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TPS3 Deleted Session August 10, 1977 ligaments distractions bodily artillery nerves

Just about all of the ligaments are softening, and then releasing, in a rather rhythmic pattern. [...] All of this adds up to a good amount of bodily commotion, I admit.

[...] One of the primary attitudes, however, had to do with trying “to fight all battles at once” —a good many of them imaginary. He tried to escape from DISTRACTIONS—in capital letters—in a black-and-white fashion, making no distinctions at all. [...]

The picture fit together so well, in fact, that you say it was a smooth overall performance; as stated, those head tensions eventually caused all the other difficulties. [...]

SDPC Part One: Chapter 2 poems peach moons aesthetic poetry

On this hazy, lazy day
All thoughts drop to sudden end,
As if the sullen air
Into itself a puncture drew,
So trees and houses and all we know
Were gently drawn to follow through —
Then quickly, like a holocaust,
A container tipped at end at last —
All our thoughts slide away
Into a hole that time has made.

These poems were all written in spring and summer of 1963 and concern life in general:

One and one makes nothing.
Arithmetic destroys us all.
Subtraction is the answer
To our hypothesis.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 8, 1984 suicide youngsters lowest upward escapist

The propelling force in all of existence is the desire to be, however — the impetus toward expression, development, and fulfillment. Some people who consider suicide believe in life after death, and some do not — and in the deepest of terms all deaths are somewhat suicidal. [...] There are certain conditions, however, that promote suicidal activity, and the termination of one’s own life has been held in great disrepute by many religions and societies, though not in all.

[...] Turn your attention to something else entirely, and mentally say, “To hell with it all for now.” [...]

In nearly all matters of poor health, or unfortunate living conditions or mental or physical stress, there exists a strong tinge of denial, fear, and repression.

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

[...] All of these qualities are manifestations of All That Is, or consciousness, or energy, or whatever. Probabilities aside, when Seth talks about cells [or their components] recombining as parts of plant or animal forms, as he does in the 705th session, Jane and I don’t take that to mean the evolution, or alteration, of one species into another — but that a unity of consciousness pervades all elements in our environment, whether “alive” or “dead.” With the concept of probabilities in mind, however, much of the “thrust for development and change” that Seth also mentions as existing inside all organisms, could just as well take place in those other realities. [...] And behind all, Seth insists upon the condition that each of us chose to experience this camouflage reality within this historical context.

[...] But material awareness and bodily response to it would be impossible were it not for these internal webworks … I am saying that all exterior events, including your own bodies with their insides, all objects, all physical materializations, are the outside structures of inside ones that are composed of interior sound and invisible light, interwoven in electromagnetic patterns.

[...] Whether their beliefs are rooted in the tenets of conventional biology (Darwinism), for instance, or allied with those of the creationists (who hold that God made the earth and all of its creatures, just as described in the Book of Genesis), the advocates of rival theories have impressed me as having at least one thing in common: No matter how violently they may disagree, their arguments lack all sense of humor. [...] For surely, I found myself thinking as I read all of those antagonistic ideas, spontaneity and joy were the very ingredients that Seth would place uppermost in any theory or scheme of life’s “beginnings,” regardless of its philosophical stance.

TPS1 Session 475 (Deleted) April 14, 1969 abundance negative Imagine paintings flexible

[...] Consider all of your contacts as possibilities, all of which may unfold, but do this imaginatively rather than willfully.

[...] The feeling of expectancy is all important, that in the end all good can come today.

Remember that all of your behavior was not negative however, and give thanks for those abilities and accomplishments that are your own. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 15, 1981 ness singularity participation single child

[...] A child’s curiosity goes out in all directions. [...] Its consciousness spreads out to include all that it perceives, while still retaining a sense of its own singularity. [...]

[...] They play at being all of those things. [...]

[...] The child does not have to cry out or address or search for a particular kind of God, because it understands through such subjective behavior that its own precious singularity is also a part of the greater us-ness of all other creatures, and that its singularity is automatically assured, as is its own us-ness within that larger context. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 17 Nicoll Sue bitter probable Carl

Great as these things are, there is a totality of experience and sensation that includes them all, a vortex that contains and transforms these infinite parts. [...] Yet, each minute event immeasurably increases not only itself but all other events, bringing into birth by its own actualization an infinitude of novus actions and events, an unfolding or multi-dimensionalizing of itself, an initiation into dimensionalization. For all versions and possibilities of each event must be actualized in the limitless multiplication of creativity.

