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TES9 Session 439 September 30, 1968 triangle company John messenger Philip

All probabilities taken into consideration, it seems now that the man at the apex of the triangle will topple, but if so he will not understand why. [...]

[...] All of this is dependent upon the initial triangle in the present, that I have described.

[...] If I thought you might do otherwise then I would not give you this particular advice, but you have made your decision so you may as well throw all of your energy into it. [...]

TES6 Session 280 August 24, 1966 indispositions sprain hay Wollheim cheese

[...] All in all you did well. [...] All of those dreams, grouped during your illness, were projections, and the result of suggestion. [...]

First of all, some personal comments.

(“No, I’m all right. [...]

TES9 Session 460 January 27, 1969 Ace sale Wollheim endeavors impetus

You feel that all of your energy must go into the painting at hand. [...] You cannot close one creative door without closing all of them to some degree. [...]

[...] It was as though she had passed through some great experience in triumph, she said, and would not be called upon to repeat it—all the travail, etc., involved.

First of all, briefly, an answer to your second question.

TMA Introduction by Jane Roberts magical Rob camera trancetime whirred

Rob’s notes helped me realize that all of this wasn’t as alien as it usually seems. [...] That way was proving to be not so rational at all, incidently. [...]

[...] I took that to mean that I would shortly be on the move again creatively, and to be prepared, so I had Rob help me move all my writing materials from the small breezeway where I’d finished The God of Jane, into the new patio back room, as a gesture of being ready to start over.

[...] The motion seemed to be all exterior, from the too-warm wind that blew into my small studio from the back hill, to the shadows of moving foliage outside that flickered across the floor.

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 3, 1978 Wayne flamboyant discipline housewife shine

Each person’s nature, however, innately possesses all of the qualities and characteristics necessary to bring about its own fulfillment. [...]

[...] All of them, recognized as a part of his nature, would basically work together in the most auspicious, satisfying, and fulfilling of fashions. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s nature will see to it that he has time to do all the important things he wants to do in any given day. [...]

TES9 Session 503 September 24, 1969 astral fetus Midge burned encourage

Now Ruburt’s energies are being released, and once this process begins, as it has, then all the inner improvement will seem to appear at once, though they are the results of several months. [...] Ruburt should tell himself now that all other tensions can leave through his fingertips, not back up there you see but go completely outward. [...]

[...] I feel it all around me. [...]

(Jane added that “If I opened my mouth, I feel like my voice would really fly out real loud, as though I’ve got all this energy and don’t know what to do with it.” [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 738 February 19, 1975 hill Foster house Avenue privacy

[...] All in all, I thought she was “recovering” quite easily from Seth’s data, and that she was helped here because we’d revisited the hill house today. [...]

[...] Once you had it where you live now, for all of your criticism. [...]

[...] Walk around that yard all alone at night….”

NotP Chapter 4: Session 765, February 2, 1976 women male sexual female hunting

Now: Historically speaking, early man in his way understood those connections far better than you do, and used language as he developed it to express first of all this miracle of birth. For he saw that he constantly replenished his kind, and that all other species were replenished in the same manner.

[...] You are each individuals first of all, then. [...]

[...] There were children of various ages in such a band all the time. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 31, 1984 dealer optimism car migrations Monarch

In all such cases there is an inbred biological faith, that courage and vitality, that biological optimism. [...] Even then, however, all creatures are sustained by that innate gift, that inner sense of security that not only propels creatures toward life, but safely conducts them past physical life and past death’s doorway.

Many birds in their fantastic migrations demonstrate an amazing optimism, traveling thousands of miles to distant shores, almost literally flying by faith, as it were, ignoring all dangers, unbeseiged by doubts. [...]

You yourself did an excellent job interpreting your own dream, covering all of its main points and meanings. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 10, 1984 antibiotic urine heparin sample temperature

[...] No sooner did we find that out than one of the two aides returned to take more blood — they “want all they can get,” Jane swore. [...]

[...] I suppose they’ll want to take my temperature and blood pressure all over again, too.”)

[...] She said it would take Jane perhaps half an hour to take it all in, and that afterward Jane would be given a small amount of heparin, which would keep the lock open for future doses. [...]

TPS1 Session 239 (Deleted Portion) March 7, 1966 dominate treat Philip woman primarily

The trivial conversations which you were all discussing would be helpful here, as reassurance. [...]

