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TES5 Session 213 December 1, 1965 Ormond test season envelope postmark

It is perfectly all right now and then to vary your schedule in this manner, and probably all in all most beneficial.

[...] She used pauses but all in all her pace was not particularly slow. [...]

[...] All in all the envelope test results were much superior to the previous two tests, and Jane was pleased. [...]

TPS1 Session 387 December 11, 1967 Maltz exercises relaxation vision sleepy

[...] Not only did they lead back to the water, but all other routes along them that you followed were perilous. The water, despite all, was safer than the rocks.

[...] That does not mean that all inner perceptions will be restricted to these particular channels. [...]

[...] These have a strong therapeutic effect also, and will increase the benefits of all else that he has learned.

TPS3 Deleted Session May 1, 1975 hostile cultural gallantry codicils temperamentally

(Pause.) He freed himself in important areas, yet all the time struggling against certain basic seeming inconsistencies. You are also tinged by some of these beliefs as he is, for they represent those cultural colorations upon which all of your other systems are based.

The symptoms were based then on beliefs that he accepted—beliefs that are all quite basic in your civilization, invisibly entwined in all of those systems he thought he had dismissed.

[...] First of all, of course, you do choose the culture into which you are born. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 633, January 17, 1973 Augustus sirens thoughts perfect denied

[...] To this end you attempt to deny all imperfect thoughts and emotions. [...] You may believe also what I have told you — that your thoughts create your reality — so you become all the more frightened at mental or actual expressions of an aggressive nature. [...] Trying to be perfect all the time can be far more than a nuisance: It can be disastrous because of your misunderstanding.

Because you accept the rain as a present reality does not mean, either, that you must believe that all days are stormy, and make that obvious misconception a part of your beliefs about reality. [...] You do not have to take it as fact that all of your thoughts would be murky, left alone, and try to hide them.

Since you have all kinds of thoughts there are reasons for having them, as you have all kinds of geography. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 514, February 9, 1970 Sean environment altered form blend

[...] Our work, development, and experience all takes place within what I term the “moment point.” [...] In so doing I immediately experience — and fully — your past, present, and future (in your terms), and all of those strong or determining emotions and motivations that have ruled you. [...] We can follow a consciousness through all of its forms, for example, and in your terms, within the flicker of an eye.

[...] Yet all of these have inner knowledge of the reality that exists within all camouflage and that composes any reality, by whatever name it is called.

[...] All of us here are teachers, and we therefore adapt our methods, also, so that they will make sense to personalities with varying ideas of reality.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 9, 1982 Hal fireworks Rusty therapy treatment

[...] I still want to know what role the sinful self—to use the appellation Seth gave us—plays in all of this, for I’m more convinced than ever that it is still the dominant force behind all of it. [...] As I said to Jane this morning during our long discussion, I still want to know why one portion of the personality would want to drive all of the rest before it, even to the point of destruction, and perhaps even beyond. [...]

(I remembered that Seth once said that if a dying person decides to live after all, they’ll seize upon the tiniest hope, and respond. [...] I reminded Jane that I was interested in sinful-self material above all else. [...]

[...] Jane’s hands and knees have, I think, showed considerable improvement since we began the vitamin therapy, even with all the interruptions that treatment has had. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 823, February 27, 1978 myth fruit Introductory Framework chance

[...] Jane knows all too well what I mean, for her own attitudes here follow mine very closely.

[...] (With many pauses:) The main myth through which you interpret your experiences, however, is the one that tells you that all perception and knowledge must come to you through the physical senses.

[...] It is this myth that hampers your understanding most of all, and that closes you off from the greater nature of those events with which you are most intimately concerned. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 7, 1978 creative mystical reorganized encounter reinterpretation

[...] Perhaps, Jane had wanted more physical and psychic activity all along, I thought—more tours, TV, publicity, fame, money, whatever—but all those things she held back on because of my own negative attitudes. [...] I do know that Jane has the abilities to perform all of those activities, and this almost idle realization recently may have triggered the more concrete question.

[...] The creative self, however, left alone, and being in a Framework 2 reference, will take all aspects of life into consideration. It lights up all aspects of life. [...]

Your own ideas suited your temperament, but many of them did not particularly suit Ruburt’s. Again, I will elaborate on all of this at our next session.

TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 Trainor voice features badger indeed

[...] This evening’s session, all in all, will be most beneficial to Ruburt, and I hope it will be beneficial to you. [...] He, Ruburt, is basically with me all the way, but he has Jane to contend with.

Such a life reading would involve incidents from both past and present lives, including circumstances which, taken all in all, tended to bring about the illness. [...]

[...] The ulcer had bothered him all day while Peg and he attended a family gathering. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 11, 1984 Jeff antibiotic Judy Leanne fever

(I couldn’t help noticing as I walked down the hall on my way out, how busy all the patient rooms were, the cacophony of sounds, the numerous visitors, patients and nurses and aides. [...] The hall was a community in itself, accepted by all.)

[...] She didn’t do well at all. [...]

[...] The antibiotic was all taken in by Jane; I’d seen it still dripping a few minutes ago. [...]

TES7 Session 287 September 21, 1966 pseudoobjects tangerine uncamouflaged undifferentiated camouflage

[...] It must be understood however here that all physical objects are also hallucinatory. [...]

