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NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 803, May 2, 1977 chair sculptor die disasters patterns

Right now I’d bet that man will most certainly try with all of his might every technique he can devise in order to prolong physical life as long as possible — so great is his conscious fear of death as the consummate extinction for all time to come. Through all of his recorded history, man has created that fear, that belief, with the greatest tenacity imaginable.

[...] There is, however, an inner environment that connects all consciousnesses that dwell upon your planet, in whatever form. [...] That activity provides you with all exterior phenomena.

[...] For who, knowing that for all practical purposes he or she is “immortal,” will want to risk that most precious gift of all — life — by doing anything that could rudely take it away? [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 7, 1982 sinful love beset expression threatening

[...] I felt so many emotions churning within me that I wondered just how I was supposed to express all of this love amid all of them. Was I supposed to just rise above all of them and forget everything else, or what? Before the session I’d told Jane that I’d always felt that in our relationship my own contributions were doomed to fall short of what she wanted and expected from me —that I’d always felt I couldn’t give all she needed from a marriage partner. [...] My feeling here has always been that it’s my doing that we have any private material at all—that she’s always avoided it. In present terms I think that situation is just another example of the workings of the sinful self —to avoid challenge, to have its own way at all costs.

(Perhaps, I thought as I wrote these notes, I’d become badly conditioned over the last 15 years, so beset by constant worry and frustration that a “simple thing” like the expression of love became lost somewhere amid all the rubble. [...] I couldn’t believe that after all this time and effort over the years, we were back to square one, trying to figure it all out. [...]

(She talked about how a strong part of me had served as a catalyst in her own work and love, but this only made me wonder how I was to utilize those qualities in our relationship and work while ignoring all those other factors—mostly negative ones—that seemed to operate all the time. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 13, 1972 Timothy Foote Seagull Bach Claus

[...] His characteristics were such that his energy would carry him beyond in all areas, if they carried him at all. [...]

[...] Timothy Foote, Jane and I got along very well; seemingly we all liked each other. [...]

(As it was, Seth spoke very briefly to Timothy Foote at about 3:00 PM, discussing some remarks all of us had been making about Freudian psychology. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 901, February 18, 1980 optometrist lenses snake glasses waken

(Long pause.) You all have physical parents. Some of you have physical children as well—but you will all “one day” also be the mental parents of dream children who also waken in a new world, and look about them for the first time, feeling isolated and frightened and triumphant all at once. All worlds have an inner beginning. All of your dreams somewhere waken, but when they do they waken with the desire for creativity themselves, and they are born of an innocent new intent. That which is in harmony with the universe, with All That Is, has a natural inborn impetus that will dissolve all impediments. [...]

This early man (and early woman) regarded the snake as the most sacred and basic, most secretive and most knowledgeable of all creatures. In that early experience it seemed, surely, that the snake was a living portion of the earth, rising from the bowels of the earth, rising from the hidden source of all earth gods. [...]

[...] All of those journeys followed literal paths that were given as information in the dream state. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 11, 1971 classroom gown awaken yourselves strangers

Now some of you will be able to come further with me, and those of you who can, I ask you, still with your eyes closed then, to awaken to the reality of another classroom in which you are all involved and in which our two new guests also sit. A classroom that you visit in the dream state, and that is quite as real as the physical room that you visit once each week, and in that existence there are other students, and they are all portions of your own realities. They are other personalities all a part of you, and they come from many times and places, in your terms, and there are many teachers and some of those teachers also are other portions of your own personalities. [...]

[...] And let them form a foundation upon which you can climb to find your own reality and your own existence that is in itself independent, both of my words and even of the room in which now your bodies sit, for that independent inner self wanders through all existences that you have known, in your terms, has a wisdom and knowledge that you can use. And each of you in a greater sense knows the nature of your own vitality, and none of you are alone or have ever been alone for within you is the knowledge of all the personalities that you are, and within you are those abilities to be used and tapped. [...]

Now feel, again within yourself, the birth and emergence of ever new energy so that it pulses within all the reality that you know. [...] And let all of you remember what you have learned, and where you have been. [...]

TES1 Preface Rick published binders Roberts eight

[...] How do I thank all of those thousands and thousands who have written, let alone the millions who have bought books and told others about them? All have helped create the living psychic reality within which Jane’s and my work has been nurtured and grown. Our work is really dedicated to one and all, then. [...] I’ve saved them all from the beginning. [...]

These eight to ten volumes are meant to show Jane’s and my growth—in the most literal way—but always that of my wife, above all else. From the start we felt that if our “psychic” work had value it should be presented as is, within all of its human connotations; not only its great successes, but with its gropings and mistakes, its questions and learnings along the way. [...]

