4 results for stemmed:tubb

TES7 Session 304 November 28, 1966 list Bernards scramble package Tubbs

(“Also a white border. The impression is certainly of some kind of photograph here. Ruburt now thinks of a woman and a child, and of a photograph of Marie Tubbs and a baby, in Florida… I feel we are off here, but that the connection is valid.” There is a Florida connection, and this led Seth to the Tubbs connection for our friend Marie also lives in Florida.

Also a white border. The impression is certainly of some kind of photograph here. Ruburt now thinks of a woman and child, and of a photograph of Marie Tubbs and a baby, in Florida.

(I tried something a little different during the experiment and Jane said now that she didn’t know whether it helped or not. The idea being simply to offer Seth encouragement when he was right, or close, or to ask a question at the moment to develop a bit of data further. She was aware that the approach was different. With the exception of an image of a photo of her schoolday friend, Marie Tubbs, Jane said she did not know if she had any images or not.

TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate

(In an effort to further clear up Seth’s rather involved interpretation of Jane’s dream of September 7, I made it a point to ask Jane just before the session was due tonight about the statement Seth-Jane had made on page 46, involving Jane’s friend, Marie Tubbs, in childbirth. [...]

(Tubbs, of course, was Marie’s maiden name. [...]

[...] The correct interpretation was that of a vessel, the ship, in which the Tubbs woman toured; the breaking bag, winds unexpected during a day of travel during the cruise.

TES3 Session 93 September 30, 1964 tub Larry leaked pajamas theatre

At the same time the word tub referred also to a friend of his, a woman whose maiden name was Tubbs, and informed him subconsciously that she was in difficulties, as when the tub or old washing machine leaked. [...]

[...] Jane has not heard from her schoolgirl friend Marie Tubbs for some months, and if Marie was pregnant we did not know it. [...]

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

[...] In it he said that although he was not sure, he thought Jane’s schoolgirl friend, Marie Tubbs, now living in Florida, may have been in childbirth at the time of Jane’s dream, with a possibility that the water bag had broken during birth. [...]