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DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Private Session, September 13, 1979 Iran animals Mitzi religious Mass

[...] Along with my painting and dream recording, both of which I do in the mornings, all of these activities come together in just the kind of busy, creative life I greatly enjoy. As for Jane, she couldn’t be more pleased to be so involved with all she’s doing.

I wrote quite a bit in Mass Events about our publishing activities, just to show for the record how complicated certain aspects of the creative life can be as we juggled sessions, manuscripts, proofreading, and deadlines [to list a few of our endeavors]; we “worked” at any time of the day or night—which didn’t bother us at all. [...] All of them are related to our work with the Seth material and Mass Events, however, and will, I’m sure, be reflected in Dreams. [...]

[...] At least from my viewpoint, each of nature’s rhythmic signs implied a continuity, an inevitability and security, that I’ve often felt is lacking in our all-too-human affairs—this, even though I wrote in Mass Events that Jane and I are aware, of course, of all the “good things” we humans have constructed in our mass reality. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, March 17, 1970 Brad Theodore God Margo learn

You must first of all realize that within you there is somewhere the miraculous knowledge that keeps your body alive and operating. This portion of yourself, despite all your problems, keeps you alive as a physical organism. [...] If that portion of yourself can make all the scientific and biological deductions necessary to maintain your physical organism, then indeed it has the abilities to solve these other problems. [...]

[...] Now this is all a result of your own attitude, and she has reacted to that attitude, and reinforced it, because she wants to be dominant. [...] She looks to you for direction and you do not give it, and therefore—if all within this room will excuse me—she turns into a bitch. [...]

Now, I will wish you all a fond good evening. It is not my intention to keep you up all night. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 527, May 11, 1970 soul perception citadels extrasensory mortal

[...] For the soul, above all, perceives and creates. [...]

[...] The truth is that the personality you are now and the personality that you have been and will be — in the terms in which you understand time — all of these personalities are manifestations of the soul, of your soul.

[...] Your soul, therefore, possesses the wisdom, information, and knowledge that is part of the experience of all these other personalities; and you have within yourselves access to this information, but only if you realize the true nature of your reality. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 15, 1970 Theodore sensitivity pious badger mask

Now, I try to show you all, whenever we have a session, that what you are seeing and hearing is a demonstration of the nature of human personality. And you all have human personalities, so therefore the abilities that are shown in this room are examples of the abilities that you have within yourselves waiting to be developed. [...] It will not be an intellectual matter of thinking that you are a part of All That Is. [...]

Now, I know that you are all worn out after such deep psychological probing this evening, so I will say goodnight to you all. [...]

Now, I wish you all a good evening and I am going to be here to see how you do. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 642, February 21, 1973 aggression violence passive beliefs animals

[...] In all cases the clues to your emotional experience and behavior lie in your systems of belief: some more evident to you than others, but all available to you consciously. [...] If you believe that all such thoughts are wrong you will inhibit them and feel all the more guilty — which will generate aggressiveness against yourself and further deepen your sense of unworthiness.

There are many biological signs shown by the body, all meant as communications to others on a creative basis — as warnings to whatever degree. [...] These are all constructive. [...]

Psychology, religion, science — in one way or another, all of these have added to the confusion by stripping the conscious mind of its directing qualities, and viewing it as a stepchild of the self. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 900, February 11, 1980 lampshades light Floyd colors spectrum

[...] It is responsible for all physical effects, and is behind all physical “laws.”

[...] We stood near the large plate-glass windows at the front of the store—quite exposed for all to see, in other words, including those eating at nearby tables, yet no one seemed to be paying any attention to us…. [...] I’ve thought of trying to do a painting of my best dream images of all time … yet wonder how I can do it….”

It is not just that such an inner universe is different from your own, but that any real or practical explanation of its reality would require the birth of an entirely new physics—and such a development would first of all necessitate the birth of an entirely new philosophy. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 907, April 14, 1980 genetic determinism artist volition actor

[...] All species are united by their participation in emotional states, however. It is not just that all species of life have feeling, but that all participate in dimensions of emotional reality. It has been said that only men have a moral sense, that only men have free will—if indeed free will is possible at all. [...] Yet animals have their own “morality,” their own codes of honor, their own impeccable senses of balance with all other creatures. [...]

[...] In actuality, of course—say that I smiled—all time is simultaneous, and so all reincarnational lives occur at once.

[...] I think I got all kinds of goodies out of all proportion to time.”

TES2 Session 62 June 15, 1964 gestalt cooperation identity energy maintained

All in all, it is just as well that the relationship between Ruburt and Mrs. Masters be terminated. [...]

[...] It goes without saying then, that there is consciousness of a kind, conscious energy, behind and to some extent within all material.

Energy as it comes through your plane is individualized; and indeed, irregardless of any other theories, all energy contains some consciousness, in simple or more complicated gestalt fashion, as I have mentioned that atoms and molecules so possess a limited consciousness, and a generalized subconsciousness which contains within it a capsule comprehension of the universe as a whole.

SS Part One: Chapter 7: Session 531, May 25, 1970 streams blinders process river attention

[...] All of these merge into what has often been compared to as an ocean of consciousness, a well from which all actuality springs. Start with any one consciousness, and theoretically you will find all others.

[...] In other words, you may become aware of a far greater reality than you now know, use abilities that you do not realize you possess, know beyond all doubt that your own consciousness and identity is independent of the world in which you now focus your primary attention. If all of that were not true, I would not be writing this book and you would not be reading it.

[...] There are, therefore, channels that exist between all these streams of consciousness, all these symbolic rivers of psychological and psychic experience, and there are journeys that can be made from my dimension as well as yours.