I often think—like every day—that from “where she is now” in her larger reality, Jane must watch our all-too-human manipulations in this “physical” reality with great compassion and understanding, and probably with some amusement, too, as in our frantic days of living we try to get everything done. To do what we’re supposed to do as well as what we want to do, to finally get it all just right for our individual purposes.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 16, 1984 berserk invader immunity vie temp

If you tried to hold all of those subconscious memories uppermost in your mind all of the time, then you would literally be unable to think or act in the present moment at all. [...] It is perhaps easier to imagine a continuum of consciousness, for you have a body consciousness also, and that body consciousness is itself made up of the individual consciousness of each molecule that forms all parts of the body itself.

[...] You also possess what is often called the subconscious, and this merely consists of feelings, thoughts or experiences that are connected to your conscious mind, but would be considered excess baggage if you had to be aware of them all of the time. [...]

If you had to use that kind of process before you could move a muscle, you would get nowhere at all, of course. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 11, 1984 Darvoset porch Irises unwrapped sit

(I saw no drainage at all from her right knee, and I believe the swelling on her left shoulder had decreased considerably. She was quite uncomfortable at times through the afternoon, but all in all I think she was better, which means that our approach these days is helping considerably.)

(Jane asked that I read her some Seth material, so I picked the last nine sessions — starting with our new resolve and intent on July 30, after the long layoff since July 4. They’re all short sessions, but now carry all of our hopes for the future, and so far have been paying off. [...]

[...] “Just the possibility of being able to go home and sit on my porch again … I want to believe it so, with all my heart and soul …”

TPS5 Deleted Session October 11, 1978 Poett poverty imagination demeaning motives

It might be a good idea to examine that statement, for in the truest sense of human motivation, the fact is that despite all appearances to the contrary, the imagination and the will are never in conflict.

[...] But people who write you, for example, saying “I want to make good money, but all my jobs are innocuous, or I have none,” are not facing the fact that for the time being, at least, they want poverty. [...]

[...] It usually escapes all of your attempts to cow it, to reason away its pictures. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 9, 1971 secrets Valerie Maggie clouds agony

Now my young friend, and all my dear young friends, first of all Joan Grant is a highly intelligent and very gifted woman. [...]

[...] Now Miss Grant could, instead, you see, be full of the joy that exists in all personalities and in all pasts, and she could be as much help to the individuals involved but working from an entirely different level. [...]

[...] You cannot inhibit the recognition of one feeling without getting into the habit of inhibiting all your feelings. [...] It is as if the sky then decided to reject the black clouds and then, through association, decided to reject the white clouds; and, through association, to reject anything at all that might appear within it. [...]

TES3 Session 142 March 22, 1965 selves outthrust action Trainor self

But as it is not wise to dispense with the idea of nationalism without gradual growths of understanding and preparation, and while the idea of nationalism cannot suddenly be dispensed with, so also the ego cannot be, and will not be, overthrown overnight; and even when it is finally left behind, it will still be used as a handy reference point; and through all this the self will not lose but gain, for all expansion outward, and expansion inward is a gain, and all boundaries, whether inward or outward, are hampering and limiting. [...]

Because there is no time, as you think of time, we will not say that action retains a memory of all its previous actions or selves, for this would be misleading. Action is aware of itself in all of its spontaneous and simultaneous workings. [...]

And yet in another sense all selves are one self, in that all selves are action.

TPS4 Deleted Session October 24, 1977 faith Framework crash intimacy sustained

[...] Faith in a creative, fulfilling, desired end, sustained faith, literally draws from Framework 2 all of the necessary ingredients, all of the elements however staggering in number, arranges all the details, and then inserts into Framework 1 the impulses, dreams, chance meetings, motivations, or whatever is necessary so that the desired end then falls into place as a completed pattern.

[...] All those things should follow naturally from the original idea. After all, I told Jane, getting the books distributed is our main goal; now it would be great to see that happen without the impediments we’ve put in the way all this time.

[...] It is the fiber behind all organizations and relationships, and it is based upon the innate, natural knowledge possessed by each new creature—the knowledge that it springs from a sustaining source, that its birth is cushioned by all the resources of nature, and that nature itself is sustained by the greater source that gave it birth.

UR2 Appendix 25: (For Session 732) counterparts Norma Herriman Peter Granger

[...] Carl Jones knows Bill Herriman and Bill Granger well — but Bill Herriman and Bill Granger have never met; all three are obviously males; all bear a general physical resemblance; all fall within a certain rather broad age bracket. [...]

