
Results 1621 to 1640 of 1869 for stemmed:all

TPS5 Session 870 (Deleted Portion) August 1, 1979 upcropping bathroom jolted deep rearouse

[...] The dream reflected your deep concern, and your fear that he might not make it, but get worse after all. [...]

TSM Chapter Five Stevenson refrigerator Phil gumboils Rob

When Seth paused, Rob asked, “What do you have to say about Dr. Stevenson’s idea that this may all be Jane’s subconscious?”

[...] When we moved in to our present apartment, the kitchen held a stove and a small refrigerator that didn’t begin to hold all our food. [...]

[...] He made a few kindly but definite statements to the effect that we should know better, and suggested that the appliance be moved into the kitchen, where it would hold all our refrigerated food. [...]

TES2 Session 73 July 22, 1964 Pipers constructions chair seed depth

[...] I would first of all suggest, and only suggest, that the four of you continue an association, as I believe you will all benefit. [...]

Take your break, by all means.

[...] I will now bid you all a fond good evening. [...]

TES1 Session of January 4, 1964 cobbler Sarah Albert village bullets

[...] The cobbler came out of a back room into the front room and there she was, all in flames and screaming. [...]

[...] Yes, they had fish all year long, it wasn’t seasonal. [...]

[...] Some never went at all. [...]

TES7 Session 297 October 26, 1966 Topper journey anticipatory Bernard fear

[...] In projections most of all the self must be mobile. [...]

None of us are ever equipped, for general purposes, to perceive reality in all of its forms. [...]

[...] (Smile.) Basically however you see perception has nothing to do with the outer senses at all. [...]

TES7 Session 313 January 18, 1967 John company caucus m.j Chicago

[...] The product is in the works, so to speak, but that is all at present.

I keep picking up the J initial all evening. [...]

[...] Not far south at all. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 23, 1978 myth messiah factual Christ earthquake

[...] Man then understood that he did form his own reality in all of its aspects, both privately and en masse, and in terms of natural earth events, as well as for example the events of his society. [...]

(10:06.) That inner knowledge is behind all of his myths. [...]

[...] You can therefore naturally draw from Framework 2 all that you require.

TPS2 Session 632 (Deleted Portion) January 15, 1973 sell financial marketplace Nebene eat

[...] They aren’t all that mysterious. [...]

[...] I told Jane that I had been having a change of mind, and that perhaps she shouldn’t contract Seth’s latest book in advance after all. [...]

[...] After all, we do have money; money also is due from her father’s estate, royalties, Rich Bed eventually, and the sale of paperback rights by Prentice-Hall; ESP class also helps—Jane said she enjoys the class. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 7: Session 530, May 20, 1970 superself intense shadowy perceive table

[...] It is obviously filled with all kinds of phenomena (pause), that make no impression at all upon your perceptive mechanisms. [...]

[...] The intensity is all important. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 518, March 18, 1970 astute march environment chapter lapse

In the following chapter I hope to give you an idea, quite simply, of our existence, the work in which we are involved, the dimension in which we exist, the purposes that we hold dear; and most of all, of those concerns that make up our experience.

TES5 Session 236 February 28, 1966 drawing smudges tracing horizontal stickers

(Jane said that out of all the connections we made, practically all of them referred to my tracing-paper drawing rather than to the actual envelope object itself. [...]

[...] Seth said that on occasion suggestion will reach all levels of the personality, that our voice will be heard throughout the personality, and that effective action will follow. [...]

[...] This is quite all right, and to be expected.

TPS7 Deleted Session December 22, 1983 spasms surmised legs houseboat Margaret

[...] This all means, obviously, that we do need help from others—whether they be lawyers, doctors, nurses, publishers, or whatever, and this way we stay in contact with the rest of our world. [...]

[...] I’d surmised that their living conditions, in spite of the money they’d earned all their lives, represented their poor belief systems. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: March 1, 1984 glittering kingdoms crinkling interruption grass

and there I was, on all fours

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 22, 1984 pussycats cookies Cupboard southern buttercups

out in the sun, where all

TPS5 Jane’s Nap Dream August 20, Monday thief sky swank darting Jr

[...] Right in front of us was the sky, which somehow came right down to the floor; the view was spectacular and the sky was doing something very strange; it was all made up of large sky-folds which blew and changed, huge folds coming down from inexpressible heights, past us, I think. [...]

TES3 Session 117 December 23, 1964 holidays enigmatic overtime shortest baking

[...] Jane had been working in the kitchen all day in preparation for the holidays. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 13, 1984 irs Olson Suzanne calorie Dana

(Jeff was in — said results of all of the tests showed a blood infection. [...]

TES5 Session 215 December 8, 1965 candle flame Roy height test

[...] At first I was joking about the idea, but when Jane said it was all right to go ahead with the idea, I took her up on it. [...]

On one hand, basically, the self is limitless, both electromagnetically and because of the nature of action, which affects all other action. [...]

(During this break Jane said she had the feeling the pocketbook data, given at the end of Peggy’s test, might not refer to Peggy at all, but to “something or someone else.” [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 9, 1981 Walter public inferior Oswego encounters

[...] All this time she was so uncomfortable in her chair that I thought she’d pass up the session, although I’d been hoping she’d get at least a little something on herself; I thought we shouldn’t be losing any chances to do so at this time. [...]

[...] In all probability, however, someone who was that publicly attuned would not be able to have our own kind of sessions to begin with, for the mixture of abilities would be of a different sort. [...]

[...] Motions are being restored in terms of circulation and activity—joints, ligaments, nerves and muscles all being involved. [...]

TES9 Session 496 August 18, 1969 Foss Crosson gallery Reverend Fox

[...] All of this took several minutes, which I endured impatiently.

[...] Save now all of your people (portraits), and do not sell them locally.

(Humorously:) A weekend with the Crossons seem more or less inevitable, and will be of benefit to all four of you.

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