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(10:08.) The psychic abilities and the creative abilities—nearly impossible to separate—themselves provide all of the help that he requires, but the concept of the Sinful Self prevented him from using those abilities sufficiently—for how can the expressions of the Sinful Self be trusted? [...]
[...] His psychic recognition or initiation represented a remarkable breakthrough, meant to give him that additional psychic room that would insure the continued expansion of the abilities of the natural self. [...]
[...] Ruburt’s creativity broke through those frameworks to provide our sessions and to release the psychic abilities that had earlier been nearly but not completely repressed. [...]
In the light of this discussion, now, that self was as unrealistic at its end of the spectrum as the Sinful Self was at the other, for Ruburt felt that he was supposed to demonstrate a certain kind of superhuman feat, not only managing on occasion to uncover glimpses of man’s greater abilities, but to demonstrate these competently at the drop of a hat, willingly at the request of others. [...]
[...] You have their abilities, unused. You remain latent in their personality structures, and your main abilities are unused within their systems. [...]
[...] Certain abilities will be more developed in them than in you, but certain of your abilities are more developed than theirs. [...]
[...] When your own projections improve and grow more frequent, it is at least possible, with your abilities, that you will come into contact with some different psychological structures, and then I can tell you more.
[...] The packs represented abilities as well as burdens, you see. He was afraid of his abilities and his burdens. [...] He leaped into life, denying himself the use of his abilities because of the responsibilities they entailed, hence the separation.
Instead, you tried aloofness but kept intact and with you your abilities and responsibilities. [...]
You saw that she still carried, as Jane, the abilities and responsibilities while in the middle of the stream. [...]
[...] You are knocking down those abilities that are your own because you conceive of them as feminine. And in your mind you are setting Margo up as highly efficient because she has those abilities that you think should be your own because you think that they are masculine qualities. [...]
Now you must forget such ideas—that a male has certain abilities and a female has certain abilities. [...]
[...] You are not here to accept ready answers; you are here to use your abilities, to consider your problems as challenges and to work them out. [...]
[...] If that portion of yourself can make all the scientific and biological deductions necessary to maintain your physical organism, then indeed it has the abilities to solve these other problems. [...]
[...] Because of such fears as I have spoken about this evening, many people never use their true creative abilities at all. [...] Their abilities yearn for release, and overall their lives are, in your terms, incredibly dim. [...] I will be physically flexible, but I will no longer use my creative abilities in the ways natural to me.” [...]
[...] You both possessed such strong creative abilities, however, that once expressed they were bound to create attention. There are many variations on the same thing that the artist, the revolutionary thinker, the genius, would be punished by his fellow men, or even be betrayed by his own abilities. [...]
[...] He is free to use all his abilities physically, psychically, creatively, and spiritually. [...] When you realize quite literally and practically that you have no other person or authority to fear, then you are free to be yourself to the best of our “ability.”
[...] Such people also know however that intuitively they possess the ability to conquer any such barriers. [...]
His abilities will indeed improve to a large degree. Your own strength and balance and inner abilities provide a large part of the psychological climate in which we can operate. [...] I have promised you that I would explain more clearly the nature both of your abilities and their part in our venture, and so I will.
[...] But the first portion of our program has been completed in many other ways, having to do with the development of abilities, and with the development of that gestalt which we now form.
It was from the beginning necessary not only that Ruburt’s abilities be developed, but also that Ruburt’s ego not be left in the dark.
[...] Each child should be educated as early as possible by their parents, so that the youngsters are repeatedly reminded of the body’s natural resources and healing abilities.
[...] This will help him uncover the reasons for his distrust of the body, so that he can begin to feel a new sense of the body’s reliability, resourcefulness, and powerful healing abilities.
I may or may not return this afternoon, but I do again accelerate your own healing abilities, and quicken those coordinates that accelerate your own sense of well-being and safety.
Now embarked upon our work, which is also your work, wholeheartedly, your painting abilities and writing abilities will be fully used and developed, and so will Ruburt’s abilities. [...]
[...] But in his own way, and no matter how misguided, he was trying to pace himself and his temperament with yours, to play up those mental writing abilities that would help his career, and in which you took such pride—and while doing that, play down qualities that might distract you from your own work, by encouraging physical activities—parties, vacations, travelings, that would further take up your time, when you were already taking time away from your art to help him in psychic work.
[...] Ruburt is using his natural abilities and the fulfillment helps physically.
[...] The degree represents your practical ability to use inner knowledge to solve problems.
[...] The conscious self was not to be left by the wayside, wondering while the intuitional abilities led to fulfillment. [...]
[...] Those who do not understand their abilities intellectually must one day be led to question them. [...]
[...] As Ruburt thrusts ahead, trusting his ability in his poetry, so he should in his psychic work, and now in vigorous physical activity. [...]
[...] She scored some remarkable “hits” psychically and made some errors — yet she ended up thinking that her demonstrated abilities often collided with what our society teaches us is possible in human activity. [...] And Seth, very briefly commenting upon the search while it was still in progress, remarked to an out-of-town group of visitors that Jane was endeavoring to use her psychic abilities on her own; and that the assurance she was gaining through her efforts would be much more valuable to her than any she might derive from Seth himself “doing all the work.”
