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DEaVF1 Introductory Essays by Robert F. Butts essays wrenching addenda delve Lumsden

[...] In terms of length alone, it soon became obviously impossible to write all of the material for any piece on the date given. [...] Instead, we want all of this preliminary material to show how we live daily—regardless of how well we may or may not do—with a generalized knowledge of, and belief in, the Seth material.

Yet, Jane and I were being creative with it all—the whole time—and moving several stages closer to understanding All That Is in the process. [...]

[...] Since I’ve completed the essays, all I have to do now is “refine” the session notes (and addenda) as I type the finished manuscript. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, December 26, 1967 alligators Harvey listen Archie fears

[...] All of you are aware that there are realities that you cannot see or touch and you are all willing—you are reaching out. [...]

You must all remember questions you had when children, and you must never stop asking questions. [...]

I know about all of you. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 20, 1983 Kim Pete Evans Fred Infirmary

[...] I’m to mail him all the forms and figures I got from Kim Evans. [...] “These people all speak their own languages,” he said, “and if you’re on the outside you don’t know what they’re saying.” [...]

(I kept the session in mind, so I didn’t go so far as to tell Pete to go all out and start suing everybody—although we’ve discussed litigation re the insurance. But what I want Pete to do is to thoroughly familiarize himself with all facets of our “case,” so that we can then make some intelligent decisions. [...]

[...] Above all, I said, we’re not going to do anything that will compromise our case against the insurance claim. [...]

TES9 ESP Class Notes May 20, 1969 Crosson Jim answers Venice Reverend

[...] They are not all that horrible. [...] And, if you open it, all sorts of demons will emerge. [...]

Now, dear friends, you all dwell in the same unlimited simply have not opened your eyes to see it. [...] The universe in which I dwell is the universe in which all of you dwell. [...]

[...] All that is necessary is given to the flower. And all that you want will be given to you, but you must want what you want desperately enough, wholeheartedly enough. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 896, January 16, 1980 suffering adults sick deadening pain

[...] Men and women are born, however, with curiosity about all sensations, and about all possible life experiences. They are thirsty for experience of all kinds. [...]

Tonight Seth did comment—and very perceptively put all of the dreams together. “In your heart Sayre stands for your childhood,” he said in conclusion, “and to that extent, to you personally, for the childhood of all men. [...]

[...] “We might have played dead now and then—you know, lain down and closed our eyes, but that would be all.” [...] “I used to play being her all by myself,” she said. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1982 hospital outcome disability won Kardon

(I have no ideas at all as to the moving-back-to-Sayre business goes. [...] I’ll let it all rest in Framework 2 from now on. This is the course I-we should have followed all along. [...]

[...] Jane has slept just about all of each day, sitting in her chair, since the last failed session. Last night she was in agony in bed—all night. [...]

[...] I probably won’t call Dr. Kardon or the hospital tomorrow, but will simply wait for nature to take its course, since except for the movement in the knees—which hasn’t increased—it’s been all bad, so the general outcome for the future is all but inevitable. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 20, 1969 Jack Cross answers lighthearted journey

You must become more aware of your inner selves—they are not all that horrible. [...] And, if you open it, all sorts of demons will emerge. [...]

Now, dear friends, you all dwell in the same unlimited dimension—you simply have not opened your eyes to see it. [...] The universe in which I dwell is the universe in which all of you dwell.Some of you have better eyesight than others and the vision is not physical. [...]

[...] All that is necessary is given to the flower. And all that you want will be given to you, but you must want what you want desperately enough, wholeheartedly enough. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 22, 1971 pot Buddy Ron destiny unoperable

Now I want those of you who can to follow still further, for we will travel beyond these fields of probabilities in which all times are born. [...] Into an immense system of beginnings that are beyond any beginnings that you may have imagined, in which all nebulous creations exist in incipient form. In which all probabilities exist, in your terms, as yet unborn; and yet in greater terms already being accomplished and coming into new existence. [...]

[...] I want you to realize that you are indeed highly perceptive, that around you and about you in all directions the inner senses reach. [...]

[...] You are all born into this time and this place. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 28, 1983 motion head bet torso groaned

[...] This was all a good workout in itself. [...]

[...] “I can tell the muscles want to do it, but all of them aren’t ready yet. [...]

[...] All very fast. [...]

TES2 Session 69 July 8, 1964 apparition constructions water temperature cool

If the data had been received by all of you, you would all have appeared to see more or less the same apparition. You would, of course, have each instead constructed your own apparition, in your own space perspective; and because of the other clues usually given the three apparitions would have seemed to be one, agreeing for all intents and purposes to be similar in terms of appearance, and approximate location.

(“Well, we’ll get every friend we’ve got all together there in the living room, have a session, and you can explain it all to them at once.”)

(At noon today Jane told me she thought Seth would give us a short session, because of the extraordinary one of Monday, 7/6. This was to help me get caught up on all the typing.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 2, 1971 wisdom props phlegm intellect Joel

[...] You are all hampered, in other words, by doubts. Now your physical perceptions operating alone are often responsible for these doubts for you think you are all that you can see of yourselves, or you think your life is all that you presently perceive of it, and so if you trust in your physical senses alone then you must, indeed, be filled with doubts for you know, instinctively, that you are more than the self that you are presently able to materialize or to give expression to. [...]

Now the future, in your terms, to that extent affected the present but this is something that you all do all of the time. [...] Now you may all take a break. [...]

