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TES2 Session 58 June 1, 1964 outer ego plane passionate shrink

[...] You, Joseph, must paint, using all your powers, instilling into your work all you have learned now and in previous lives, of human understanding, ability, capacity and failure; and you must make an effort to have your work seen. [...]

[...] All was quiet, no witnesses appearing. [...]

[...] I will never cease to be amused with Ruburt’s little tricks, such as watching the minutes, and I would not at all be surprised, Joseph, to find that he continues in the same hilarious fashion as times goes by. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 18, 1984 games pill Rakin edgy pregnant

[...] She talked about having a session to put it all together. She described again all those visits from Father Trenton. [...]

In all cases of illness, games or play should be fostered whenever possible, and in whatever form. Many dictatorial religions pointedly refuse to allow their congregations to indulge in any type of play at all, and frown upon it as sinful. [...]

[...] Jane was frightened at having her periods and talked to a nun about all of it — and the nun would have her own hangups, probably; Jane didn’t say, or perhaps remember.

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 918, June 2, 1980 nuclear intervals venting mathematical passageways

[...] It is as if an infinite number of orchestras were playing simultaneously (long pause), and each note sounded was also played in all of its probable positions with each other note possible, and in combination with all of the probable versions of the entire piece being played.

[...] They are also in other terms entities, fragments of All That Is, if you prefer—divine fragments of power and majesty, containing (pause) all of the powers of consciousness as you think of it, concentrations without substance in your terms.

I do not mean by such a description to minimize the importance of physical life, for All That Is endows each portion of its own transformed reality with a unique existence that is duplicated nowhere else, and each spark of consciousness is endowed with a divine heritage that is never extinguished—a spark that is apparent in all other corners of the universe.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 616, September 20, 1972 protoplasm amoeba conform Willy cat

[...] All you have to do is decide to examine the contents of your conscious mind, realizing that it contains treasures that you have overlooked.

(11:10.) When you find these thoughts in yourself you may say, and rather indignantly: “But those things are all true. [...]

(11:17.) These are but a few samples of the ways in which your own quite conscious ideas may be invisible to you while being available all the time, and limiting your experience.

TSM Chapter Four voice counteraction Rob parapsychologist hoarseness

All during this time I was working at the local art gallery in the afternoons. [...] Now I wonder why we were so secretive, but at the time it seemed much better to keep the world with all of its questions out. [...]

“Looking at Jane and knowing her natural feminine voice so well, I had to think twice to realize that this other new voice was issuing from her in such volume, and with no strain at all. I don’t know whether I was more surprised at the fact that Jane seemed not at all disturbed by this voice, or by the fact that it had such a definite deep and masculine tone.”

[...] It all takes time! [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 29, 1977 Darwinian Freudian Darwin teeth competition

I do not think you understand yet the importance of suggestion, for once you said to me “Suggestion cannot be all that important.” [...]

[...] The soul or any remnant of it vanished, so that all of the action had to occur in an arena where competition ruled. [...]

[...] Darwin loved nature in all of its aspects, yet he could not reconcile its beauties and splendors with the course of its events. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 741 April 14, 1975 Street predict prime series probabilities

[...] As you do not consciously bother with all of the calculations necessary in the process of walking down the street, so you also ignore the mechanisms that involve motion through probable realities. [...]

[...] But in that instant, inner computations occur as you consider making a fairly simple decision, and the immediate area is checked against all portions of your knowledge.7

TES9 Session 440 October 7, 1968 joy preoccupation Pat life conditions

Vitality and joy and creativity move through you all spontaneously if you (underlined) do not set up barriers in terms of preconceptions and conditions; and all your desires will be met, but never when you set them up as conditions for your existence. [...]

I wish you then a hearty good evening, and to your friend, our present beloved young woman, Ruburt’s Pat Norelli, my best wishes for a beginning now, of vitality and joy, as you throw aside all conditions, and accept your life for what it is and will (underlined) be—a joy, an exaltation to yourself, and a help to all those you will still contact.