(I suppose that one can find all sorts of variations within counterpart situations, all sorts of reasons for such affiliations, so I can merely hint at a few here as they rise out of the class framework or orbit around it:

(Our suspicions entered in, however, when Jane and I realized that between us [and including each other] we were personally acquainted with nine counterparts: All but one of them [Alan Koch] were class members. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 8 Sunday, May 23, 1982 quantum Marie rheumatoid arthritis theory

In all of this I’ve barely hinted at the complicated relationships involving other family members from the past, present, and future. [...] And what’s my role in all of this, for heaven’s sake (to make a pun)? [...] But it’s even possible that all together Marie, Jane, her grandfather, and I set up the original situation before the physical births of any of us—and in some probable reality (if not in this one) we did do just that! [...]

[...] Particularly when I consider the “news” on the typical front page of the typical daily newspaper: All too accurately the “stories” of war, pollution, corruption, and poverty and crime show just how little we human beings know or understand ourselves at this time—and how far we have to go, individually and en masse. As the years have passed, I’ve come to trust more and more my own insights into our behavior as a species within the framework of a nature that I believe our kind has co-created with every other species on the planet (to confine my theme to just our immediate environment for the moment). It all seems very complicated, certainly, but as I manipulate in everyday life I don’t consciously dwell upon all of the ramifications I’ve mentioned in these essays. [...]

It should be obvious by now that in a large measure all of the selves and approaches I’ve delineated in these essays simply represent Seth playing around semantically, as he tries to get various portions of his ideas through our heads at certain times. All is one, basically, as he knows—and can feel—far better from his vantage point than we can from ours. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 625, November 1, 1972 interior sound composed electromagnetic nerves

[...] I am saying that all exterior events, including your own bodies with their insides, all objects, all physical materializations, are the outside structures of inside ones that are composed of interior sound and invisible light, interwoven in electromagnetic patterns.

(9:28.) The atoms and molecules within you are quite literally dying and being completely replaced all the time. [...] They are all that is presently observable, however, of far greater interactions that also occur.

[...] They are the motive force of action (pause), the means by which all interior events are exteriorized. [...] They are a part of the creative force from which all realities spring. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 919, June 9, 1980 master overlays Christianity events original

(Pause at 9:31.) I said that in your terms (underlined) all universes were created (underlined) simultaneously—at the same time. [...] Also, I use time terms, since you are so used yourselves to that kind of categorizing, so here we will certainly run into our first seeming contradiction (see the last session) — when I say that in the higher order of events all universes, including your own, have their original creations occurring now, with all of their pasts and futures built in, and with all of their scales of time winding ever outward, and all of their appearances of space, galaxies and nebulae, and all of their seeming changes, being instantly and originally created in what you think of as this moment.

[...] New chapter (9): “Master Events and Reality Overlays” (all with much humorous emphasis).

In your terms other universes, with all of their own space and time structures, were created simultaneously, and exist simultaneously. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 1, 1973 improvements tomatoes badminton tendons mobility

[...] They were all the result of beliefs also. [...] He realizes now that the body’s reality is the framework through which all must come in this life, and that limiting its vitality will eventually end up limiting all experience and all “work.”

[...] The changing entails adjustments at all body levels, so there are in-between periods, so to speak, physically in your terms, as all portions of the body react to any given improvement.

Now: all of Ruburt’s presently-past beliefs added up to his physical condition—his beliefs in the nature of time, work, the body, his particular nature—they all tied in together perfectly.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 20, 1971 Florence ii secret Ron observe

[...] Now if this were not the case you would be dealing with my friend, Seth II, all of the time so you had all better watch out. [...]

You will all find your own blessings I am sure. I bid you then a hearty good evening and my best wishes to you all. [...]

All right, then you shall be, but you will feel apart from the group unless you do what they have done. [...]

TMA Session Twelve September 22, 1980 disclaimer Parker textbooks Prentice intellect

[...] (Tam told Jane it’s putting disclaimers in all Parker books.) It knows how to deal with fiction. It knows how to deal with conventional textbooks — but in a fashion our books combine all of those elements, and transcend them. If Prentice were as conventional at heart as its legal department, it would not publish books at all, except perhaps for the textbooks.

(All week we’ve been doing additional medical notes for the copy-edited manuscript of Mass Events. [...] We’ve even considered withdrawing Mass Events from publication, although Tam reassured Jane this morning that things would work out all right. [...]

[...] You saw the disclaimer as fact, imagined it in your minds on the pages of our books, projected all of that onto future books, and for fine good measure you both imagined this famous disclaimer published in editions of all the books as well.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 8, 1970 Florence puritan umbrella guts violence

[...] Now had the lights been off and candles burning dimly and incense added then, indeed, you would have all had a time. As all of you know, the spirits are somewhat more lively. [...]

Now, in all of your minds there is still this conception that what you want to do automatically, because you want to do it, must be wrong because it is too easy. [...] This universe is not maintained by conscious thought and if all of you together had to consciously decide ahead of time why the universe should exist, it would not exist, for you would not have made up your mind yet. [...]

Now, I bid you all good evening. [...]

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