This is all you have achieved so far in that regard.

The adjustments necessary are not all on your part, but your adjustments can initiate hers. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 3, 1984 moaning crying teary Georgia opera

[...] I’ll do the best I can … I don’t know if I can … All right, I’ll try.” [...]

[...] Above all, reassure him, and feel its presence. [...]

These elements are all living and highly potent in the affairs of his life — so that in no way do his relationships with his mother (pause) become any isolated concentration, existing apart from the other affairs of life. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 15 precognitive pamphlet Anna decontamination motorcycle

What is the point of it all? [...]

[...] Once more, I’m up at all hours, scribbling down my latest dream notes, checking them eagerly against daily happenings.

[...] Cars came from all directions. [...]

TES1 Session 36 March 18, 1964 distortions choice arrived ache meddling

[...] There is some friendly disagreement; we are all here what you would call educators, and I sometimes fear that we become too concerned with methods. [...] Ruburt is dissociated but all the connections are left open.

[...] These opportunities exist theoretically, and yet for particular personalities do not exist for all practical purposes. [...]

First of all, such distortions will almost always occur either in the beginning of a session or toward the end, and distortions in the material itself will not as a rule occur in the middle of sessions.

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

[...] However all potentialities are latent in each and every unit, regardless of size, and no combinations or coming-togethers are accidental, but are governed by inner principles of organization. All combinations of particles are voluntary, and based upon principles of value fulfillment, which operates within and causes those acts or motions which are conducive to the formation of more complicated gestalts.

[...] Water was of course all around.

[...] The organizing principle of small particles into larger particles lies within the particles themselves, and is directed from within in all cases.

TPS2 Deleted Session August 7, 1972 Rochester Venice Loren shuddering woman

On one occasion he did almost come very close to the feeling of freedom necessary, but all the suggestions need to be followed, not simply the ones he happens to remember at any given time. [...]

The feelings or emotions automatically reach out, therefore, altering all objects within your reality, but from the particular focus point of its emergence. [...]

(“No, I’m all right.”)

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 546, August 19, 1970 suicide choosing heaven evil impediments

[...] There is one point I would like to mention here: In all cases, the individual creates his experience. I say this again at the risk of repeating myself because this is a basic fact of all consciousness and existence. [...]

[...] If you believe, for example, that all good must be balanced by evil, then you bind yourself into a system of reality that is highly limiting, and that contains within it the seeds of great torment.

[...] The god-versus-devil, angels-versus-demons — the gulf between animals and angels — all of these distortions are impediments. [...]

TES4 Session 197 October 11, 1965 electromagnetic test Peggy identity dog

[...] I have told you that all experience is basically psychological, and that it is held in coded form within the cells. [...]

All of an individual’s experiences, even those of which he is not aware on a conscious basis, therefore are part of the electromagnetic reality that forms this particular individual’s electromagnetic identity. [...]

[...] I say intact, for to all purposes this is so. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 6, 1978 Stuart hero threats cloning Francisco

I mentioned the Cinderella myth—and there, everything will come out all right in the end, somehow. Its opposite is a feeling that nothing will ever come out all right because the universe itself is meaningless. [...]

[...] A novelist, being himself or herself writing a book, will nevertheless imaginatively live the actions of all of its characters—the villain, the hero, the madman, the saint or whatever—and a true creative gestalt is involved. [...] The plot is left open, but in the deepest terms the whole self, through its personalities, probes deeply into the meaning of life in all of its manifestations. [...]

[...] He told me that within the last five hours something had happened that he’d feared all his life: he’d lost the last of his energy. [...]

TES8 Session 403 March 16, 1968 Pat Reed Dick male godlike

[...] At the same time, you hope and pray subconsciously that the man will disappoint you because this male in your mind has godlike qualities that attract you; on the other, you see him as all powerful and as one who gives out punishment and one who is unreasoning and cruel because you felt that your father was cruel. [...] He was the source of all and yet he could at the same time take all away. [...] Because you were a male in past lives, you resented this all the more strongly. [...]

[...] You have not seen him as he is, for you have endowed him with all these qualities of which I have told you, and with all the fears that go with them. [...]

[...] This is to assure yourself that, after all, the male is not so all powerful. [...]

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