimension in which it will project itself, the inner self therefore first of all takes care to form and maintain the physical basis upon which all else must depend—those physical properties of earth that can be called natural ones.

[...] There is one large point, underestimated by all of your psychologists, when they list the characteristics or attributes of consciousness. [...]

Now all the richly creative, original work that is done by this inner self is not unconscious. [...]

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