It does you all good to think for yourselves in class and not have me around telling you how to think of time. [...] And while I have been egotistical in many of my lives, I do not need you all to set me up as an authority figure to whom you can relate so I would like to see some freedom on your own parts directed and applied. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 20, 1984 vases package hollyhocks twists irises

The universe actively loves itself and all of its parts. The world loves itself and all of its parts. [...]

Despite all concepts to the contrary, energy is indeed at its basis, love. [...] The great — the greatest creative force — that force that is the origin for all physical life — did not suddenly appear once in some distant past, sparking the birth of your reality, endowing it with an energy that could only then run down, or dissipate. [...]

[...] She tried reading yesterday’s session, but got only halfway down the first page, so I read it all to her. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 1, 1978 bodybuilders verbal disapproval coaches pessimism

First of all, what have you done recently that was of benefit in your situation? [...] The things that paid off, the things that were indeed quite effective, were these: again, your chair suggestion —remind me to return to that, for I have not mentioned some other reasons why I would like it stressed—it being the chair; the table in the kitchen, with all of the implications of additional cooking and involvement; your remark (last week) that Ruburt’s face looked much better than it did in those old photographs; your bringing in the flowers; your lovemaking, which I will discuss; and Ruburt’s point-of-power exercises. The pendulum work was important because of the togetherness it entailed, the joint determination it symbolizes, and Ruburt’s decision to uncover any or all fears rather than hiding them.

Now let us look at yesterday (Sunday) morning, and for background remember the bodybuilders, who purposefully shut out all annoying distractions. You began your day, first of all, by verbally expressing your dissatisfaction about the late delivery of the paper, by projecting into the future the late delivery of it for a year, and then by discussing critically and in disapproving tones the educational system, and so forth.

(“I do feel a lot of material there, on all of this,” Jane said as we waited for the session to begin.)

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 582, April 19, 1971 evolved portraits Mrs Speakers evolution

[...] You only choose to focus your attention upon a highly specific field of space-time coordinates, accepting these as present reality, and closing yourselves off from all others. [...] They all exist in larger terms at once.

[...] All structure is formed by consciousness. [...] The living portions of nature are the result of your own creativity, projections and fragments of your own energy; energy that comes to you from All That Is and goes outward from you, forming its own image manifestations as you form yours.

[...] That is all I have for now.

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 13, 1984 parents illness youngster reward children

[...] Even at an early age, children joyfully explore all of the possibilities of all sensations possible within their framework — pain as well as joy, frustration as well as satisfaction, and all the while their awareness is propelled by curiosity, wonder, and joy.

They possess an innate love of the body and all of its parts. They also feel an eager desire to learn all they can about their own physical sensations and capabilities.

At the same time, young children in particular still possess a feeling of oneness with the universe, and with all of life, even as they begin to separate themselves at certain levels from life’s wholeness to go about the delightful task. Seeing themselves as separate and apart from all other individuals, they still retain an inner comprehension and a memory of having once experienced a oneness with life as a whole.

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 12, 1971 Bert Gnosticism Jim kick wring

[...] The worst thing that could happen would be that once again you restrain the acknowledgement of the pent up, perfectly natural aggression that is now ready to explode — so you send out a thought-form out of all proportion to any of the events that have transpired. The thought-form causes your friend severe harm; and all of this because you were afraid that one stray aggressive thought of yours was more powerful than the vitality that resides in each of you.

[...] Now almost all who come to these classes have at one time or another been engaged in such endeavors. You have all been a part of other classes, though not necessarily with me. [...]

[...] Yet all realities, as you know, are not physical.

TSM Chapter Thirteen Conz Dean illness Joan headache

[...] And yet all of this rests upon the spontaneous workings of the inner self, and the nervous system of which the intellect knows little. [...] Now that I have proven how jovial I am, you may all take a break.”

She was in her early thirties, with a good job, but she looked down on all of the other employees. [...]

[...] For all of that, when she was not sick she had a fine vitality, and a keen, native shrewdness. [...]

TSM Chapter Ten doorway Bill Mark apparition sketch

[...] We aren’t to think of it as a prison from which we will one day escape, or as an execution chamber from which all escape is impossible. [...] We are all creators, then, and this world is our joint creation.

[...] All the cells in the body have a separate consciousness. There is a conscious cooperation between the cells in all the organs, and between the organs themselves. [...]

We resumed the session, with all kinds of questions in our minds. [...] Since the session began at nine and lasted until midnight, I won’t attempt to include it all. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 7, 1971 adjacent Mu step road iv

[...] And I would like to see you all get together. [...] You can all have your helpers. [...]

[...] It is difficult for me to keep my voice down when my old friend is over there (Rachel Clayton), and if it were not too late I would have you all Mu a good loud and cheery Mu. [...]

Now, at A-I, realize that all these other levels of consciousness are also available from that threshold, and later you will be instructed more clearly as to their use. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 2, 1984 donations options quackery insurance driveway

[...] Because of the true nature of time, and the interrelationships of consciousness, a future life affects a past one, for in actuality all of these existences happen simultaneously. All systems are open-ended, particularly psychological ones. In greater terms, you are working “at all levels” and at all of your own existences at once, even though it is useful sometimes to think of reincarnation as a series of lives, one after the other.

[...] The “drive for survival” is, therefore, a drive that leads to death and beyond it, for all of consciousness understands that it survives through many forms and conditions.

(4:22.) You are indeed beneficially impressing reality at a Framework 2 level, and in ways that are becoming apparent at all of the normal levels of your individual and joint experience.

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