(I think that because of the very nature of the abilities she’s chosen to develop in this life, Jane will always find such manipulations necessary. [...]
[...] But my dear Joseph, there is no true practicality in smothering your abilities by working in a position where you cannot use your abilities. You will not be paid for abilities you cannot use, since I know you must think in financial terms. Your ego’s job is to help you trade your true abilities for your daily bread.
[...] The abilities of the tree are latent in man as, dear Joseph, are the abilities latent in the tree.
[...] The state of consciousness involved here is dull as compared to the highly differentiated human ability in many ways.
[...] It maintains contact awareness and the ability to manipulate itself in two completely different worlds, so to speak, one in which it meets little resistance growing upward, and one composed of much heavier elements into which it must grow downward. [...]
Each time you practice with the use of psychological time, you add to your abilities, though results may not always be immediate. [...] You show a good deal of ability along this line, and possess an inner willingness to experiment, that will stand you in very good stead.
[...] There are gradations in the degree of materialization here, in that the secondary body would be absolutely normal-appearing in all respects, or could be less so, according to the ability of the traveler.
[...] You are further along than even I had imagined, and so it is possible that such purposeful visits are within your abilities now. [...]
Your abilities, and Ruburt’s, of course do vary, as is natural, and it is possible that you may be extremely gifted in this particular fashion.
[...] I accept my ability to walk normally wholeheartedly. I accept my creative abilities wholeheartedly. I accept my psychic abilities wholeheartedly. I accept the natural ability to relax normally, wholeheartedly. [...]
In those terms it is like a creative venture, finished to the best of one’s ability in the given medium, and leaves one with a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, and completion. [...]
Now these are powerful and “magical” statements, and as Ruburt made them mentally he could psychologically feel his agreement with any given one, and also the degree with which in the past he had not wholeheartedly accepted those abilities, but had set up certain restrictions about them—so a new flash in communication was set up, and new recognition came into his conscious mind. [...]
[...] (Pause.) And here we do find abilities shown, ignored and misused through a succession of lives. A rather classic example of the progress followed by many psychically-endowed, but in poor control of their personalities and abilities. [...]
[...] For this reason the abilities have not as yet come to fruition. [...] The personality in the past used psychic abilities for the wrong purposes. [...]
For some time you have all been searching, and I hope to show you how to ask the proper questions; for in the questions you will find the answers, and in the answers you shall be yourselves; and knowing yourselves fulfill your purpose and expand the limitations of your own consciousness until you can search out the past and the present and see yourselves as you are, and know that you are more than you think you are, and fulfill those abilities which you have partially developed in past lives. [...]
Some of the material in this session is extremely valuable in the handling of health problems, because of its clues in rousing the creative abilities from one area of life to another. The great thrust of creative abilities, utilized in the health area, will automatically bring Ruburt flexibility. [...]
[...] You have only to encourage these, and to have faith in the body’s abilities and intents. [...]
As Ruburt tries more physical activity even in the house, the creative abilities will automatically trigger certain processes so that he finds himself mentally concerned for example with what he will cook, or what cupboard he will wash, or whatever. [...]
The peace of mind will enrich his creative abilities—and that will automatically minimize whatever fears he has that physical activity would cut down on his creativity.
[...] Health should be considered then —and this is important—as a means to a desired end; full productive creative work; full use of abilities; daily enjoyment; helping others. [...] Health as a means to excellent performance in fields that are important to him; health as a means to use those abilities with which he has been honored; health as a means to bring joy to himself and hence to others; health as a source of strength that is available always to help him use those abilities and to fulfill his destiny here, now...
[...] If our friend feels fully productive, exuberant and free to use his abilities, then he will be entirely healthy. [...]
[...] Those healing abilities, that exuberance and love of life, is from a deeper layer of the self.
There is no doubt in this deeper layer that full abilities will be used, and potentialities carried out, and there is no time to this portion of the self. [...]
You have, again and again (with amusement) an unconventional mind, unconventional abilities—abilities that straddle several fields of endeavor. [...] Because you have both utilized your abilities and tried to bring some release to that postcard world, your works have automatically resulted in a comfortable living. [...]
[...] I do not want to overemphasize this point, so do not overemphasize it yourself—but the idea is that you sometimes become angry at your own “unconscious creative abilities.” I put that in quotes because you equate creative abilities as largely unconscious. [...]
(Pause.) I do not want to give you a big head, but your wit and your abilities simply place you in another area of activity, for which you should be grateful. [...]
(Pause.) Most men’s abilities are prosaic enough and conventional enough so that their value can be ascertained—or worked out by labor unions (amused). [...]
(9:10.) Psychic abilities, as such, were relatively unimportant to Ruburt when the Sinful Self was receiving all of this instruction, so in that regard they, taken alone, were simply seen in a somewhat worse light than the creative abilities. [...]
(“I’ve been wondering lately about how much of a role his psychic abilities have to do with the intensity of his reactions to his childhood experience. [...]
The creative abilities after a while were themselves suspect. [...]