[...] We are struggling past a large factory, when all at once I am sitting with Jane as Seth again, watching the snow dream as if it were a movie. [...] We all make the safety of the house, and I wish all the characters in the dream peace and safety from the killer fog. [...]

[...] I wonder if the town is Sayre, Pennsylvania and if we are all really there or if we have made this place up. The other people go away, and I go sit down next to Jane, and, to my surprise, they do not acknowledge or recognize me at all.

TPS5 Deleted Session December 8, 1980 Bufferin hips controversy editors issues

(9:55.) Overall, being is its own reward—not that there are not others, but that being obviously makes all of your experiences possible, so you cannot tie being up in a package of work only, regardless of the nature of the work. All of this goes back to ideas that existence must be justified, and Ruburt’s early ideas that writing would justify his life—but writing should express life, and is an expression of being, an expression of spontaneity, an expression of emotion, of body as well as mind (all intently). [...]

[...] All in all, he felt that to be a fairly reliable and adequate framework, whether or not he might get better terms someplace else financially, or in other ways. [...]

[...] Jane cut out much of her dosage—and all of the Bufferin—and her hearing cleared up within a day or so. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 646, March 7, 1973 foods conscience serpent grace reflexes

(11:55.) The concept itself existed long before Christianity’s initiation, and was told in various forms throughout the centuries and in all civilizations. [...] It represents the emergence of the conscious mind and of the strongly oriented individual self from that ground of being from which all consciousness comes.

[...] A part of him very naturally yearned for that primeval (louder) knowing unknowingness that had to be abandoned, in which all things were given — no judgments or distinctions were necessary, and all responsibilities were biologically foreordained.

[...] Unfortunately, conscience as you think of it is an untrustworthy guide, speaking to you through the mouths of mothers and fathers, teachers and clergy — all perhaps from distant years, and each of whom had their own ideas of what was right and wrong for you and for humanity at large.

NotP Chapter 1: Session 753, August 4, 1975 psyche wristwatch local birthright woods

[...] The watch itself might change shape, or turn heavy as a rock, or as light as a gas, so that you could not read the time at all. [...] Different portions of the psyche are familiar with all of these mentioned occurrences — because the psyche straddles any of the local laws that you recognize as “official,” and has within itself the capacity to deal with an infinite number of reality-hyphen-experiences.

[...] This would not be a static elongation, however, but a vivid delving into that moment, from which all time as you think of it, past and future and all its probabilities, might emerge.

[...] Other terms with which you are familiar, we will squeeze out of all recognition. [...] The psychologist, the priest, the physicist, the philosopher or the guru, can explain your own psyche to you only insofar as those specialists can forget that they are specialists, and deal directly with the private psyche from which all specializations come.

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 889, December 17, 1979 units waves cu particles operate

[...] However (pause), in its purest form a unit of consciousness can be in all places at the same time (forcefully). It becomes beside the point, then, to say that when it operates as a wave a unit of consciousness is precognitive, or clairvoyant, since it has the capacity to be in all places and all times simultaneously.

[...] All of the inventions that you often think now happened quite by chance—the discovery of anything from the first tool to the importance of fire, or the coming of the Iron Age or whatever—all of that inventiveness was the result of the inspiration and communication of the dream world. Man dreamed his world and then created it, and the units of consciousness first dreamed man and all of the other species that you know.

[...] Each particleized unit of consciousness contains within it inherently the knowledge of all other such particles—for at other levels, again, the units are operating as waves. [...] Metaphysically, they can be thought of as the point at which All That Is acts to form [your] world—the immediate contact of a never-ending creative inspiration, coming into mental focus, the metamorphosis of certainly divine origin that brings the physical world into existence from the greater reality of divine fact. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970 ps Rachel Mathilda gateways premium

[...] They are methods that you use as a part of all consciousness to form new experiences and new developments. You all dwell in dimensions that know no place and no time, and so Ruburt is correct for when you ask me of places and times I answer you in terms of places and times, and when you know enough to ask me questions that do not have to do with places and times then you will understand more of your own identity, the nature of your existence and the abilities that are inherent within you. [...]

[...] You are, in other words, apparitions and in a gigantic mass hallucination you all agree upon the people that you see, and you all pretend that you are the selves that you see but you are far more than this. [...]

All of our regular students attend classes, whether you know it or not. [...] You all have tasks to perform. [...]

