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TES3 Session 139 March 10, 1965 action sphere pulsation perpetuating termination

[...] The action of our imaginary sphere upon and within itself is simultaneous, and in all directions. All actions occur basically within the spacious present, but all action cannot be aware of itself except as it attempts further action, i.e., materializations.

[...] But all outwardness turns ultimately inward, and then again outward in all directions. [...]

[...] An office with a modern red leather chair, small room, stories high, not at all elegant...” [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 17, 1977 Paul dentist adequate Carol office

[...] You sought instead questions that would stretch your abilities, and develop them, that would bring out all nuances before unknown to you. It is easy enough to at times look at others, perhaps now—for I am not saying that you do this—but perhaps romanticizing them, thinking that you would after all prefer a much simpler, more overtly physical existence, freed of any deep concerns about the nature of reality or the plight of the race.

[...] His beliefs were not of the best at all, as far as physically getting to the office. [...] You did say, several times, “You’ll be able to make it all right”—and that was also adequate and a good response.

[...] After he’d left, we could see that in actuality Paul’s visit had offered all that Jane could have desired, under the circumstances; we hadn’t asked for any of it, even his preliminary visit to the house to examine Jane this time—although he’d done that on a couple of previous occasions, again without being asked by us.

UR2 Section 5: Session 725 December 11, 1974 strands identity mountain invaded rocks

First of all, in your terms “pure” identity has no form. [...] You suppose that all personhood in one way or another must have an equivalent of a human form, spiritual or otherwise, to “inhabit.”

[...] Reminiscent within each form is the consciousness of all the other combinations, all of the other alliances, as identity continually forms new creative endeavors and gestalts of relatedness. [...]

In your terms the earth at any given time represents the most exquisite physical, spiritual, and psychic cooperation, in which all consciousnesses are related and contribute to the overall reality. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 941, February 8, 1982 nuclear Iran tmi reactor Russia

[...] In Note 1 for Session 933, in Chapter 10 of Dreams, I speculated about nuclear energy being an earthly analog of the illimitable loving being of All That Is. [...] I believe, then, that unwittingly we’re translating compartmentalized glimpses of All That Is through the extraordinary consciousness of nuclear energy. [...] Those reaches of time are so great, so timeless, that I see them as another earthly analog of All That Is.

[...] I think we’re creating a probable reality in which consciousness has the absolute freedom to explore all facets of itself—every one we can think of, and therefore create. Within our national orientations, within our religious and secular, scientific and artistic structures, we are choosing to go to the extremes of “good” and “bad,” and to deal with the consequences, all stewing together in what seems like an impossible mix of reason and emotion, learning and joy, pain and violence, and life and death. Naturally, many of us don’t like certain facets of our creations, yet we must deal with all of them if we are to make any sense out of our reality. [...]

In Note 3 for this session I referred to what I think are a couple of earthly analogs of All That Is. [...] In conscious terms, we have barely touched upon the fantastic inner complexities of All That Is, from which all else emerges, and which for a number of reasons we still fear.

TPS2 Deleted Session November 26, 1973 discordant Masters peace portrait painting

The greatest Old Masters felt the inner self’s great integrity, and its connection with All That Is, and each in his own way through painting tried to represent that energy and show it to others. The energy is behind all. When you look at the great world picture before you in space and time, look at it as you would a multidimensional worldscape, painted by some artist who was all of the great masters in one; and behind the scenes of destruction and conflict, feel the great energy that in itself denies the destruction that is in that case so cleverly depicted.

If you believe that you are pulled in all directions you will be. [...]

It is easy for you to say that your parents did not appreciate what they had, that they looked at the “bad” side of things all the time, but not quite so easy to see those same attitudes in yourselves.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 30, 1984 postbox maybe cremation buried July

It is known and unknown, forming all stages of creativity, and you are held within it, graced to be a part of the divine framework of All That Is.