Underneath is the real cause, and this basic cause is behind all those that I have previously given you, in your own background.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 857, May 30, 1979 impulses idealism motives altruistic power

[...] In the case of the Jonestown tragedy, for example, all doors toward probable effective action seemed closed. [...] They had been taught not to trust the outside world, and little by little the gap between misguided idealism and an exaggerated version of the world’s evil blocked all doors through which power could be exerted — all doors save one. [...]

There is a natural impulse to die on the part of men and animals, but in such circumstances [as we are discussing here] that desire becomes the only impulse that the individual feels able to express, for it seems that all other avenues of expression have become closed. [...] Only people who trust their spontaneous beings and the altruistic nature of their impulses can be consciously wise enough to choose from a myriad of probable futures the most promising events — for again, impulses take not only [people’s] best interest into consideration, but those of all other species.

[...] The scientist begins tipping tables or whatever, and suddenly disgusted by the limits of scientific knowledge, he turns all of his dedication to what he thinks of as its opposite, or pure intuitive knowledge. [...] The businessman who believed in Darwinian principles and the fight for survival, who justified injustice and perhaps thievery to his ideal of surviving in a competitive world — he suddenly turns into a fundamentalist in religious terms, trying to gain his sense of power now, perhaps, by giving away the wealth he has amassed, all in a tangled attempt to express a natural idealism in a practical world.

TPS6 Session 933 (Deleted Portion) August 7, 1981 claims Massari medium attorney Bernier

[...] Jane didn’t ask for details on the case, but instead explained to the lawyer something of Seth’s ideas so that the attorney could use that material in his defense, making it clear that above all Seth was not for violence, even though the prosecuting attorney was evidently trying to make the defendant sound as though it was okay to kill because reincarnation was a fact: Since we all lived other lives, no one could really kill anyone. [...]

Thus far, however, the old habits have returned, and for all of your joint good intents the idea of bringing things to a crisis point is still far less beneficial than it might appear This does not mean such a method cannot work at times. It does mean that on the whole it is a difficult method, and in utmost honesty and clarity in that regard, I can only tell you what I have said before: regardless of how ill-founded it may seem on certain occasions, that basically speaking the situation becomes less as you pare it down in your mind, rid it of significance in your mind, say things like “Well after all, it is not that bad yet,” or in other ways turn your attention otherwise. [...]

[...] We did agree that there must be a least unconscious cheating going on, on the medium’s part, else why keep the Seth name all these years and speak so cleverly in imitation of Seth, who has garnered at least some sort of reputation, thus making the road easier for any other Seth? [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 538, June 29, 1970 death evil explore preconceptions sleeping

[...] Simply to explain the nature of personality as it is generally known, all kinds of terms are used: id, subconscious, ego, superego; all of these to differentiate the interweaving actions that make up the physical personality. [...]

[...] It is much easier to pretend that all such experiences are symbolic and not literal, to evolve complicated psychological theories, for example, to explain flying dreams.

The dreaming self as you conceive of it, however, is but a shadow of its own reality, for the dreaming self is a psychological point of reference and, in your terms, [of] continuity, that brings together all portions of your identity. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 576, March 29, 1971 fluctuations blank waking memory normal

Inner portions of your personality also have memory of all of your dreams. [...] These memory systems are all interconnected. Now in the same way you have your memory of past lives, all quite complete and all operating in the entire memory system.

[...] These various stages all represent different attributes and directions inherent within your own soul; clues and hints of them, shadows and reflections appear even in the consciousness that you know. Even normal waking consciousness, then, is not innocent of all other traces of existence, or devoid of other kinds of awareness. [...]

[...] Normal waking consciousness, while having memory of itself, obviously does not retain all memory all of the time. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 791, January 17, 1977 dispersed Hamlet actor waking trans

[...] Dreaming provides all the conditions of life and death, therefore — a fact that often frightens the waking self. [...] Here are the raw materials for all the daily events you recognize privately and on a world scale.

[...] You imagine it to be “absolute,” in that it seems to involve an all-exclusive state that includes your identity as you think of it — only you give it boundaries like a kingdom. [...]

