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NotP Chapter 10: Session 793, February 14, 1977 children play imagination games adults

I mention this here simply to point out the similarity between some dreams and some children’s games, and to show that all dreams and all games are intimately involved with the creation and experience of events.

Children practice using all of their senses in play-dreams, which then stimulate the senses themselves, and actually help ensure their coordination. [...]

[...] All of this teaches a specification. [...]

TES8 Session 417 June 17, 1968 stream refreshment Cayce emotional prospectus

My personality is what makes the material unique, for it is information sifted through an individual that is unique from all others. [...] It is perfectly proper, beneficial and legitimate for him to make any intellectual investigations he chooses, concerning differences in perception in our sessions, and when he is psychically involved on his own, and all other, intuitive or intellectual studies of this sort he has in mind. [...]

(Humorous.) The stream flows down from high inaccessible mountains, but it will all pass by if you are patient.

[...] Like action, the material moves out in all directions. [...]

TES8 Session 421 July 8,1968 spontaneity problems pent solved endeavor

[...] The overcensuring, when it appears, shows itself, of course, in all spontaneous areas of his life—physical, psychic, creative and spiritual.

[...] His mother, for all her emotionalism, stressed intellectual control, contrasting it with the father’s lack of control. [...]

[...] On Ruburt’s part the early religious experiences also initiated the deep quest for inner knowledge that is behind all creative endeavor, and that served as an impetus.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 24, 1977 Nebene foreshortening pendant Egyptian Framework

“I can think more creatively and positively in all areas of my life. I can move faster and more surely in all areas of my life. [...]

[...] I still need all the help I can get.”)

[...] There is no such thing as hypnosis—or, all thoughts involve hypnosis. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session November 29, 1971 love woo him insurance right

As has been noted, all normal aggressive feelings toward the mother had to be masked. [...]

[...] He was operating to a large degree according to the code long set down by his grandfather: be quiet, do not argue, be aloof, and above all never raise your voice.

The term, woo back to health, is an excellent one, quite apropos to a large extent in all such conditions, and operating beneath most symptoms despite their nature.

TES4 Session 198 October 13, 1965 test marsh motel photo electromagnetic

[...] All of these systems are interconnected. They all operate simultaneously. [...]

(All in all, Jane was pleased with the results of the test. [...]

[...] Such healing dreams come most often when the inner self deeply feels a sense of desperation, and automatically opens up channels from deeper layers of the self, that have been closed for all effective purposes.

TES8 Session 404 April 8, 1968 plenty financial dwindling Maltz exercises

[...] First of all, all negative attitudes must be removed from your consciousness. [...]

[...] It’s hard to ask them all at once on short notice though.”)

(“I’d like to forget all about it.”)

TES3 Session 119 January 6, 1965 outer ego Jung subconscious animus

It is this inner director who maintains all of these functions, and who is responsible for the physical health. [...] It is this inner director who chooses the dream symbols in such a way that they will be meaningful to all layers or areas of the subconscious, and who is responsible for the amount, rate and type of subconscious data which is given to the outer ego by means of the intuitions.

It is the ego or directive consciousness behind all personified aspects of the subconscious; in dormant fashion however, and contrary to Jung’s propositions, within the subconscious and in those personified aspects of it will be found remnant memory personalities of past reincarnated selves. [...]

The outer ego, being of later development, is jealous of its position and would have all knowledge at its fingertips. [...]

TES3 Session 138 March 8, 1965 dilemma action identity vitality stability

[...] There are dimensions of action from which all diversity arises. All individuality that seems to be swept away because one action seems to terminate another, such individuality is indeed the result of the dimensions of action.

Unfoldings continually occur, and all identities, with a few exceptions, contain within them also other identities, not duplicates. [...]

Action is therefore a part of all structure. [...]

TES7 Session 320 February 20, 1967 compulsive pamper token denial sweaters

Now all of this should be taken with other material that I have given you, for all these reasons clicked together at the time. [...]

[...] Ruburt should brush his animals; all of this for its symbolic meaning, but symbolism reinforced on the sense data level.

[...] At this time the plan is excellent, to offset the tight discipline that Ruburt attempted to force upon all other elements of the personality. [...]