You are supported, never abandoned, and always couched lovingly in the great yet intimate presence of All That Is, whose love forms your breath, your life, your death, as in which the unknown divinity is always blessed and ever known.

[...] “Whatever happens, Bob, I’d like all of the material published someday, if it can be done. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 24, 1972 thrashing felt uncherished deprived he

It is all there is black and white, including suggestions in the sexual area, why it would be advantageous, the various emotional points of resistance that would appear during such encounters, and their significance, and much more.

[...] All areas became therefore more sensitive. [...]

[...] He kept the symptoms for several reasons—and again, all given—to preserve what relationship you had, for one thing.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 8, 1984 proclamations leg glittering tendons hurt

(The swelling on her shoulder was up again, but I noticed there was no drainage at all from her knee, nor was there for the rest of the afternoon. Jane said she’d been picturing herself at the old apartments on Water Street [we’d ended up with two], and around town as she used to go — all as though she were taking the last grand tour. When she was finished with all of this she asked me what I thought. [...]

[...] Then most of all, I suppose — for I express my feelings based upon my interpretation of what I see — I ended up thinking my remarks were the right way to go, for later she told me that I’d expressed some intuitive truths. Who knows — maybe something can be salvaged after all.

a voice that says nothing at all

TPS6 Deleted Session February 4, 1981 public exposure latest disclaimer books

[...] The point is that our books reach all kinds of readers in all walks of life. That is because all kinds of people are innately acquainted with the nature of self-evident knowledge. [...]

[...] And to me, as I began to put all of this together, it meant that although she did the Seth books, which we think so highly of, she also drags her feet in resistance with each one—hence the long intervals of non-work that crop up during the production of each one. [...] This present session represents, then, our latest attempt to come to terms with all of our personal, public, and creative aspects involved with the Seth material—not just those we’d chosen to deal with in past years.

[...] I knew at the time that this was likely to be an oversimplification, yet I also knew at once that it contained the key to the puzzle; this rather simple idea helped me assemble all of the information already described in these notes, half of it in ways I cannot consciously describe. [...] All at once I had several ideas I wanted to talk over with her.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 640, February 14, 1973 therapeutic therapy illumination grace chemicals

(Assembling all of these elements into a psychological whole, he declared that “the sessions, among other things, were generated by your own experiences as creatures, and your desires to look for personal answers — but more basically, to seek out the answers [asked for] by all of your race.” [...]

(“I’m doing all right.” [...]

Music is an exterior representation, and an excellent one, of the life-giving inner sounds that act therapeutically within your body all the time. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Sessions July 9, 1977 Saturday July 10, 1977 fanatic threat fools safety rancor

I suggest that first of all you ask yourselves what you really want, and what you really believe. (Amused:) I will tell you what you want, my dear friend: you want the books to sell very well, and the message to go out clearly to all. [...]

[...] I do not expect all people to be wise. I do expect all people to be different, to display abilities and characteristics of a highly diverse nature, and to be highly creative. [...]

[...] On the other hand, when you look at your fellows, try to see them as they are in all respects—as you would, say, a group of individual animals. [...]

NotP Chapter 3: Session 764, January 26, 1976 modes exercises scenes associations daydream

(9:20.) First of all, these other organizations do not deal primarily with time at all, but with the emotions and associative processes. [...]

[...] All of these thoughts and images will be colored by the emotions that are connected to the letter, and to all of the events with which you and your aunt have been involved.

Many of you believe that it is safe to make a nuclear bomb, but that it is insane to use your dreams as another method of manipulating daily life; or that it is all right to be consciously aware of your viruses, wars, and disasters, but that it is not all right to be consciously aware of other portions of the self that could solve such problems.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 656, April 16, 1973 loneliness robbers age convictions unhealthy

[...] Your present convictions will act like a magnet, activating all such past issues, happy or sad. You will choose from your previous experience all of those events that reinforce your conscious beliefs, and so ignore those that do not; the latter may even seem to be nonexistent.

