2 results for stemmed:ager

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 2, 1984 sonnet privacy priest hypnosis ager

(“I became a priest of God to learn what sin is,” she also wrote. The priests she saw while she was living with her mother hadn’t liked those works, and castigated her for writing them. Jane rebelled. She refused to get a dispensation from the church so she could read certain works. She told me again about the book-burning a priest had conducted in her back yard, when she was a teen-ager. This is some of the free-association material we discussed on May 1.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 10, 1984 insects traps hibernating Karina creatures

[...] She seems to think the actual episode of Father Darren chasing her around the bed when she was in that hotel room with him as a teen-ager is changed, whereas I thought Seth meant that the original event remained, but that her psychological understanding of what had transpired changed a good deal. [...]