[...] As a result he does not understand the greater natural mobility he himself possesses, nor can he practically perceive the natural psychological gestalts of which he is a part, that form all of your natural — meaning physical — world.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 12, 1977 Turkish outlaws monks leaders sword

To some extent you all have characteristics that are similar, while of course there are differences. [...] When they look at your relationship with Ruburt they still assure themselves that it is after all not the traditional marriage.

All of that occurred in the background in which you chose an artistic ability that did not fit into the accepted male role, and Ruburt possessed a drive that did not fit the feminine picture, either. [...] Ruburt went to battle with all of his men, and only as he grew older did he begin to wonder at his own motives, or the beliefs that were the structure of his life.

[...] As we waited for tonight’s session, Jane said she thought that Seth was organizing material about the four of us, our years together at 458 West Water St., and the flood of 1972—but that when we decided upon the questions listed above, Seth changed his tactics: he began to organize that material instead—“reorganizing what he’d already planned, in order to put it all together,” as Jane put it. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 14, 1978 polarized disapproval subjective exterior shoveling

The 1973 session book Ruburt is reading has helped him, simply because it rearouses the feelings of psychic, creative and physical improvement he did achieve, and because it contains in capsule form all—most all—of the important material I have given, though some of it no longer applies.

[...] From childhood in your society, you were as children told in one way or another that it was healthy to enjoy sports and outside activity, to join in games, to be outgoing with playmates, and all of that is of course quite true. [...]

[...] All of this, you see, must be considered in the light of our last session, for it involves varying degrees of self-disapproval and polarities of thought, so that the contradictions occurred in your experience—though there were more, of course, in basic terms.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 922, October 13, 1980 Helper knower protection dams artistry

[...] You do not have all the facts, you see, at that intellectual level, so if you base all of your judgments—all of your judgments—at that level alone, then you can be quite shortsighted.

[...] [That total includes Mass Events, God of Jane, and the poetry book, all of which are yet to be issued.] In the private session for September 22one of his series on the magical approach to life—Seth had told us that our work is “protected.” [...]

[...] In practical terms, it is very important to understand that such knowledge and protection do exist, that all of your problems need not be solved through conscious reasoning alone—and, indeed, few problems can be solved exclusively (underlined) in that fashion.

TES7 Jane’s Notes Monday, September 26, 1966 Barb Greenwich Connecticut stingers Rob

[...] I was quite frightened all in all. [...]

[...] Saw no images at all, and had no idea whether anything made sense to her or was just subconscious fabrication on my part. [...]

(I thought that when I said no to Seth, that was all that was required, as nothing like this has happened before. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 882, September 26, 1979 evolution creationism universe evolutionists creationists

[...] I call the process “All That Is.” All That Is is so much a part of its creations that it is almost impossible to separate the “creator from the creations,” for each creation also carries indelibly within it the characteristics of its source.

[...] All species were created as they now appear. [...] Why man’s sin, resulting in the catastrophic flood, to which all species fell victim? The regular theory of evolution doesn’t have to contend with such questions, of course, but in the book I just read no explanations for questions like that are given—I don’t even remember that they were raised.

[...] If true, this proposition means that for all of that time, all of those people lived pretty useless lives as far as having any real understanding of their universe goes—hardly a natural situation, I told Jane. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 628, November 15, 1972 Augustus Two contradictory powerlessness beliefs

[...] He believed that he was utterly powerless as an individual, that despite all his efforts he would come to nothing, go unnoticed. [...] At the same time he let his conscious mind wander, and to compensate saw himself as all-powerful, contemptuous of his fellow human beings, and able to work greater vengeance upon them for their misunderstanding of him. [...]

He does all the things and says all the things that Augustus One would dearly love to do and say, with only certain safeguards. [...]

(10:46.) In fact, once Augustus Two obviously “took over” the body of Augustus One, it was all out in the open in the family. [...] So was the infantile nature of the “personality”; yet Augustus Two purported to be all-wise, from a galaxy far surpassing Earth in every category of endeavor. [...]

TES1 Session 5 December 9, 1963 peach fence Gratis Arcturus playgrounds

[...] Fragments living and vulnerable to forces, same forces, to which all earthlife is.

3 but all life is not your type life.

[...] 3 in all.

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