(Pause at 11:15.) In many “native” cultures an individual is not considered in terms of his age at all, and the numbering of years is regarded as insignificant. [...] It would do you all good — young, middle-aged and old alike — to forget the number of your years, because in your culture so many beliefs are limiting in those ways. [...]

All of your present experience was drawn from probable reality. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 16, 1971 Eva Alpha press loyalty grandfather

You can all learn to use this initial state of altered consciousness, and we will be dealing with it often in class, but you will each be dealing with it in your private lives. You will learn to examine it, but more than this you will learn to cherish it as you should cherish all the states of consciousness that you discover in yourselves and in others. [...]

[...] Relax in the way that is natural to you and forget all ideas of tension and, for now, forget all ideas of trying to ferret out the secrets of the universe. [...]

Now all of you, in your own way and even you (Nadine), have begun to be familiar enough with concepts so that in your dream states and in some of your conscious states you are beginning to play around with them, and so we are in a new playground. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1982 chair scared crying leaned tv

(Just last night Jane sat up in her chair all night—literally—letting me put her on the commode at about 2 AM. [...] I’m very distressed at all of this. [...]

[...] I didn’t mean I hadn’t played my own role in all of it, for obviously I had. [...] I demanded a session, I’d told Jane, if it was at all possible.)

(“All right. I don’t know what I mean by all right, but I think I’m ready.” [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 11 Cunningham Miss starlings killing Rah

[...] Suppose I stopped having the sessions while I tried to figure things out, then decided that Seth was right on all counts — and found I just couldn’t have sessions again? That, to me, would be the worst possibility of all — that I might close off knowledge out of uncertainity. [...]

I’d identified all life with the birds, of course. Miss Cunningham, Rob, me and all the people that we knew were surely getting shot down; falling through time, we were dying in a descent that we couldn’t understand or control. [...]

[...] All entities are self-aware portions of the energy of All That Is. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session March 2, 1976 Andrija resiliency teeth indispositions lapses

You affect matter all the time, of course, including the matter of your bodies. [...] Geller must be a performer, with all the characteristics that implies. He displays the obvious, but that obvious is not at all obvious to most people, and so they need the lesson.

[...] Andrija recorded Jane, Seth, and Sumari—all of which saw Jane coming through at her best. [...]

Now: it may seem to most people that an exuberant, always-vital, energetic, healthy body would indeed be one of the greatest gifts of all—a body that never worried or showed signs of any disorder, a body that went ahead on its own, so to speak, propelled by feelings of strength and vigor. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, July 21, 1970 negative Brad vinegar cruddy thoughts

As you all know, and this is not new, your pitiful body changes with each thought that you have and with each emotion. [...] The negative habits knock away even spontaneity for all thoughts of good will and health and vitality disappear beneath these thoughts that you are handing yourself every day like poison upon the spoon, whether the spoon be wooden or tarnished or silver. [...]

Now, after my cheerful little message, I will let you all take a break. I want to make sure that you are all healthy and strong and that your eyes are good so that you can read The Seth Material.

[...] Therefore, often you allow these thoughts to take all of your conscious attention. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 16, 1972 job leadership aspersions trip beacons

Now there are reasons for all this. [...] (Humorously.) The nonexpression leaves the door open for all kinds of misinterpretations. [...]

(Jane became so excercised by those answers that she scribbled her own notes and doodles [some of which are presented here], then pounded out on her typewriter, misspellings and all, her further reactions before tonight’s session.)

First of all, Ruburt idealized you, as you know, in the early days of your marriage and courtship. [...]

TPS1 Session 208 (Deleted Portion) November 15, 1965 envy penis faltered itch envious

First of all, all this is connected with the question of discipline and spontaneity of sessions, for I could have spoken at any time.

[...] You should, whenever you move again, have all rooms with more than one window if at all possible, for this also has a connection with the thyroid. [...]

[...] You cannot afford to satisfy it at this point to a large degree, and in any case your desire for land would have to be completely allowed to dominate all other considerations, to be completely satisfied.

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