TES8 Session 357 July 31, 1967 Venice Pete Jet fire dimensional

First of all, though you did not ask, I am not the subconscious of our friend Ruburt, or as you call him, Jane.

[...] For habit enters in here, as in all endeavors.

The purpose is the expansion of consciousness itself, and this automatically leads to the knowledge that every consciousness is connected to every other, and that any harm to one is harm to all. [...]

TPS5 Session 886 (Deleted Portion) December 3, 1979 impulses zounds grist imposed ve

[...] It contains some excellent material, and it seems that just recently, especially with all the fuss about foreign publishers, I’ve just begin to really put it to fruitful use. [...]

(With all of the recent hassles involving family visits, publishers, and so forth, I’ve begun keeping that session in mind often. [...]

Personal, now: both of you know all that—that is, the material I have just delivered. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 26, 1984 inbred predispositions attitudes Ronald sunny

[...] I knew that Jane was in the house somewhere, that she was walking perfectly all right, and that Jim had come to see her, not me. [...]

[...] Thus, being in a hospital with all the negative suggestions could operate telepathically as well as overtly to slow down healing. [...]

[...] You can see (long pause) the results in life all about you, though in animals or plants these are experienced as a matter of feelings rather than, say, as thoughts or attitudes.

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 909, April 21, 1980 genetic deformities doodle gifted liabilities

(Long pause.) Your species as a species includes the idiot and the genius, the stupid and the wise, the athletic, the deformed, the beautiful and the ugly, and all variations in between. There are genetic cultures operating, then, of literally infinite variety (intently), and they each have their place and their reason, and they each fit into the overall picture—not only of man’s reality but of the planet’s reality, including all of nature.

[...] You all look quite alike, with one head (amused), two arms and legs, and so forth, as a rule. [...]

[...] So as we progress, I hope to show where all of these situations fit in with the development of the individual and the species.

TPS3 Deleted Session January 7, 1974 writer talent amaryllis womanliness duty

[...] All other portions of the self were pared down so that the writer, he thought, could function better.

Creativity, and artistic creativity most of all, is spontaneous. [...]

[...] He felt this also in his relationship with you—that he could serve you best by writing and cutting out all other activities. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 584, May 3, 1971 mediumship forty rapport reluctance sold

The information was not to be given to “born believers,” but to intelligent people, and to a “medium” who questioned it, not only for himself but for all those given to the same kind of questioning. As Ruburt grows to understand, therefore, and as he continues to develop, he triumphs not only for himself but for all those who follow his ventures. [...]

[...] The decision was always his, however, and had he not accepted at all, other arrangements would have been made.

All of this was decided by you both, and by me before you began this particular lifetime. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Wednesday July 6, 1977 wheels circles alot hardboiled wipers

[...] And there’s the feeling of circular ripples from the small wheels, going all the way down to the right foot and toes; and with this, the feeling that these small wheels, circles, or clock-works have been too tight; constricted; and that these in the head are the “master ones” and as they release, motion is being restored to some degree all over. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 539, July 1, 1970 seventy rain racketing sirens death

After-death environments exist all about you, now. [...]

It is as if your present situation and all its physical phenomena were projected from within yourself outward, giving you a continuous running motion picture, forcing you to perceive only those images that were being transposed. [...]

First of all, you must realize that they exist. [...]

TES6 Session 266 June 9, 1966 eagle moose bending object tag

As you know, you create or construct all physical matter. [...] All thoughts are composed of energy, and from our discussions you realize that there are electrical intensities within whose range all reality exists.

[...] Yet all fashions you see are legitimate, as far as physical sense apparatus is concerned. But the mental or psychic energy behind all this is the one basic reality.

[...] All physical matter exists first as an idea or mental image. [...]

TES1 Session 20 January 29, 1964 camouflage outer neurotics senses inner

(Jane had no voice phenomena this session, nor any changes in her hands; the same rings she was so troubled by last session bothered her not at all this time. [...]

[...] I do after all, and regardless of what you may think, credit you both with a certain sense of intelligence and imagination.

[...] I am beginning to get into some material that is relatively difficult to explain, considering that I must take all of your camouflage patterns into consideration.

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