TES4 Session 164 June 23, 1965 impeding action illness stimuli unifying

On a very basic level, as consciousness with a self (but no conscious “I” exists in the most minute division of consciousness), all action and all sensations and all stimuli are instantly and automatically and joyfully accepted, regardless of their nature. [...]

[...] I record all dreams I recall, as does my wife.

Such actions naturally possess all the characteristics of action in general, and therefore will seek other methods of materialization and expression. [...]

TPS2 Session 600 (Deleted Portion) December 13, 1971 cordella Alphabets language shambalina impressionism

[...] I have it all down all right.”

In quite different terms however it is a language that is at the base of all languages, and from which all languages spring in your terms. [...]

[...] It is hidden within all languages, whether or not they sound at all similar, for it is based upon the immaculate integrity of feeling, for which sound is only a dim representation.

TPS6 Deleted Session March 25, 1981 philosophical issues defenses newscasts dangerous

[...] All of you have a hand in the formation of world events. Those connections are worked out at all levels of reality, in the waking state through your communication devices and culture, and through the far more complicated arena of the culture of dreams. [...]

You have been taught for centuries in one way or another that repression, generally speaking, now, was all in all a natural, good, social and moral requirement, that expression was dangerous and must be harnessed and channeled because it was believed so thoroughly that man’s natural capacities led him toward destructive rather than positive behavior. [...]

[...] Through all of man’s religions and philosophies that line of thought has been most prominent; those who had the most energy suffered from it the most, of course. If you did not believe that energy was more naturally dangerous than beneficial, you would not have any difficulties at all concerning issues like nuclear bombs.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 27, 1970 Florence puzzle leash degradation segment

[...] It did all of you good mentally, psychically, spiritually and imaginatively to try to answer our friend’s question for the same question, in precisely the same terms, was in the back of many of your minds. [...] She does this all the while being sure that she does not have psychic abilities to develop and is not using them at all. [...]

I bid you all a fond good evening, and when I speak to you in the dream state it is to make up for what I cannot say to you in class. [...] Scales and all. [...]

[...] I suppose we are all pretty equal but each of us is a portion of a larger identity which may not be equal to others.”)

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 585, May 12, 1971 drama internal religion outward religious

They serve quite clearly as human representatives of All That Is. Now since each individual is a part of All That Is, to some extent each of you serve in that same role. In such a religious drama however (long pause), the main personality is much more conscious of his inner knowledge, more aware of his abilities, far better able to use them, and exultantly familiar with his relationship to all of life.

[...] There is comprehension of the meaning of all existence within each personality. [...] This greater dimension cannot be materialized in a three-dimensional system, yet the knowledge of this greater dimension floods outward from the innermost heart of being, and is projected outward, transforming all it touches.

(10:00.) Now these people are chosen by others to manifest outwardly the interior truths that all intuitively know. [...] On the one hand, such individuals receive their unearthly abilities and power from their fellows, contain it, exhibit it in the physical world for all to see. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 866, July 18, 1979 cancer norm Autistic host children

[...] All those questions,” she said when I asked her about her silence. All those things I’m supposed to answer…. [...]

[...] After all, I said, man is but one species who creates his perception of the living earth in concert with nearly innumerable other species — and each other species does the same thing from its viewpoint. [...]

[...] That cooperation goes unnoticed, largely, yet it rests firmly upon the stability that is characteristic within all life. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 18 probable selves bike Rob Carl

They have evolved beyond all probabilities as we understand them yet, outside of probabilities, they still have existence. [...] Yet, none of this is meant to deny the individual, for it is the individual upon whom all else rests, and it is from the basis of the individual that all entities have their existence. [...]

[...] ‘At that moment they created you out of their fears and negative emotions, with all their talents but with all their aggressions and bitterness too. [...]

But what is the point of all these probable selves? [...] Seth is still discussing probabilities in his own book, so we don’t have all the answers, by any means. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 674, July 2, 1973 Christ Gospels affirmation love Matthew

Perfection is not being, for all being is in a state of becoming. This does not mean that all being is in a state of becoming perfect, but in a state of becoming more itself. All other emotions are based on love, and in one way or another they all relate to it, and all are methods of returning to it and expanding its capacities.

[...] (Pause.) I do not like to use the term “He,” meaning God, since All That Is is the origin of not only all sexes but of all realities, in some of which sex as you think of it does not exist.

[...] The same consciousness gave birth to all of your religions, therefore; the various frameworks through which the peoples of different times could express themselves and grow. In all cases the religions began with the beliefs prevailing, spoke through the dictums of the times, and then expanded. [...]

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