[...] This is no coincidence, as this general setup occurs in all realities.

[...] They act in fact as boundaries, even while they represent the basic stuff of which all camouflage is composed. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 8, 1968 Lillian Clifton Bonnie Indian Arc

Within you there is indeed innate knowledge of all the selves that you have been, and all the selves that you shall be, and this knowledge sustains you even when you do not know consciously that it exists. [...]

[...] I wish you all a fond good evening. [...]

All of you were meant to come here and your lives have already been changed. [...]

TES8 Session 397 March 6, 1968 transition alchemy evil cell commitment

I will comment here for all of this fits into our discussion. [...] (Pause.) Legitimately, each personality is a co-creator, and part of All That Is, but this All That Is constantly develops, and develops in terms of growth fulfillment.

[...] All of this directly affects your own personal and joint—I will have to use the term for you —future, experience; both in this life and later.

[...] Now the consciousness is within the cell, all through the cell, not localized within it, and yet it is not the matter of the cell.

TES8 Session 409 May 1, 1968 coordinates rascal cohesiveness boundaries intensity

The psychic intensity of an experience shatters all concepts of time. [...] All identities do not choose physical existence. All identities do not have to be physical at any quote “time.”

[...] There is general and mass focus of all self-structures within that system, binding enough and cohesive enough so that the appearance of a permanent and all-pervading physical reality is maintained. [...]

These coordinates are psychic structures, and they form the cornerstones of all realities.

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 521, March 30, 1970 actor play multidimensional production role

(9:35.) Other assumptions accepted for the same reason include the idea that all perception comes through your physical senses; in other words, that all information comes from without, and that no information can come from within. [...]

[...] This intensely moving drama, with all its joys and tragedies, can be compared with your present life, your present environment, both individually and en masse.

Each of you are now involved in a much larger production, in which you all agree on certain basic assumptions that serve as a framework within which the play can occur. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 3, 1978 approval ommm calm misunderstandings berate

(“How is all of this hooked up with the walking difficulty?” By the question, I meant how has Jane’s walking difficulties through the years resulted from her feeling that she should be all those things Seth recounted at the start of this session—a TV personality, a great psychic, writer, and so forth. [...]

Beneath all of the other issues and reasons at any given time, and perhaps the answer to your earlier voiced question, is the act that, more important than you realize, that for some time in vital areas you have not approved of yourselves. [...]

Ruburt believes he should be a TV personality, a healer, a writer, an excellent psychic versed in all of the most esoteric traditions, a magnetic personality. [...]

TES9 Session 502 September 22, 1969 dog inactivity failure comfort yourself

The family all knew, subconsciously again, that the dog had to go. [...] It was a closely guarded secret by all, hidden, but not entirely, from the conscious minds of those involved. [...] The act itself was symbolic, and the dog picked up all of your attitudes through its own sense of communication.

[...] No one wanted you to know, and all of this now on a subconscious basis. Under the conditions that were then in operation, and underline that, for you all to have accepted the dog for any length of time would have been an admission and acceptance of failure.

[...] You are a problem to them, as they are to you, even while you both receive services from the other, and your report may help take all of you off the hook. It may take all of you off the hook—they do not know what to do with you either.

TSM Chapter Seventeen Rob Phil peering contact pyramid

[...] We will discuss the interrelationship that exists between all systems of reality, including certain points of contact that include them all. [...]

“Later, in your time, all of you will look down into the physical system like giants peering through small windows at the others now in your position and smile. [...] Our basic and ancient knowledge and energy automatically reaches out to nourish all systems that grow—”

[...] At the same time all the furniture—everything—got larger and larger. It seemed as if the room now was huge enough to cover all of the city. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

In all of these episodes definite emotional experience was involved. [...] Space and time continually expand, and all probabilities of any given action are actualized in one reality or another. All of the potentials of the entity are also actualized.

[...] In it I quote Seth from the class session for June 23, 1970, as excerpted in the Appendix for Seth Speaks: “In this reality, [each of] you very nicely emphasize all the similarities which bind you together; you make a pattern of them, and you very nicely ignore all the dissimilarities … If you were able to focus your attention on the dissimilarities, merely those that you can perceive but do not, then you would be amazed that mankind can form any idea of an organized reality.”

[...] And, obviously, Seth does a much better job of putting them all together than I could.

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 814, October 8, 1977 flu inoculations season disease shots

[...] Late in August Jane interrupted her work on James to move all of her writing paraphernalia into her new room at the back of the house. [...] Jane, who was to work on James all through September, prepared a presentation for that book so that in the meantime her editor, Tam Mossman, could show it to his associates at Prentice-Hall. [...] Over the telephone three days later, Tam suggested that Jane do a children’s book, or one for “readers of all ages,” based on her dream about Emir;2 the next day he called again, this time to give her the delightful news that he’d accepted James for publication.

The official mentioned, by the way, that there was indeed no direct evidence connecting past flu shots with the occurrence of a rather bizarre disease that some of those inoculated with the flu vaccine happened to come down with.4 All in all, it was quite an interesting announcement, with implications that straddle biology, religion, and economics. [...]

[...] Seth-Jane was certainly busy on all of those Monday and Saturday nights, though, and came through with another separate series of sessions after I inserted the 806th session into Mass Events — 17 of them this time, as compared to the 10 sessions delivered before the 806th was held. [...]

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