NotP Chapter 3: Session 762, December 15, 1975 Cézanne skill psyche triggered inclinations

[...] In greater respects however, all time is simultaneous, and so all such physical patterns exist at once.

(10:11.) The [human] species has built into it all of the knowledge, information, and “data” that it can possibly need under any and all conditions. [...]

[...] I think all of this psychic stuff that I’m half aware of has to be organized and expressed in our world — Seth, Cézanne, this book — so that we can make sense of the whole thing.”

NotP Chapter 9: Session 792, January 24, 1977 events shared cellular network rose

(9:40.) Events obviously are not formed by your species alone, so that, as I mentioned in our last session, there is a level of the dream state in which all earth-tuned consciousnesses of all species and degrees come together. From your standpoint this represents a deep state of unconscious creativity — at the cellular levels particularly — by which all cellular life communicates and forms a vital biological network that provides the very basis for any “higher” experience at all.

[...] It is the impetus by which all being becomes manifest. Desire, love, intent, belief and purpose — these form the experience of your body and all the events it perceives. [...]

[...] It may seem that psychological events have the same kind of structure, since after all you do perceive them in time.

TES9 Session 425 July 31, 1968 Boston stabbed Van warmth neurobiological

[...] The fact remains that All That Is is ever straining to be more. In all universes that we know, creativity and expansion are the rules.

All That Is is itself evolving. It is not aware of all of its own purposes, for some of these are ever new. [...]

So also are all neurobiological structures that depend upon a time system, as for example your own nervous system.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 653, April 4, 1973 Monroe massive inside eagle Speakers

[...] For now I was touching up my nails — I’d worn off all the new polish on their edges from typing my Speaker poetry all day. [...]

[...] We were all to meet again late Monday. [...]

[...] I was swept along by it all day long, writing in a fever, agitated yet exultant. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 571, March 3, 1971 symbols stages joy reverie signposts

(9:51.) The physical body all the while is greatly benefitted, because the beneficial feelings automatically renew and replenish its recuperative abilities. [...] The experiences are to be considered as creations; creative acts all native to consciousness at various stages.

[...] Working in the opposite direction, so to speak, the soul divests itself of all symbols, all representations, and using its consciousness in a different way learns to probe its own direct experience. [...]

All symbols stand for inner realities, therefore, and when you juggle symbols, you are juggling inner realities. Any exterior move that you make is made within the interior environment, within all the interior environments with which you are involved.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 28, 1968 impart transmit solve am community

[...] After some period of silence I say good evening to you all. [...]

[...] I sit in on all your sessions and I am deeply amused at times, but always pleased. [...]

It is springtime here and I hope that all your hearts are fluttering. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 23, 1982 mcg dozing assurances finger magical

[...] At its basic heart there is the assurance that despite all appearances, say, to the contrary with any given issue, the present can suddenly be changed for the better in a remarkable fashion. Ruburt’s finger is, after all, healing itself. For all of the hospital’s concern (very long pause), the finger was using its own healing abilities, and knew it was in no danger. [...]

[...] Reading my sessions on the subject will help—but you must above all realize that we are speaking here of truth itself, and if you do that then you will begin to see remarkable beneficial events in your lives as all levels (more intently). [...]

[...] At the same time she was squirming uncomfortably in her chair—her seat hurt “from dragging my pants over it today all those times when I went to the bathroom.... [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

[...] Unfortunately, in the condition in which your world finds itself, it is extremely difficult to imagine that all the young men in all of the countries at the same time will refuse to go to war. [...]

(There followed a discussion about the place of protest and violence in the world today—this violence as a means to correct injustice and to get people to accept all other people and their “thing” without prejudice or the judgment of someone else’s values. [...]

[...] We will have some long sessions dealing with this matter, but I tell you all now—no good will come of violence. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 22, 1984 client therapist errors overrigidity secondary

All such cases can have their own peculiar complications. In the case of secondary personalities, the main operating portion who usually directs activity might be male, displaying all of the usual male characteristics. [...]

[...] All of the constructive beliefs mentioned throughout this book should be applied to all of the instances in this chapter. [...]

[...] The subject itself is so vast that, of course, an entire book could easily be devoted to it, so it is impossible to cover all the issues that may be involved with such cases here.

TPS2 Deleted Session February 24, 1972 repression conscientious February etc job

After that he feared deeply that all adverse comment of his, or negative remarks, would make you worse. Your illness frightened him more than anything else since his life with his mother, because he could not allow you of all people to be ill because of him, as explained.

[...] Because of his abilities he picked up your feelings all too clearly, but because of his fears he picked up your negative feelings. He was afraid you were not an artist after all. [...]

[...] Jane is perfectly able to work a daily quota of time without overseeing, just like anybody else, and to do all the other normal things people do, like take vacations, etc. If all parts of her being are allowed expression, I said, there would be no extreme reactions, as in the symptoms. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 940, February 3, 1982 center homey doorstep prepackaged stand

Regardless of your circumstances, your condition in life, your training or your aptitudes, at your own threshold you stand at the center of all realities—for at your center all existences intersect. [...] Each portion of the universe carries the knowledge of all other parts, and each point of a reality is (underlined) that reality’s center. [...]

[...] After supper tonight she suggested that I get the session notebook ready, although when I joined her in the living room at 8:30 she said she didn’t feel Seth around at all.

I have not given you complicated methods concerning out-of-body travel, and yet all of our books, by changing your attitudes, will help you bring about changes in yourselves that will automatically enhance such activities. [...]

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